The Thallo Exchange NPM SDK allows developers to easily set up and integrate with the Thallo Api
Thallo Exchange NPM SDK
Package description
The Thallo Exchange NPM SDK allows developers to easily set up and integrate with the Thallo Api.
Getting started
Install the library
npm i @thallo.io/thallo-exchange-sdk
Import the library:
Using TS and ESM module:
import { ThalloApiSdk } from '@thallo.io/thallo-exchange-sdk'
CommonJS module:
const { ThalloApiSdk } = require('@thallo.io/thallo-exchange-sdk')
Create an instance of the Thallo Api Sdk client using your Api key and base url:
const thalloApiSdk = new ThalloApiSdk({ apiKey: 'API_KEY', baseUrl: 'https://BASE_URL', })
Functionality of the Thallo Exchange NPM SDK
Request code example:
const response = await thalloApiSdk.marketData.getMarketData()
Successful response with market data and pagination example:
{ projects: [ { projectId: '003c1hatqib9jbpwwl', vintages: [ { vintageId: '004l7azww8l14bnxio', vintageYear: 2014, sellOrders: [ { sellOrderId: '006qhwycj9iruixah7', quantityGrams: '300000000', priceCents: '600' } ] }, { vintageId: '004hlpexhy9dec7ef1', vintageYear: 2019, sellOrders: [ { sellOrderId: '0064zoo5hvefhr03yc', quantityGrams: '100000000', priceCents: '600' } ] }, { vintageId: '00410wiwk6v7q7aa10', vintageYear: 2020, sellOrders: [ { sellOrderId: '006o2wqvztvuzmadov', quantityGrams: '700000000', priceCents: '3000' } ] } ] } ], pagination: { perPage: 1, totalPages: 11, totalItems: 11, currentPage: 2, previousPage: 1, nextPage: 3 } }
Request code example:
const response = await thalloApiSdk.inventory.getInventory()
Successful response with inventory data and pagination example:
{ projects: [ { projectId: '003gpwgw7agtv6i9dn', vintages: [ { vintageId: '004n6oj3x71236shn2', wallets: [ { type: 'CAAS', quantityGrams: 999959n, trades: [ { executionDate: '2023-08-18T08:39:35.141Z', quantityGrams: 1000000n, priceCents: 20n, type: 'BUY' } ] } ] } ] } ], pagination: { perPage: 1, totalPages: 11, totalItems: 11, currentPage: 2, previousPage: 1, nextPage: 3 } }
Request code example:
const response = await thalloApiSdk.projectData.getProjectData({ projectIds: ['003c1hatqib9jbpwwl'], })
Successful response example:
{ projects: [ { projectId: '003c1hatqib9jbpwwl', projectName: 'Project 10', type: 'Hydro', location: 'TD', registryProjectUrl: 'https://registry.verra.org/app/projectDetail/CCB/904', sdgs: [ 'Life Below Water', 'Gender Equality', 'Infrastructure', 'Quality Education', 'Zero Hunger', 'Health and Well Being', 'No Poverty', 'Water Benefit', 'Economic Growth', ], registryId: '0050yd569dw0qbw5oy', registryName: 'VERRA', description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.', vintages: [ { vintageId: '004l7azww8l14bnxio', vintageYear: 2014, registryVintageUrl: 'https://registry.verra.org/app/projectDetail/CCB/904', }, { vintageId: '004hlpexhy9dec7ef1', vintageYear: 2019, registryVintageUrl: 'https://registry.verra.org/app/projectDetail/CCB/904', }, { vintageId: '00410wiwk6v7q7aa10', vintageYear: 2020, registryVintageUrl: 'https://registry.verra.org/app/projectDetail/CCB/904', }, ], }, ] }
Retire credits by the gram and automatically top-up inventory if required.
Request code sample:
const responseData = await thalloApiSdk.requestRetirement.requestRetirement({ vintageId: '00410wiwk6v7q7aa10', quantityGrams: '50', sellOrderId: '006o2wqvztvuzmadov', expectedPriceCents: '3000', externalId: '8964e68e-8c7d-4d77-9196-66635bf7a340', externalRetireeId: '0eb0dc50-2a9a-4289-bf61-fe298172464e', shouldRetireExternalCustomer: false, externalRetireeName: 'Alice Bob', externalRetireeLocation: 'AU', externalRetireeTaxId: '123456789', })
Successful response:
{ retirementRequestId: '00maxwb1x2ltjgh4ob', externalIdAlreadyProcessed: false }
Request code sample:
const responseData = await thalloApiSdk.retirement.getRetirement('00maxwb1x2ltjgh4ob')
Successful response:
{ id: "00maxwb1x2ltjgh4ob", status: "OPEN", totalQuantity: "4000100", type: "FRACTIONALISED", projectId: "003tcfgf70xwtr1dbc", vintageId: "004o7rnsz29fptz9uo", createdAt: 2024-02-05T10:51:12.319Z, retiredAt: undefined, retiredSerialNumbers: undefined, thalloProofOfRetirementCertificateUrl: undefined, shouldRetireExternalCustomer: false, allInvoicesSettled: false, retirementRequestItems: [ { id: "00p6y5rap05wpwt7km", quantity: "1000050", createdAt: 2024-02-05T10:51:12.319Z, retireeName: "Thallo Ltd", retireeTaxId: "123456789", retireeCountry: "GB", invoiceId: "00iy2jbppp8kwwg7vl", tradeId: "00gr2tgn2wbq8barqs" }, { id: "00pm1b32j6mmj9xgyp", quantity: "3000050", createdAt: 2024-02-05T10:52:28.902Z, retireeName: "Thallo Ltd", retireeTaxId: "123456789", retireeCountry: "GB", invoiceId: "00iy2jbppp8kwwg7vl", tradeId: "00gwapftj8tr7o2s4c" } ] }
To remove the lib
dir and rebuild:
npm run build:clean
npm run build
This will generate 3 folders:
- cjs
- esm
- types
This enables people to import either CommonJS
or ESM
and also provides d.ts
files for typescript typings