A library that pick a credentials group session from a catalogue for a testing execution
TestComplete - UserManager
A library that pick a credentials group session from a catalogue for a testing execution.
Version :
Compatibility : TestComplete - NodeJS (Partial)
Script :
Dependencies :
: sjcl./node_modules/sjcl/sjcl.js
: Provided in the package./Base64.js
: @testcomplete/lockmanager./node_modules/@testcomplete/lockmanager/LockManager.js
: @testcomplete/loggerutil./node_modules/@testcomplete/loggerutil/LoggerUtil.js
: @testcomplete/sleep./node_modules/@testcomplete/sleep/Sleep.js
Test Project :
- Summary
- UserManager Setup for TestComplete
- Get Started
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Detailed Documentation
- Setting lock files location
- Setting user catalogue file location
- User Catalogue Manager
- Is the user group session picking has encounter an error
- Initialize a brand new catalogue file
- Pick a user group session to perform connection
- Dynamic method named with the credential system name
- Release picked user group session
- Setting lock files location
UserManager Setup for TestComplete
As this library is published on npmjs, you can easily get library with the following command if you have nodejs installed on your computer.
npm install @testcomplete/usermanager
Please confer to this documentation to add script in TestComplete :
Important : For this library, all file must be in the same folder, else the command line will not works.
Script List for the setup :
(From Package)./node_modules/@testcomplete/usermanager/UserManager.js
(From Package)
Get Started
The purpose of this library is to manage a user catalogue where testing executions pick a group user session to prevent concurrent user usage.
The catalogue which stored users is a JSON file which can be easily created with the library (or with the command line).
Managing feature provided by the command lines can be done by scripting, but I advise to use the CLI, but that implies the installation of NodeJS.
In this get stated chapter, we will see how to initialize the catalogue. Then we will see how to instantiate library and use credentials. We will not see here how to maintain the catalogue.
Creation of the catalogue file
This step must be done only once when you start with UserManager. To be functional, you have to define a shared folder reachable by all your TestComplete project to allow them picking a user from the catalogue. You will also need another shared folder to store lock file indicating the user group session is used.
So we will consider here we have a shared network device named S:/
For the creation we only need to setup the catalogue file location.
Note: You can perform the initialization with the command line interface. Please confer to the chapter Command Line Interface (CLI) > Catalogue file initialization. The hereafter code is purpose for a dedicated function to manage catalogue from TestComplete or for management rule.
const UserManager = require('UserManager');
let UserMgr = new UserManager();
// Set Location to the catalogue file
// Create Initial File
The initial JSON file is created with the following content :
"common": {},
"group_sessions": {},
"passwords": {}
Setting Up credentials
Please considering the instance of UserManager under UserMgr
const UserManager = require('UserManager');
let UserMgr = new UserManager().setUserCatalogueLocation('S:/TC_DATA/Technical/Users/catalogue.json');
First Step - Identifying & Setup of tested system
The main purpose of this library is to get a set of credential user for all different systems you will test during the execution.
If your tested systems accept multiple connection of the same user, you not will probably need to implement the UserManager library.
If at least one tested system has licence control done on sign on and prevent multiple connections, you will resolve the situation by letting UserManager picking a user group session from the catalogue.
Please considering your test works with 3 applications :
- The desktop application SAPLOGON where multiple connection are not allowed
- The web application SAP Fiori Launchpad where multiple connection are permitted
- A customer application available on the web Supplier Portal
Here we have 3 different systems each with it own user. I call them credential system.
To create a credential system please call method as following
// Creation of credential system 'saplogon' with common settings 'system', 'client' & 'lang'
system: 'XOM',
client: 120,
lang: 'FR'
// Creation of credential system 'fiori' with no common settings
// Creation of credential system 'supplier' with no common settings
// Save modification
Note: Considering you have a function to manage credential system.
The result for the catalogue is the following :
"common": {
"saplogon": {
"system": "XOM",
"client": "120",
"lang": "FR"
"fiori": {},
"supplier": {}
"group_sessions": {},
"passwords": {
"saplogon": {
"<setUser>": "eyJpdiI6IjFtcllxSUhpRVp3Z0NlK04vQWdoWUE9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJXeUFXUHlvZHFOYz0iLCJjdCI6ImV6R3lvYmFiR0RvPSJ9"
"fiori": {
"<setUser>": "eyJpdiI6Imc5U1ZiK1F3amhVcHpjb0M4RDRqZXc9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJXTlRDeHFIOGIvWT0iLCJjdCI6InF6eDl0TjE2QUhRPSJ9"
"supplier": {
"<setUser>": "eyJpdiI6InJNK3hWR05jbG4zVWF6OXhnZm9vb2c9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJLdnlBbWxjMmRvMD0iLCJjdCI6IitHNnE5aVMxWXlFPSJ9"
- credential system is identifiable by its common settings and assigned users. So a dummy user is created.
Second Step - Register users for each credential system
Once you have listed and created all required credential systems, you have to maintain users for all of them.
User creations simply consist to set password for named user for the specified credential system :
// Handling Users for 'saplogon'
// Handling Users for 'fiori'
// Handling Users for 'supplier'
// Save modification
The result of the catalogue next to the execution :
"common": {
"saplogon": {
"system": "XOM",
"client": "120",
"lang": "FR"
"fiori": {},
"supplier": {}
"group_sessions": {},
"passwords": {
"saplogon": {
"<setUser>": "eyJpdiI6IjFtcllxSUhpRVp3Z0NlK04vQWdoWUE9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJXeUFXUHlvZHFOYz0iLCJjdCI6ImV6R3lvYmFiR0RvPSJ9",
"TNR_USER_01": "eyJpdiI6IjAxam1BV3hhQm1hcStNUG9acVVETnc9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJrNDZObW9sTlMxOD0iLCJjdCI6IjVwYkEyd0MyQmx0cWUyeFpFdzBjVEE9PSJ9",
"TNR_USER_02": "eyJpdiI6Imh1STZwTUN3cFhRWVppZ0FpdEpNenc9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJVMzlWemEyWlV0ST0iLCJjdCI6IlBRT1lrRUd2RnZxWTRoSy9jV3piU3c9PSJ9",
"fiori": {
"<setUser>": "eyJpdiI6Imc5U1ZiK1F3amhVcHpjb0M4RDRqZXc9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJXTlRDeHFIOGIvWT0iLCJjdCI6InF6eDl0TjE2QUhRPSJ9",
"TNR_USER_01": "eyJpdiI6IkszR3pkVWxVS2hrYkFqZllUL0h2YWc9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJmdklBeGVVWnloTT0iLCJjdCI6ImVubkFhdWx4QUZxUHYrM1h0WjhkREQwWVd3PT0ifQ==",
"supplier": {
"<setUser>": "eyJpdiI6InJNK3hWR05jbG4zVWF6OXhnZm9vb2c9PSIsInYiOjEsIml0ZXIiOjEwMDAwLCJrcyI6MTI4LCJ0cyI6NjQsIm1vZGUiOiJjY20iLCJhZGF0YSI6IiIsImNpcGhlciI6ImFlcyIsInNhbHQiOiJLdnlBbWxjMmRvMD0iLCJjdCI6IitHNnE5aVMxWXlFPSJ9",
Third Step - Create Group Session
The UserManager will pick a group session to lock a set of user. We have to create group sessions to made set of user.
We will create three group session allowing three concurrent test execution.
// Save modification
The result of the catalogue next to the execution :
"common": {
"saplogon": {
"system": "XOM",
"client": "120",
"lang": "FR"
"fiori": {},
"supplier": {}
"group_sessions": {
"saplogon": "<setUser>",
"fiori": "<setUser>",
"supplier": "<setUser>"
"saplogon": "<setUser>",
"fiori": "<setUser>",
"supplier": "<setUser>"
"saplogon": "<setUser>",
"fiori": "<setUser>",
"supplier": "<setUser>"
"passwords": {
Fourth Step - Assign user to Group Session
The final step is to assign users to a group session.
A user can be used to none to many group session.
- Assign user
of cred. systemsaplogon
to group sessionGROUP_SESSION_01
// Assign user 'TNR_USER_01' of cred. system 'saplogon' to group session 'GROUP_SESSION_01'
// Assign user 'TNR_USER_02' of cred. system 'saplogon' to group session 'GROUP_SESSION_02'
// Assign user 'TNR_USER_03' of cred. system 'saplogon' to group session 'GROUP_SESSION_03'
- Assign user
of cred. systemfiori
to group sessionGROUP_SESSION_01
- Assign user
of cred. systemsupplier
to all group sessions :
- Save your modifications
// Save modification
"common": {
"saplogon": {
"system": "XOM",
"client": "120",
"lang": "FR"
"fiori": {},
"supplier": {}
"group_sessions": {
"saplogon": "TNR_USER_01",
"fiori": "TNR_USER_01",
"supplier": "TNR_TECH_USER"
"saplogon": "TNR_USER_02",
"fiori": "TNR_USER_02",
"supplier": "TNR_TECH_USER"
"saplogon": "TNR_USER_03",
"fiori": "TNR_USER_03",
"supplier": "TNR_TECH_USER"
"passwords": {
Important: All steps can also be done from the command line interface which is documented in the dedicated chapter Command Line Interface (CLI).
Consuming credentials.
Important : Consuming credentials works only with TestComplete.
As the catalogue can be managed thanks to the CLI or with your own implementation in TestComplete using previously describe methods, this chapter is the most important to use by consuming user group session from the catalogue.
When a user group session is picked by a test execution, the library UserManager raised two lock files :
- A file with the user group session picked with an generated ID in its content.
- A file named with generated ID reserved for the test execution.
Both file allow the library to retrieve the appropriate user group session at any time until the release statement is performed.
So before consuming the user catalogue, we have to setup the location where the catalogue is and a folder path where you will store lock file.
// Load Library
const UserManager = require('UserManager');
// Instantiate & Setup
let UserMgr = new UserManager().setUserCatalogueLocation(
'S:/TC_DATA/Technical/Users/catalogue.json' // Path to the file
'S:/TC_DATA/Technical/Users/Locks' // Path to the folder
Once instance is configured, you can picked a user group session. The user group session picking will return your instance enriched with dynamic method reflecting your credential system.
Note: There is no boolean returned for the method getUserSessionGroup
because it's return the instance. In the case where there is no more group
session available (not able to acquire lock on group session),
an error message is raised in the log.
Retrieve Username & Password
As mentioned previously, the user group session enrich the instance by creating dynamic method.
In our catalogue, with have three credential system :
Each credential system is a method that returning a object with these method :
which returns the credential system user id.password()
which returns the decrypt password of the credential system.signed()
which allows handling of a flag indicating if the user is currently signed or not :on()
which turning flag totrue
indicating connection is up.off()
which turning flag tofalse
indicating connection has turned off.
if you turn flag to signed orfalse
all global properties set incommon
for the credential system are accessible by using its name.
So considering the following script which perform SAP Logon connection :
// Perform SAP Connexion
// SAP System ID
// SAP Client
// SAP User
// SAP Password
// SAP Language
// From this point, signin is OK
Please find below a code sample how to implement user group session release which also works when an error occurs in TestComplete.
let UserManager = require('UserManager');
let Deconnection_gui = require('Deconnection_gui');
* Release locks file set for the run execution.
function ReleaseUserSessionGroup($bNextToError = false) {
// Retrieve User Session group for usage status
let oUserMgr = new UserManager().setLockFolderLocation(
if ($bNextToError) oUserMgr.logger().warning('An error has occurred. Stopping execution...');
// If user are used, perfrom signoff
if (!oUserMgr.hasError() && oUserMgr.saplogon().isSigned()) {
oUserMgr.logger().warning('Closing SAPLogon connection to freed user.');
//We checked if the Browser is still on
let nTimeout = Options.Run.Timeout;
Options.Run.Timeout = 1000;
if (Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Exists)
Options.Run.Timeout = nTimeout;
// Release Lock File
* TC Event OnStopTest which stop Project execution and call function to release
* locks file to prevent usage of all group sessions.
* @param Sender
function OnErrorReleaseLockFile_OnStopTest(Sender) {
if (Project.Variables.gv_stop) {
Command Line Interface (CLI)
To simplify the catalogue maintenance, UserManager is provided with a command line interface
To use CLI, you need NodeJs is installed.
I will suppose that NodeJs is installed because, we use npm to install dependencies.
The CLI file is UserCatalogueManager.js
which is available in the root
folder next to UserManager.js
You can place the script file anywhere on your computer until you update
the line 59
which is pointing to the main library UserManager.js
// Update path to UserManager.js
const UserManager = require('./UserManager'); // Here, in same location
Once CLI file is setup, open a Bash interface or a Windows command cmd.exe.
In the command window, browser to the location of file UserCatalogueManager.js
Call script without any options to get help :
Usage : UserCatalogueManager [IFILE] [OPTIONS]
UserCatalogueManager let maintain catalogue.json for TestComplete.
Implicits Options :
IFILE Name of the file which contains users.
Explicits Options :
-h, --help Display this text.
-d, --dir Folder location containing catalogue.json file.
-f, --file Name of the file containing the catalogue.
Default : catalogue.json
-v, --verbose Turn on verbose mode.
-D, --debug Turn on debug mode.
Setting Up
--init Create an initial catalogue file. Work with
-f (--file).
Session Group Maintenance :
--add-session Create a new session group in the catalogue.
--delete-session Remove the session group in the catalogue.
--set-session Edit session group :
--session - Session to maintain.
--credential - Specify which credential system to maintain.
--user - User to set for credential system.
--password - [Optional] Set/Update password for the user,
for credential
Credential System Maintenance :
! Adding, removing credential system will be reflected
for each session group.
--add-credential Register a new / Update a credential system.
--setting - [Optional] Specify a setting where 'key:value'.
Can be use none to many.
--delete-credential Delete specified credential system.
User password Maintenance :
--set-user-password Set/Update password for user of credential system :
--credential - Specify which credential system to maintain.
--user - User to set for credential system.
--password - Password to define.
Please find from now a quick explanation to reproduce the same catalogue setting done with JavaScript but with the CLI.
Catalogue file initialization
Before handling the catalogue, we have to create the file :
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --init
Setting up credential systems
We have to start by setting up credential system before configuring their users and password :
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --add-credential=saplogon --setting=system:XOM --setting=client:120 --setting=lang:FR
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --add-credential=fiori
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --add-credential=supplier
Setting up users & password
Users & Passwords are configured at credential system. So we have to specified which credential system is currently maintained where we will add (or update if exists) the correspinding password.
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-user-password --credential=saplogon --user=TNR_USER_01 --password=TnR0101*
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-user-password --credential=saplogon --user=TNR_USER_02 --password=TnR0210.
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-user-password --credential=saplogon --user=TNR_USER_03 --password=TnR0411!
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-user-password --credential=fiori --user=TNR_USER_01 --password=TnRFlP0101*
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-user-password --credential=fiori --user=TNR_USER_02 --password=TnRFlP0210.*
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-user-password --credential=fiori --user=TNR_USER_03 --password=TnRFlP0411!
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-user-password --credential=supplier --user=TNR_TECH_USER --password=TnRSupplierLimited
Setting up user group session
Before assigning previously created user, we have to declare the name of group session which will be picked by the library UserManager :
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --add-session=GROUP_SESSION_01
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --add-session=GROUP_SESSION_02
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --add-session=GROUP_SESSION_03
Assign users to group session
The command line will automatically set a dummy user for each credential system when a new one is created and/or when we create a new group user session.
We have to specify for each credential system, for each group session which user must be used :
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_01 --credential=saplogon --user=TNR_USER_01
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_02 --credential=saplogon --user=TNR_USER_02
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_03 --credential=saplogon --user=TNR_USER_03
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_01 --credential=fiori --user=TNR_USER_01
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_02 --credential=fiori --user=TNR_USER_02
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_03 --credential=fiori --user=TNR_USER_0
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_01 --credential=supplier --user=TNR_TECH_USER
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_02 --credential=supplier --user=TNR_TECH_USER
./UserCatalogueManager.js --dir='S:/TC_DATA/Technical/' --set-session --session=GROUP_SESSION_03 --credential=supplier --user=TNR_TECH_USER
Detailed Documentation
Please consider that the following instance has been set under variable
const UserManager = require('UserManager');
let UserMgr = new UserManager();
Setting lock files location setLockFolder()
UserManager setLockFolderLocation( String $sLockFolderLocation )
- Compatibility : TestComplete + NodeJS
UserManager use the lock file concept to indicates a user group session is currently used by a test execution.
To be functional as expected, you have to specified in the setup phase the location thank to this method where the argument is the path to the folder. It can be relative, but it is preferred to use absolute path.
Setting user catalogue file location setUserCatalogueLocation()
UserManager setUserCatalogueLocation( String $sUserCatalogueLocation )
- Compatibility : TestComplete + NodeJS
Users data are store in a file called catalogue.
By default, the file name is catalogue.json
, but it can be different.
To allow the library picks a user from the catalogue, you have first to set the path to this file with this method.
User Catalogue Manager catalogue()
Object catalogue( )
- Compatibility : TestComplete + NodeJS
To prevent manual maintenance of catalogue file, the library comes with own methods to maintain it by code, offering you the ability to develop your own interface.
Session Manager .session()
Object session( [ String $sSession = '' ] )
The library picks a user group session. A user group session regroups in one session a user set for each registered system.
It accepts optionally the user group session name. If the user group session name does not exists in the catalogue, it will be created immediately before returning management methods.
In the maintenance of an existing user group session,
the argument $sSession
must be filled.
Adding new user group session .add()
String add( String $sSession )
This method registers in the catalogue a new user group session.
The library will automatically assigns a dummy (<setUser>
) user by credential system
to the new user group session.
Removing user group session .delete()
UserManager delete( )
This method removes the user group session from the catalogue.
The session name must be passed in .session( $sSession )
because we are currently maintaining an existing session.
Renaming user group session .rename()
Not implemented yet
Renaming user group session .credential()
Object credential( String $sCredential )
As explained previously, for a user group session, you will find all registered credential system set with a dummy user.
To specify which user to user for the specific credential system for the user group session under management, we have to specify the credential system name.
To do that, we have to pass the credential system name
in the option $sCredential
Assign a user .user()
Object user( String $sUser )
This method let you to assign the specified user in the option
to specified credential system $sCredential
for specified user group
session $sSession
To assign the user, you have to call method .set( $sPassword = null)
The method .set()
accepts an optional argument which is the
the password to set/update for the credential system/user.
// Simply Assign User
// Assign User and Set/Update it password
With the method password( $sPassword = null )
, you can also
set/update the user password without assigning it to the user group session.
It's simply offer an another way to manage password.
// Maintain user password (only)
Credential System Manager .credential()
Object credential( [String $sCredential = '' ] )
As it's possible to test many systems in one test execution with TestComplete, we need to registers all of them. A user group session expected an assigned user by credential system.
This method allow you to maintain the credential system.
To maintain a credential system, in any case, you must fill
the $sCredential
Registering a new credential system .add()
Void add( [ Object $oSetting = {} [, String $sUser = '' [, String $sPassword = '' ] ] ] )
Call without any parameter, the credential system
is registered in the catalogue with an initial user <setUser>
// Registering a new credential system
You can set global settings for the credential system by passing a couple of property/value standing for a setting.
// Registering a new credential system with global setting
system: 'XOM',
client: '120',
language: 'FR'
Finally, you can immediately specify the initial user with it password.
// Registering a new credential system with global setting,
// with at least this user and password
system: 'XOM',
client: '120',
language: 'FR'
}, 'TNR_USER_01', '1234*');
Removing a credential system .delete()
Void delete( )
This method removes the credential system from the catalogue.
// Remove the credential system
Renaming a credential system .rename()
Not implemented yet
Maintaining credential system user .user()
Object user( [ String $sUser = '' ] )
This method let you to manage all users registered for the specified credential system.
To manage a user for the cred. system, you must
pass the user name in the argument $sUser
To add a new user, you have to use the method .setPassword( $sPassword = '')
This method registers the user with specified password
Commit your changes .save()
Void save( )
- Compatibility : TestComplete + NodeJS
Ay modification done on the catalogue must be committed with method
This method will update the catalogue file.
You can apply your change at any time.
// Save modification
Is the user group session picking has encounter an error hasError()
Boolean hasError( )
- Compatibility : TestComplete only
This method let you to check if something happens wrong during the user group session picking.
If an error occurs, the library log an error message and set an internal
flag as true
You can check if something happens wrong thanks to this method :
// If library was able to get user group session
// and a connection is opened on saplogon.
if(!UserMgr.hasError() && UserMgr.saplogon().isSigned()){
// Stopping processing :
// - Perform disconnection from SAP before stopping test execution.
Initialize a brand new catalogue file initializeCatalogue
Boolean initializeCatalogue( )
- Compatibility : TestComplete + NodeJS
This method create a brand new catalogue file.
To be functional, you have to define first
the catalogue file location thanks to the method setUserCatalogueLocation
Pick a user group session to perform connection getUserSessionGroup
UserManager getUserSessionGroup( )
- Compatibility : TestComplete only
As long as you do not picked a user group session with this method, you can not consume perform any connection.
This method will enrich dynamically the current instance UserMgr
If the library is not able to pick a user group session,
an error message is raised in the interpreter stdout and an internal
flag is set to true
Dynamic method named with the credential system name systemUser()
Object systemUser( )
- Compatibility : TestComplete only
Considering saplogon
is one of our registered credential system,
to access to its data from picked user group session,
we have to call method with its name.
let oSaplogon = UserMgr.saplogon();
Before that method saplogon()
exists, you have to call method
Get user name .user()
String user( )
To retrieve the user name set for the credential system in picked user group
session, simply use method user()
let sUser = oSaplogon.user();
You can chain all method from the instance
let sUser = UserMgr.saplogon().user();
Get user password .password()
String password( )
To retrieve the decrypt user password set for the credential system in picked user group
session, simply use method password()
let sPassword = oSaplogon.password();
You can chain all method from the instance
let sPassword = UserMgr.saplogon().password();
Set signed flag .signed()
Void signed( )
The library is not able to know when a connection has been performed. You have to flag the information :
// Indicating that connection has been performed :
The library is not also able to know when a disconnection has been performed. You have to flag the information :
// Indicating that disconnection has ben performed
Get signed flag .isSigned()
Boolean isSigned( )
As you can manage a flag which indicates if a connection is up on the credential system, you can easily check at any time the status. If usefull to handle disconnection next to an event :
// --> Disconnection
Get credential system global setting <credSystemProperty>
In the setup phase of the catalogue file, it's possible to define global setting for the credential system.
These settings can be access simply by calling the property :
let sSystem = UserMgr.saplongon().system;
let nClient = UserMgr.saplongon().client;
let sLang = UserMgr.saplongon().language;
Release picked user group session releaseUserSessionGroup()
UserMgr releaseUserSessionGroup( )
- Compatibility : TestComplete only
As the library put a lock file when a user group session is picked, the presence of the file prevent other execution to pick the same session.
So before ending your test execution, you have to perform post execution which consists in releasing the user group session (and it lock file)
Simply call this method before closing test execution :