A testx package for quick and easy installation of Jasmine reporters.
A testx package for quick and easy installation of Jasmine reporters.
To add Jasmine reports to your test run
Below are all configuration options (with default values).
const reporters = require('@testx/reporters-jasmine')
// set to false to omit this reporter
junit: {
dir: 'testresults/junit',
file: 'junit'
// set to false to omit this reporter
html: {
dir: 'testresults/html'
// set to false to omit this reporter
spec: {
displayStacktrace: 'none', // display stack trace for each failed assertion, values: (all|specs|summary|none)
displayFailuresSummary: true, // display summary of all failures after execution
displayPendingSummary: true, // display summary of all pending specs after execution
displaySuccessfulSpec: true, // display each successful spec
displayFailedSpec: true, // display each failed spec
displayPendingSpec: false, // display each pending spec
displaySpecDuration: false, // display each spec duration
displaySuiteNumber: false, // display each suite number (hierarchical)
// set to false to disable colors
colors: {
success: 'green',
failure: 'red',
pending: 'yellow'
prefixes: {
success: '✓ ',
failure: '✗ ',
pending: '* '
You can have all reports installed with their default values if you omit the corresponding options attribute. This means that if you just invoke it without an argument all reporters will be added with their default values, i.e.
If you do not want to add certain reporter simply set the corresponding option attribute to false. For example if you do not want to use the HTML reporter do
reporters({html: false})
For further details on configuring the HTML reporter please take a look at the TestX html-reporter.