Join svg files in symbol collection. Fork of https://github.com/Climenty/svg-join, modified to have consistent results with sorted assets
Fork of https://github.com/Climenty/svg-join, modified to have consistent results with sorted assets
There are webpack or gulp solutions for combining SVG. But I could not find simple CLI version. Here it is. It just join SVG files in symbol collection with CSS description.
I am strongly recommend to use svgo for optimizing before joining.
$ [sudo] npm install -g svg-join
Option | Description | Default value --- | --- | --- -s, --source | the source directory with filename mask in glob format | -o, --output | the output directory | "." -n, --name | file name (without ext.) for bundles (SVG & CSS) | "svg-bundle" --cssName | file name (with ext.) for CSS bundle (if different) | -p, --prefix | prefix for CSS selectors | "svg_" -m, --mono | extract presentation attributes from single-styled SVG to CSS | false --calcSide | calculate omitted side from viewBox values | false
svg-join -s "./svg/*.svg" -o ./public -n mybundle
Will create mybundle.svg and mybundle.css in public folder.
Warning! The files are overwritten silently.
svg-join -s "/your/path/**/*.svg"
Looking for SVG files recursively in /your/path/ subfolders.
svg-join -s "./svg/*.svg" --mono
<svg id="exmpl"><path... fill="transparent" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2"/></svg>
The 'fill', 'stroke', 'stroke-width' attributes will be cutted from SVG and placed into CSS.
.svg_exmpl {
fill: transparent;
stroke: #fff;
stroke-width: 2;
svg-join -s "./svg/*.svg" --calcSide
<svg id="f033" height="1.1em" viewBox="0 0 1024 1792">...</svg>
The omitted side (width in current example) will be calculated from viewBox values.
.svg_f033 {
width: 0.6286em;
height: 1.1em;
This option applies only for 'em', 'rem' and 'px' units.