Sdk for interacting with Warp protocol.
The Warp SDK provides a Typescript API for interacting with Warp Protocol, the decentralized automation tool for the Cosmos ecosystem. Warp allows developers to create novel features or experiences for their users through cost-efficient, on-chain automation—no smart contract changes necessary.
The SDK provides a simple way to interact with Warp Protocol's contracts to automatically execute transactions in the future based on any available on-chain data. The trigger for execution is referred to as a condition, and the corresponding job encompasses the executable message. Warp jobs are submitted to a job queue, where participants called keepers monitor the conditions and—once met—execute the pre-signed job message.
Read on below, check out the docs for more information, or get in touch with the team to start building with Warp.
npm install -S @terra-money/warp-sdk
Warp sdk provides a fluent API for building more complex payloads such as creating job and templates.
Here is an example of an harvest rewards job used by eris-protocol built using composers.
import { LCDClient, LCDClientConfig, MnemonicKey, Wallet } from '@terra-money/feather.js';
import { uint, cond, fn, msg, variable, job, ts, WarpSdk } from '@terra-money/warp-sdk';
const piscoLcdClientConfig: LCDClientConfig = {
lcd: 'https://pisco-lcd.terra.dev',
chainID: 'pisco-1',
gasAdjustment: 1.75,
gasPrices: { uluna: 0.015 },
prefix: 'terra',
const lcd = new LCDClient({
'pisco-1': piscoLcdClientConfig,
const wallet = new Wallet(lcd, new MnemonicKey({ mnemonic: '...' }));
const sdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, piscoLcdClientConfig);
const sender = wallet.key.accAddress(piscoLcdClientConfig.prefix);
const nextExecution = variable
.value(ts.date(new Date('2023-04-10T12:30:00.000Z')))
.onSuccess(fn.uint(uint.expr(uint.simple(ts.days(1)), 'add', uint.env('time'))))
.onError(fn.uint(uint.expr(uint.simple(ts.hours(1)), 'add', uint.env('time'))))
const condition = cond.uint(uint.env('time'), 'gt', uint.ref(nextExecution));
const executions = [
msgs: [msg.execute('terra10788fkzah89xrdm27zkj5yvhj9x3494lxawzm5qq3vvxcqz2yzaqyd3enk', { harvest: {} })],
const recurring = true;
const durationDays = '30';
const vars = [nextExecution];
const estimateJobRewardMsg = job
const reward = await sdk.estimateJobReward(sender, estimateJobRewardMsg);
const operationalAmount = await sdk.estimateJobFee(sender, estimateJobRewardMsg, reward.amount.toString());
const createJobMsg = job
.description('This job harvests rewards for eris protoocl vaults each day.')
sdk.createJob(sender, createJobMsg, [operationalAmount]).then((response) => {
isJobActive(jobId: string): Promise: Check if a job is active by its ID.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const jobId = 'jobId';
const isActive = await warpSdk.isJobActive(jobId);
jobs(opts: QueryJobsMsg = {}): Promise<Job[]>: List jobs with optional filters.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const allJobs = await warpSdk.jobs();
job(id: string): Promise: Get a job by its ID.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const jobId = 'jobId';
const jobDetails = await warpSdk.job(jobId);
templates(opts: QueryTemplatesMsg = {}): Promise<Template[]>: List templates with optional filters.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const allTemplates = await warpSdk.templates();
template(id: string): Promise: Get a template by its ID.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const templateId = 'templateId';
const templateDetails = await warpSdk.template(templateId);
simulateQuery(query: QueryRequestFor_String): Promise: Simulate a query.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const query = { ... };
const queryResult = await warpSdk.simulateQuery(query);
account(owner: string): Promise: Get an account by its owner.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const accountId = 'accountId';
const accountDetails = await warpSdk.account(accountId);
accounts(opts: QueryAccountsMsg): Promise<Account[]>: List accounts with optional filters.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const allAccounts = await warpSdk.accounts();
config(): Promise: Get the config of the Warp Protocol.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const configInfo = await warpSdk.config();
createJob(sender: string, msg: CreateJobMsg): Promise: Create a job.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const cosmosMsg = {
bank: {
send: {
amount: [{ denom: 'uluna', amount: '100000' }],
to_address: 'receiver address',
const msg = {
msgs: [JSON.stringify(cosmosMsg)],
reward: '1000000',
condition: {
and: [{
expr: {
string: {
left: {
value: 'val1',
op: 'eq',
right: {
value: 'val1',
const sender = 'sender address';
const job = await warpSdk.createJob(sender, msg);
createJobSequence(sender: string, sequence: CreateJobMsg[]): Promise: Create a sequence of jobs.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const msg1 = {
msgs: [...],
reward: '1000000',
condition: {
and: [{
expr: {
string: {
left: {
value: 'val1',
op: 'eq',
right: {
value: 'val1',
const msg2 = {
msgs: [...],
reward: '1000000',
condition: {
and: [{
expr: {
string: {
left: {
value: 'val',
op: 'eq',
right: {
value: 'val2',
const sender = 'sender address';
const jobSequence = await warpSdk.createJobSequence(sender, [msg1, msg2]);
deleteJob(sender: string, jobId: string): Promise: Delete a job.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const sender = 'sender address';
const jobId = 'abc123';
const response = await warpSdk.deleteJob(sender, jobId);
updateJob(sender: string, msg: UpdateJobMsg): Promise: Update a job.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const sender = 'sender address';
const msg = { name: 'Updated Job Name', id: 'abc123' };
const response = await warpSdk.updateJob(sender, msg);
executeJob(sender: string, jobId: string): Promise: Execute a job.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const sender = 'sender address';
const jobId = 'abc123';
const response = await warpSdk.executeJob(sender, jobId);
evictJob(sender: string, jobId: string): Promise: Evict a job.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const sender = 'sender address';
const jobId = 'abc123';
const response = await warpSdk.evictJob(sender, jobId);
submitTemplate(sender: string, msg: SubmitTemplateMsg): Promise: Submit a template.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const sender = 'sender address';
const msg = { name: 'Template 1', formatted_str: 'this is a template', vars: []};
const response = await sdk.submitTemplate(sender, msg);
deleteTemplate(sender: string, templateId: string): Promise: Delete a template.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const sender = 'sender address';
const templateId = 'template_id';
const response = await sdk.deleteTemplate(sender, templateId);
editTemplate(sender: string, msg: EditTemplateMsg): Promise: Edit a template.
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const sender = 'sender address';
const msg = { name: 'Updated Template', id: 'template_id' };
const response = await warpSdk.editTemplate(sender, msg);
createAccount(sender: string): Promise
const warpSdk = new WarpSdk(wallet, contractAddress);
const sender = 'sender address';
const account = await warpSdk.createAccount(sender);