A simple, percent based, sliding feature gate
As there are often various ways of doing things, this library can be used in three ways. Boolean values, rolling values, or array iteration. The use of a secondary unique value as a param is used for consistency.
npm install --save @teleology/feature-gate
yarn add @teleology/feature-gate
To use the feature gate it needs to be seeded with configuration data. Configuration data entries are defined as a key-value object. Referencing config objects are done with dot-notation.
Rolling Example
A rolling example is any value between 0-1 and can be increased to 'roll-out' features. The rollout is done via a hash of the path as well as the userId, meaning it is both consistent for userIds as well as scaleable.
const factory = require('@teleology/feature-gate');
const USER_ID = 'DE5A50BC-08CE-47C4-B186-D6B29E710188';
const gate = factory({
showNewWelcome: 0.34,
showNotifications: 1
gate('showNewWelcome', USER_ID) // false
Boolean Example
If you know this value is going to be a boolean, you don't need a unique secondary param.
const factory = require('@teleology/feature-gate');
const USER_ID = 'DE5A50BC-08CE-47C4-B186-D6B29E710188';
const gate = factory({
features: {
a: 0.12,
b: true
gate('features.b', USER_ID); // true
A-B(n) Testing Example
Using the same hashing function as the rolling gate, buckets certain users into an array of selections.
const factory = require('@teleology/feature-gate');
const USER_ID = 'DE5A50BC-08CE-47C4-B186-D6B29E710188';
const gate = factory({
welcome: {
screens: [
theme: {
blue: '0000ff'
gate('welcome.screens', USER_ID); // 'A'