Library provides attribute-matcher to observe elements resizing declaratively. To read more about matchers take a look at: https://github.com/telenko/matcher-js https://medium.com/@mangolik931/matcherjs-new-way-of-making-dom-extensions-ddb8a6f088ec
General description
Library provides attribute-matcher to observe elements resizing declaratively. To read more about matchers take a look at: https://github.com/telenko/matcher-js https://medium.com/@mangolik931/matcherjs-new-way-of-making-dom-extensions-ddb8a6f088ec
Purpose of creating
Makes much easier to observe elements resize by declarative API. Library uses ResizeObserver polyfill under the hood.
- Install library
npm i @telenko/onresize
- Include library to your code-base
import '@telenko/onresize';
- Use 'observe-resize' attribute for your elements
<div id="container" observe-resize onresize="alert('I am resized!!')">
<custom-element observe-resize>I'm custom element and can be resized!</custom-element>
- Listen for 'resize' event
const container = document.getElementById("container");
container.addEventListener("resize", event => {
const { left, top, width, height } = event.detail;
container.style.width = "200px";
//callback called
container.style.width = "250px";
//callback called
- After removing 'observe-resize' attribute observer will disconnect
container.style.width = "100px";//no callback on resize called anymore
Catches RESIZE when
Since matcher is based on ResizeObserver polyfill - please take a look at it first to know behavior. Generally resize will be emitted EACH time when real size of element on screen was changed. It can be after such events:
- Direct width/height was changed for element
- Window resize caused resize of element
- Other "class" or "style" rules was changed for element
- Same rules for children/parents of observed element IF these changes caused real resize