A bit like traceroute, but for green internet. Libraries used in Greentrace
Greentrace lib
The standalone library used by the GreenTrace App to show
where packets are hoping through the world when you make a request from your machine, based on the Geolite IP Database
which hops pass through infrastructure running on green energy, as listed by the Green Web Foundation
As a command line tool
This will run a traceroute, then print to STDOUT a GeoJSON file with coordinates for every IP address, as looked up in the GeoIP database.
npx greentrace --domain=yourdomain.com
Note: it's not fast. I'd welcome pointers on making this run faster, without losing too much info.
As a library
You can also run this as a library in a larger application. You can see this in use in the greentrace electron app, designed plot these hops on a map.
import GreenTrace from "@tgwf/greentrace-lib"
// return a Promise, that resolves to an array
const hops = await GreenTrace.trace(domainName)
// make this into something we can put on a map
const hopsAsgeoJSON = hops.toGeoJSON()
There are two licenses, for the code and data. See the LICENSE file for details.