`vue-form` is a collection of Vue.js components designed to simplify form creation and management in your Vue projects. These components provide a consistent and customizable set of form elements, including form groups, labels, text fields, text areas, ch
Vue Form
is a collection of Vue.js components designed to simplify form creation and management in your Vue projects. These components provide a consistent and customizable set of form elements, including form groups, labels, text fields, text areas, checkboxes, and error/hint messages.
npm install @terrahq/vue-form
Globally import
Astro Project with Vue
For projects using Astro with embedded Vue, create a file named \_app.ts
and include the following code:
import type { App } from "vue";
import TFormGroup from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TLabel from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TInputField from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TToggle from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TCheckbox from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TGroupCheckbox from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TGroupRadio from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TSelect from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TTextarea from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import TError from "@terrahq/vue-form";
import THint from "@terrahq/vue-form";
export default (app: App) => {
Then, integrate the file in your astro.config.mjs specifying the path to your file:
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
vue({ appEntrypoint: "/src/pages/_app" }),
Now, you can use the components in any .vue file.
Nuxt Project
For Nuxt projects, create a 'Plugins' folder at the root, and within it, create a file (e.g., "form.js"). Inside the file, add the following code:
import TFormGroup from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TLabel from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TInputField from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TUploadFile from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TToggle from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TCheckbox from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TGroupCheckbox from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TGroupRadio from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TSelect from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TTextarea from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TError from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import THint from "@terrahq/vue-form"
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
Now, you can use the components in any .vue file.
In the JavaScript file of the corresponding page, whether it's a specific entry for each page or a global entry, the elements are imported as follows:
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from '../../vue/App.vue';
const app = createApp(App);
import TFormGroup from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TLabel from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TInputField from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TUploadFile from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TToggle from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TCheckbox from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TGroupCheckbox from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TGroupRadio from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TSelect from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TTextarea from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import TError from "@terrahq/vue-form"
import THint from "@terrahq/vue-form"
app.use(TFormGroup, TLabel, TInputField, TCheckbox, TGroupCheckbox, TGroupRadio, TSelect, TTextarea, TError, THint, TUploadFile, TToggle);
Now, you can use the components in any .vue file.
<TFormGroup formClass="g--form-group-01">
<TLabel forId="firstName" labelClass="g--form-label-01" textLabel="First Name" />
<THint :hintMessage="hintMessage" hintClass="g--form-hint-01" />
placeholder="First Name"
:extraAttrs="{ 'aria-label': 'something here', 'key': 'value' }"
textLabelPrimary="Show Completed Tasks"
textLabelSecondary="Hide Completed Tasks"
textLabel="Accept Terms and conditions"
accept="image/png, image/jpeg"
<TError :errorMessage="errorMessage" errorClass="g--form-error-01" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue"
// TInputField
const firstName = ref("")
// TToggle
const toggleSwitch = ref(true)
// TCheckbox
const terms = ref(true)
// TGroup of checkboxes
const checkboxOptions = ref([
{ id: "one", label: "One" },
{ id: "two", label: "Two" },
{ id: "three", label: "Three" },
{ id: "four", label: "Four" },
{ id: "five", label: "Five" },
const optionsChecked = ref(["three", "four"])
// TGroup of radio
const radioOptions = ref([
{ id: "six", label: "Six" },
{ id: "seven", label: "Seven" },
{ id: "eight", label: "Eight" },
{ id: "nine", label: "Nine" },
{ id: "ten", label: "Ten" },
const radioSelected = ref("")
// TSelect
const selectOptions = ref([
{ id: "one", label: "One", disabled: false },
{ id: "two", label: "Two", disabled: true },
{ id: "three", label: "Three", disabled: false },
{ id: "four", label: "Four", disabled: false },
{ id: "five", label: "Five", disabled: false },
const optionSelected = ref("one")
// TTextarea
const textAreaValue = ref("")
// TUploadFile
const multipleFiles = ref(false)
const selectedFile = ref(null)
// Error for inputs
const error = ref(false)
// Required for inputs
const required = ref(true)
// Disabled for inputs
const disabled = ref(false)
// Error and Hint
const hintMessage = ref("")
const errorMessage = ref("Debes completar todos los campos requeridos")
TFormGroup The TFormGroup component is used to wrap other form components. It allows you to apply a common styling to the entire form group.
- Props:
- formClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the form group - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- Props:
TLabel The TLabel component represents the label for an input element.
- Props:
- forId: (Required) ID of the associated input element - (String).
- labelClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the label - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- textLabel: Text content of the label (Optional - If not provided, label will not be displayed) - (String).
- Props:
THint The THint component displays a clue message.
- Props:
- hintClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the hint - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- hintMessage: Text content of the hint (Optional - If not provided, hint will not be displayed) - (String).
- Props:
TInputField The TInputField component represents a text input.
- Props:
- type: Input type (Optional - Default is "text") - (String).
- v-model: (Required) Two-way binding for the input value - (String).
- id: (Required) ID of the input element - (String).
- inputClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the input - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- maxlength: Maximum number of characters allowed in the input (Optional) - (Number).
- placeholder: Placeholder text for the input (Optional - If not provided, placeholder will not be displayed) - (String).
- required: Boolean value indicating whether the input is required (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- disabled: Boolean value indicating whether the input is disabled (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- error: Boolean value indicating whether there is an error. If true, the "--error" class is automatically added (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- extraAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of this element according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- Props:
TToggle The TToggle component represents a toggle/switch input.
- Props:
- v-model: (Required) Two-way binding for the toggle value - (Boolean).
- id: (Required) ID of the toggle input - (String).
- toggleClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the toggle - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- textLabelPrimary & textLabelSecondary: Text content of the labels (Optional - If not provided, labels will not be displayed) - (String).
- required: Boolean value indicating whether the toggle is required (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- disabled: Boolean value indicating whether the toggle is disabled (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- error: Boolean value indicating whether there is an error. If true, the "--error" class is automatically added (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- extraAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of this element according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- Props:
TCheckbox The TCheckbox component represents a checkbox input.
- Props:
- v-model: (Required) Two-way binding for the checkbox value - (Boolean).
- id: (Required) ID of the checkbox input - (String).
- checkboxClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the checkbox - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- textLabel: Text content of the label (Optional - If not provided, label will not be displayed) - (String).
- required: Boolean value indicating whether the checkbox is required (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- disabled: Boolean value indicating whether the checkbox is disabled (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- error: Boolean value indicating whether there is an error. If true, the "--error" class is automatically added (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- extraAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of this element according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- Props:
Group of checkbox The TGroupCheckbox component allows users to select multiple options from a list.
- Props:
- options: (Required) An array of objects representing the options in the checkbox group. Each object should have the properties id (value of the option) and label (display label of the option) - ({id: String, label: String}[]).
- v-model: (Required) Two-way binding for the selected options' values - (String[]).
- groupClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the checkbox group - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- required: Boolean value indicating whether the textarea is required (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- disabled: Boolean value indicating whether the textarea is disabled (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- error: Boolean value indicating whether there is an error. If true, the "--error" class is automatically added to each checkbox individually (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- extraAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of this element according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- Props:
Group of radio buttons The TGroupRadio component allows users to select a single option from a list of radio buttons.
- Props:
- options: (Required) An array of objects representing the options in the radio button group. Each object should have the properties
(value of the option) andlabel
(display label of the option) - ({id: String, label: String}[]). - v-model: (Required) Two-way binding for the selected option's value - (String).
- radioClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the radio button group - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- required: Boolean value indicating whether the radio button group is required (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- disabled: Boolean value indicating whether the radio button group is disabled (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- error: Boolean value indicating whether there is an error. If true, the "--error" class is automatically added (Optional - Default is false) - Boolean.
- extraAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of this element according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- options: (Required) An array of objects representing the options in the radio button group. Each object should have the properties
- Props:
TSelect The TSelect component represents a dropdown selection.
- Props:
- id: (Required) ID of the select element - (String).
- selectClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the select - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- options: (Required) An array of objects representing the options in the select dropdown. Each object should have the properties
(value of the option),label
(display label of the option) anddisabled
(optional - indicates if the option is disabled) - ({id: String, label: String, disabled: Boolean}[]). - v-model: (Required) Two-way binding for the selected option's value - (String).
- required: Boolean value indicating whether the select is required (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- error: Boolean value indicating whether there is an error. If true, the "--error" class is automatically added (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- extraAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of this element according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- optionAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of the options according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- Props:
TTextarea The TTextarea component represents a multiline text input.
- Props:
- id: (Required) ID of the textarea element - (String).
- textAreaClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the textarea - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- v-model: (Required) Two-way binding for the textarea value - (String).
- rows: Number of rows for the textarea (Optional - Default is 3) - (Number).
- placeholder: Placeholder text for the textarea (Optional - If not provided, placeholder will not be displayed) - (String).
- required: Boolean value indicating whether the textarea is required (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- disabled: Boolean value indicating whether the textarea is disabled (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- error: Boolean value indicating whether there is an error. If true, the "--error" class is automatically added (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- extraAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of this element according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- Props:
TUploadFile The TUploadFile component allows users to upload files.
- Props:
- id: (Required) ID of the file input element - (String).
- textAreaClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the file upload - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- v-model: (Required) Two-way binding for the uploaded file's value - ([File, String]).
- multiple: Boolean value indicating whether multiple file selection is allowed (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- accept: File types that can be selected. Specified using MIME types, separated by commas (Optional - Default is an empty string) - (String).
- required: Boolean value indicating whether the file upload is required (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- disabled: Boolean value indicating whether the file upload is disabled (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- error: Boolean value indicating whether there is an error. If true, the "--error" class is automatically added (Optional - Default is false) - (Boolean).
- extraAttrs: Allows including additional attributes dynamically to adapt the behavior and presentation of this element according to the specific needs of each project - ({key, value}[])
- Props:
TError The TError component displays an error message.
- Props:
- errorMessage: Error message to be displayed (Optional - If not provided, error message will not be displayed) - (String).
- errorClass: (Required) CSS class for styling the error message - (String).
- modifierClass: CSS class for styling with a modifier class - If not provided, it will not be displayed - (String).
- Props:
- Messages (error, hint, label) are conditionally displayed. If the message is an empty string "", nothing will be displayed.