A package for writing convention-driven reducers and actions for Redux.
A package for writing convention-driven reducers and actions for Redux.
It provides, generic reducers and actions for all rest methods and a generic post methods: (create, read, update, delete, list and post).
The goal of this project is to handle all the hassle of writing reducers and actions for a REST API. Since most of the code will be the same overall the application it can be shared.
The idea is to provide generic reducers and action for the common redux pattern of REQUEST, SUCCESS, FAILURE.
It is meant to be use with redux-thunk middleware.
This project was made initially to works with a Django Rest Framework Api and the axios library , so some behaviours (especially errors handling) might works better with DRF. Feel free to PR for more generic solutions.
Each resource will have it's own reducer creating the following state:
const initialState = {
args: {},
item: {},
items: new Map(),
error: false,
errors: {},
loading: false,
status: "",
statusCode: 0,
- args: is set to action.payload in all REQUEST actions.
- item: is the item in READ & UPDATE actions.
- items: is a Map() used in LIST actions, For now Map() objects are sorted according to the API result and can be accessed by their uuid. For now only uuid keyed items are supported. TODO : handle any kind of primary key.
- error: boolean if last request failed or not.
- errors: set to response.data (if action is generated with the register method and used the standard api wrapper).
- loading: set to true in REQUEST set to false in FAILURE or SUCCESS.
- status: name of last action, e.g "create_request", "create_success", etc.
- statusCode: http code response.
Example of a reducer
* Account reducers.
import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import { CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE, LIST, POST } from "redux-crudo/utils";
import { apiReducer } from "redux-crudo/reducers";
// Handle read and update
export default const accountReducer = apiReducer("ACCOUNT", READ | UPDATE);
const AccountActions = apiActions("ACCOUNT", READ | UPDATE);
accountActions will contain the following action types:
And the following methods
readFailure: ƒ (errorCode, errors)
readRequest: ƒ (payload)
readSuccess: ƒ (payload)
updateFailure: ƒ (errorCode, errors)
updateRequest: ƒ (payload)
updateSuccess: ƒ (payload)
Assign a crud operation
import { apiActions, assignCrudMethod } from "redux-crudo/actions";
const AccountActions = apiActions("ACCOUNT", READ | UPDATE);
// Given that Services.Account.create is the api call method
AccountActions.create = assignCrudMethod(
Note on the api method.
Api methods must by async and behave like axios methods.
The assignCrudMethod
return an action that behave like this:
try {
const response = await apiMethod(args);
dispatch(SUCCESS(response.status, response.data));
} catch (error) {
dispatch(FAILURE(error.response.status, error.response.data));
So the API method should return a {response: { data: "...", status:
object on success. And raise a error = {response: { data:
"...", status: 200}}
on failure.
Warning on actions
API methods should only take one context object and destructuring it.
Services.Account.update. = async ({ id, data }) => {
return axios.patch(`${ACCOUNT_DETAIL}${id}/`, data);
Pay attention when writing mapDispatchToProps
to not destructuring too early.
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
handleSubmit: {(id, data)} => dispatch(AccountActions.update({ id, data }))
// or
handleSubmit: payload => dispatch(AccountActions.update(payload))