A CLI for FE engineers
Telicent Frontend CLI ("TEFE" CLI)
CLI package to capture & propagate Telicent frontend opinion on code, config & tools
Install this in each npm package repository to provide:
- Some scripts to manually-trigger
- idea: generate Telicent-flavoured™ Cypress config
- Some scripts to use in hooks
- idea: echo "tefe test-only-changed-files" >> ./husky/pre-commit
- Some self-executing checks
- idea: on CI, check yarn.lock didn't change after yarn install
And perhaps if we add globally-useful dev-scripts, we end up using this as a global install on our dev machines
# Install within a package
cd <npm package directory>;
yarn add @telicent-oss/telicent-frontend-cli
# IMPORTANT: If you use `yarn` to install in local package, prefix with "yarn" (e.g. `yarn tefe`) to ensure you don't use a globally installed tefe
To test:
yarn tefe version # or `tefe version` for global version
All commands are available via tefe help
Usage: tefe [options] [command]
-h, --help display help for command
version read version
info Get context to help CLI developers
hook-precommit Telicent frontend precommit hook
hook-postinstall Telicent frontend postinstall hook
config [options] Show current directoryʼs ./tefe.config.json
npmrc-authtoken [value] Fetch NPM configuration tokens from the nearest
npmrc file (WARNING: Has limitations see
extractTokens.ts TODO)
help [command] display help for command
Note: This package uses update-notifier
TypeScript source files import with
extension e.g.import a from './path.js
files are emitted and run from./dist/**/*.js
)JavaScript test files must not include any extension in imports
import a from './path';
CLI developer workflows require heavy use of symlinks via
- yarn link
- yarn unlink
- And custom yarn relink command for forcing stubborn symlinks to reset
It might help to familiarise yourself with the general process of building CLI tools
Dev workflow
# To use (and develop) locally:
git clone git@telicent-oss/telicent-frontend-cli
cd telicent-frontend-cli
yarn link # creates symlink
# Sym-link/bin changes (e.g. package.json "bin" field) require:
yarn unlink && yarn link
Then for every local package you wish to use this cli:
cd <package>
yarn link @telicent-oss/telicent-frontend-cli
Or to use the package globally:
yarn global link @telicent-oss/telicent-frontend-cli
Best Practices
Automate - When you have an idea for a CLI task:
- Try to automate the task
- Else, try to automate part of the task
- Else, try to automate errors/warnings
- Else, create some feedback to help the next idea
Inter-operability: Bias for CLI scripts running (consistently) on as many different platforms as possible — including stripped down CI machines. So:
- avoid non-node code
- target node 16
- do not bundle, to allow easy ssh-debugging/editing of scripts on CI machines
Usefulness: Avoid being so precious about the code that nothing gets added