Server-side logging package
Server Logger
This package provides server-side logging for Node applications. Logging will be sent to Papertrail with the specified hostname when configured to do so. All properties of the package are configurable, but new Transports require development on this package, as the assumption is that only StdOut and Papertrail are supported. The following methods and parameters can be utilized to log:
This package allows for logging to happen according to the following levels, which correspond to a distinct degree of priority or urgency:
Critical: Application functionality is impaired.
Error: An error is occuring within the application, but no functionality is missing.
Warn: A message that could indicate a problem, but does not alter functionality or change the user's experience.
Info: Information that is required to understand the functionality of the method.
Debug: Additional information to help understand why certain behavior may be ocurring.
A message to be sent to the logging transport. String interpolation is fine, and welcomed. Ideal messages are ones that can be searched with an easy prefix that results in all of the logs being displayed sequentially. For instance:
log.info('dayAfterCron:NY: Found 13 New Events to Send Day After Emails To.')
log.critical(`dayAfterCron:NY: Event #${event.id} Missing Producer Email. Cannot Send!`)
# BAD:
log.info('Found 13 New Events to Send Day After Emails To.')
log.critical(`Event #${event.id} Missing Producer Email. Cannot Send!`)
In the first example, users on Papertrail can search for dayAfterCron:NY:
to find all the relevant logs. In the latter, they cannot perform any individual search that would allow the logs to be visible in order.
Additional Data & Errors
Additional data and errors can be passed along to the package with the second parameter, but must be structured as follows:
log.info(message, {data: Object, error: Error or InternalError})
If not provided as objects in this way, these values will not be logged.
# papertrailHostname is optional, and should not be provided in development environments.
# All hostnames are provided on an assignment-basis only. If you do not have one, please
# speak with a member of The Bosco's Engineering Team.
global.log = require('@thebosco/the-bosco-server-logger')({papertrailHostname: 'name-of-host')
global.log[level](message, {data, error})
For information on contributing to this package, please see The Bosco Internal Error where up to date information on contribution requirements are to be found.