An advanced command hander for Discord.JS v14
Discord.JS v14 Command Handler
This is an advanced command handler using Discord.js v14
Run npm i @thatbadname/discord-command-handler discord.js
in a console and you are done!
We reccommend that you copy and paste the example index.js code bellow into your index.js file for your bot. This will automagically create all the files that your bot will need to function.
Yep, there is a built in cooldown system. You can access it using
const Handler = require("@thatbadname/discord-command-handler")
Handler.main.cooldown(client, key, {id: 0123456789012345678, personal: 0})
is your discord.js client, key
is, for example, the command name (it can also be a button id, ect), {id}
is the id of the user you want to put on cooldown and {personal}
is the cooldown time in seconds.
Command Handler Options
// The default values have been filled in
Handler.main.DiscordCommandHandler(client, {
mainDir: __dirname,
// The main directory of your bot
configFile: 'config.json',
/* Your bots config file. This should be a .json file and should contain:
where token is your bots token, clientId is your bots id and testGuildId is the main development/support server for your bot
eventsDir: '/events',
// This is the directory where all your event folders should be. Default The structure should follow: mainDir/eventsDir/<folder>/<eventFile>
commandsDir: '/commands',
// This is the directory where all your event folders should be. The structure should follow: mainDir/commandDir/<folder>/<commandFile>
components: {
main: '/components',
buttons: '/buttons',
selectMenus: '/selectMenus'
// This is where component files should be stored. The structure should follow: mainDir/mainComponentDir/<buttonDir|selectMenuDir>/<componentFile>
builtIn: {
automaticRepair: true,
helpCommand: true
automaticRepair, when enabled will create all the files that your bot will need to function. We reccomend leaving this as true if this is your first time running the bot
helpCommand, when true will create the help command and its parent directory. For this to work automaticRepair must also be enabled.
ownerIds: [],
// Put any ids of users that you want to be able to run ownerOnly: true commands
ownerOnlyMessage: 'This command is owner only',
// This is the message that will be sent if a user tries to use an ownerOnly command
cooldownMessage: 'Please try again <t:{time}:R>',
// This is the message that will be sent if a user tries to use a command while they are on cooldown. {time} will be replaced with the epoch timestamp of when the cooldown ends
allowPrefixCommands: false
// Should the bot let prefixed commands work
prefix: '!'
// The prefix of the bot. Only works if allowPrefixCommands: true
Making a new command
Here is an example of a very simple ping pong command. For more advanced command creation check out the Discord.JS docs
const {
} = require('discord.js') // Require SlashCommandBuilder from discord.js
module.exports = {
testOnly: true, // If true this command will only be available in your test server
ownerOnly: false, // If true this command will only be runnable if the users id is part of ownerIds
hide: false, // If true this command will be hidden from the built in help command
slash: true // Make it a slash command. You can use "both" to make it both slash and prefix
data: new SlashCommandBuilder() // The data of the slash command
.setName('ping') // The name of the command
.setDescription('Pong!'), // The commands description
async execute(interaction, client) {
// Put your commands code here
}) // Reply to the interaction with "Pong!"
And this is a prefixed command
module.exports = {
testOnly: true, // If true this command will only be available in your test server
ownerOnly: false, // If true this command will only be runnable if the users id is part of ownerIds
hide: false, // If true this command will be hidden from the built in help command
slash: false // Make it not a slash command
data: {
name: 'ping' // Name of the command
async execute(message, args, client) {
// Put your commands code here
}) // Reply to the message with "Pong!"
Making a new event
This is an example of a simple ready event
module.exports = {
name: 'ready', // The name of the event from the discord api
once: true, // If true this event will only run once
async execute(client) {
// Put code to execute when this event is called here
console.log(`[Startup] ${client.user.username} is online`)
Making a new (button) component
This is an example of a button component
module.exports = {
data: {
name: 'example-button' // This is the custom ID of the button
async execute(interaction, client) {
// Code to execute when the button is pressed
interaction.reply({content: `You pressed a button!`})
Making a new (select menu) component
This is an example of a select menu component
module.exports = {
data: {
name: 'example-selectMenu' // This is the custom ID of the select menu
async execute(interaction, client) {
// Code to execute when the select menu is used
interaction.reply({content: `You chose ${interaction.values[0]}`})
Example index.js
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require("discord.js")
const Handler = require("@thatbadname/discord-command-handler")
const client = new Client({
intents: [
Handler.main.DiscordCommandHandler(client, {
mainDir: __dirname,
configFile: 'config.json',
eventsDir: '/events',
commandsDir: '/commands',
components: {
main: '/components',
buttons: '/buttons',
selectMenus: '/selectMenus'
The package comes loaded with a few functions. These can be access using
const Handler = require("@thatbadname/discord-command-handler")
Id Generation
You can use the generateId function to make an id
// Usage
const Handler = require("@thatbadname/discord-command-handler")
Handler.functions.generateId(length, prefix)
// Example
const Handler = require("@thatbadname/discord-command-handler")
Handler.functions.generateId(5, 'D') // Returns something like: D-t76Kj
is the length of id that you want, prefix
is the prefix of the id