Requires nodejs and npm installed
npm install @telosnetwork/telosevm-js
How to setup EVM and deploy ERC-20 Token on EOSIO in 5 minutes
const { TelosEvmApi } = require('telosevm-js')
const fetch = require('node-fetch') // only for node
const evmContractAccount = 'evmcontract2'
const evmNormalAccount = 'evmaccount11'
const api = new TelosEvmApi({
// Ensure the API has console printing enabled
endpoint: 'https://api.telos-test.eostribe.io',
// Must match the chain ID the contract is compiled with (1 by default)
chainId: 41,
// Enter your own private keys if you wish to sign transaction (examples provided)
ethPrivateKeys: [
// Public Key: 0xf79b834a37f3143f4a73fc3934edac67fd3a01cd
// Enter Telos account that EVM is at / will be deployed to
telosContract: evmContractAccount,
fetch: fetch,
// Enter your own private keys (examples provided)
telosPrivateKeys: [
// evmcontract2 (EOS7DJzWuEr1Zu36ZX8GXwGsvNNqdGqx8QRs7KPkqCMTxG6MBT1Eu)
// evmaccount11 (EOS8Z9y2b1GfAkFUQxBTsiu9DJSLebVoU8cpwLAfXcgWDRWg9aM2Q)
// Import contract compiled with solc (check telosevm-js/src/eth-contracts/compile.ts to compile your own)
// We provide compiled ERC20 and ERC721 contracts
// NOTE: this may not be included in the NPM, possibly download from github
const compiledErc20AndErc721 = require('@telosnetwork/telosevm-js/dist/eth-contracts/compiled.json')
// Load ETH contracts with abi and bytecode, plus the TX sending Telos account
account: evmNormalAccount, // Example Telos account
abi: compiledErc20AndErc721.contracts.ERC20.Token.abi,
bytecodeObject: compiledErc20AndErc721.contracts.ERC20.Token.evm.bytecode.object
async function main () {
// For development (if TESTING is enabled in contract), clears all data in contract
await api.telos.clearAll()
// Creates new address based on RLP(eosaccount, arbitrarydata)
await api.telos.create({ account: evmNormalAccount, data: 'test' })
// Transfer Telos to contract to deposit to address
await api.telos.deposit({ from: evmNormalAccount, quantity: `0.0002 ${SYSTEM_SYMBOL}` })
// Get all data for new address (address, account, nonce, balance, code)
const sender = await api.telos.getEthAccountByTelosAccount(evmNormalAccount)
console.log(`${sender.address} (${evmNormalAccount}) Balance:`, sender.balance) // 0.0001 TLOS
console.log(`${sender.address} (${evmNormalAccount}) Nonce:`, sender.nonce) // 0
// Deploy ERC20 contract (Name, Symbol, Decimals, Total Supply)
// The returned response "eth" is the EVM transaction receipt, and "tlos" is the Telos transaction receipt
const { eth, tlos } = await api.eth.deploy('FIRE Token', 'FIRE', 4, 1000000, { sender: sender.address })
// Set the created address as the EVM contract to interact with
// Query ERC20 balance using "view" function calls
console.log(`${sender.address} FIRE Balance: `, +(await api.eth.balanceOf(sender.address)).toString(10)) // 1,000,000
// New receiver address to send tokens to
const receiver = '0xf79b834a37f3143f4a73fc3934edac67fd3a01cd'
// Transfer system tokens to address to create it
await api.transfer({ account: evmNormalAccount, sender: sender.address, to: receiver, quantity: `0.0001 ${SYSTEM_SYMBOL}` })
// Transfer 1000 FIRE ERC20 tokens
await api.eth.transfer(receiver, 1000, { sender: sender.address })
// Query ERC20 FIRE balance using "view" function calls
console.log(`${sender.address} Balance:`, +(await api.eth.balanceOf(sender.address)).toString(10), 'FIRE') // 999,000
console.log(`${receiver} Balance:`, +(await api.eth.balanceOf(receiver)).toString(10), 'FIRE'), // 1,000
// Set allowance, and modify it
await api.eth.approve(receiver, 100, { sender: sender.address })
await api.eth.increaseAllowance(receiver, 1000, { sender: sender.address })
await api.eth.decreaseAllowance(receiver, 600, { sender: sender.address })
// Query allowance (another example of using non-state modifying calls)
const allowance = await api.eth.allowance(sender.address, receiver, { sender: receiver })
console.log(`Allowance for ${sender.address}->${receiver}:`, +allowance.toString(10), 'FIRE') // 500
// Use the allowance to transfer
// rawSign uses ethereum private key to sign instead of EOSIO account permissions
await api.eth.transferFrom(sender.address, receiver, 500, { sender: receiver, rawSign: true })
// Withdraw tokens
await api.telos.withdraw({ account: evmNormalAccount, quantity: `0.0001 ${SYSTEM_SYMBOL}` })
// Other available functions, check docs
// await getStorageAt(address, key)
// await createEthTx({ sender, data, gasLimit, value, to, rawSign = false })
// async getNonce(address)
// async getEthAccount(address)