ES6 bit addressing DataView+Stack+Queue+Buffer with any types: Uint13, Int53, BigInt61, Float17, LSB/MSB, LE/BE, .set(), .get(), .push(), .pop(), .shift(), .unshift()
bitdataview (beta version)
ES6 bit addressing DataView+Stack+Queue+Buffer with any types: Uint13, Int53, BigInt61, Float17, LSB/MSB, LE/BE, .set(), .get(), .push(), .pop(), .shift(), .unshift()
- Like DataView, but with bit addressing.
- .set(), .get(), .push(), .unshift(), .pop(), .shift() methods for each data type.
- Data types: boolean and custom bit size integers and floats. For example: Uint17, Int39 or BigUint59.
- Like a BitBuffer, BitArray, BitStack, BitQueue.
- Small memory using: 1 bit in memory for every 1 bit data. 23 bits data => 3 bytes in RAM.
- Full assert arguments of functions.
- Endianness: Little Endian and Big Endian byte order supported.
- Bit numbering: LSB (lest significant bit) by default, MSB (most SB) is supported.
- Can export and import to C/C++ BitDataView library (only if LSB + Little Endian).
- 100 asserted main methods, 100 unasserted fast methods, > 20 advanced methods
- Binary parsing and decrypting RS-232, HDLC, Ethernet, USB, Can-Bus, TCP/IP RAW packets.
- NodeJs and browser Javascript support.
- Can be used in external schemas. Used in Telemok schemas.
- Old browser support.
- IOT pack data for exchange between C/C++ and JavaScript ready.
Available in folder /examples/
1. Pack Uint7, Boolean, Int43 variables to hex. And unpack.
import { BitDataView } from '@telemok/bitdataview';
let sourceData = {
percents: 99, // maximal 7 bits
isOn: true, // 1 bit
moneyBalance: -1234567890123, // maximal 43 bits
let source = new BitDataView();
source.push_Byte(7, sourceData.percents);// pack 7 bits
source.push_Bits(sourceData.isOn);// pack 1 bit
source.push_Int(43, sourceData.moneyBalance);// pack 43 bits
console.log("storedBits", source.getStoredBits());//storedBits 51
let hex = source.exportHex();//export 7 + 1 + 43 = 51 bits or 7 bytes
console.log("hex", hex);//hex e335fb048ee006
//send hex to another device, or store to localstorage
// [another computer another script.js]
let dest = new BitDataView();
let result = {
percents: dest.shift_Byte(7),
isOn: dest.shift_Bit(),
moneyBalance: dest.shift_Int(43),
console.log("result", result);//result { percents: 99, isOn: 1, moneyBalance: -1234567890123 }
2. Unpack Uint7, Boolean, Int43 variables in C/C++.
/*C code*/
#pragma pack(1)
struct Example{
unsigned char percents: 7;
bool isOn;
long moneyBalance: 43;
}__attribute__((__packed__ ));
Example example;
memcpy((void*)(&example), (void*)source, sizeof(Example));
3. New instance with parameters
import { BitDataView } from '@telemok/bitdataview';
let bitdataview = new BitDataView({
automaticMemoryExpansion: true,//Allow auto expand, when push or unshift
bufferBaseSizeBits: 0, //Base size, default is 256 * 8 bits
significantBit: "LSB", //Bits order
endianness: "BIG_ENDIAN", //Bytes order
startOffsetBits: 0, //Move start offset to begin of buffer
4. Make binary packed packet
import { BitDataView } from '@telemok/bitdataview';
function userPutDataToPacket(bitdataview) {//put some user different data
bitdataview.push_Uint(12, driver.PACKET_TYPE_TELEMETRY_1);
bitdataview.push_Int(19, driver.getBalance());
bitdataview.push_Byte(7, driver.getPercents());
bitdataview.push_Uint(12, driver.getThermocouple());
bitdataview.push_BigUint(59, driver.getUptimeTicks());
let bitdataview = new BitDataView({
automaticMemoryExpansion: false, //Fixed buffer size, deny auto expand
bufferBaseSizeBits: 400, //Buffer size bits
significantBit: "LSB", //Bits order
endianness: "LITTLE_ENDIAN", //Bytes order
startOffsetBits: 9 + 12, //Move start offset to free space for prepend length of packet
userPutDataToPacket(bitdataview);//Get any user data
if(bitdataview.getStoredBits() > 375)//Check data size overflow
throw new Error(`Overflow`);
bitdataview.unshift_Uint(9, bitdataview.getStoredBits());//Put 9-bit length of packet BEFORE packet.
let uint8ArrayPacket = bitdataview.exportUnit8Array();//Zeroes will be added to end of byte
bitdataview.unshift_Uint(16, crc16(uint8ArrayPacket));//Add crc16 of length+packet to begin of packet
bitdataview.push_Uint(8, "\n".charCodeAt(0));//Add "\n" as end of packet
5. Parse binary unpack packet
import { BitDataView } from '@telemok/bitdataview';
let bitdataview = new BitDataView({
automaticMemoryExpansion: false, //Fixed buffer size, deny auto expand
bufferBaseSizeBits: 400, //Buffer size bits
significantBit: "LSB", //Bits order
endianness: "LITTLE_ENDIAN", //Bytes order
startOffsetBits: 0,
function parsePacket(bitdataview)
valda.instance.assert(bitdataview, BitDataView);//Check bitdataview is instanceof BitDataView
let length = bitdataview.shift(9);//Read 9-bit length from begin of packet
if(length > bitdataview.getStoredBits())
throw new Error(`Wrong length`);
let packetType = bitdataview.shift_Uint(12);
if(packetType === driver.PACKET_TYPE_TELEMETRY_1)
//Check packet size if need. But if no data will be auto throw. Length don't used, it example.
let result = {
temperature: bitdataview.shift_Float32(),
balance: bitdataview.shift_Int(19),
percents: bitdataview.shift_Byte(7),
thermocouple: bitdataview.shift_Uint(12),
uptimeTicks: bitdataview.shift_BigUint(59),
console.log("result","PACKET_TYPE_TELEMETRY_1", result);
console.error(`Parsed wrong packet type`, packetType);
protocol.addEventListener('readByte', event =>{
let detail = valda.object.parse(event, 'detail');
let byte = valda.integer.parse(detail, 'byte', 0, 255);
if(byte === "\n".charCodeAt(0))//end of packet finded
if(bitdataview.getStoredBits() < 9 + 16 + 12)
throw new Error(`Low size packet`);
let crc16True = bitdataview.shift_Uint(16);//Read crc16 from packet
let uint8ArrayPacket = bitdataview.exportUnit8Array();//Zeroes will be added to end of byte
let crc16Calc = crc16(uint8ArrayPacket);//Calc crc16 of length+packet to end of packet
if(crc16True !== crc16Calc)
throw new Error(`Wrong crc16`);
if(bitdataview.getAvailableBitsToPush() < 8)
console.error("Wrong packet stream");
bitdataview.push_Byte(8, byte);
Source code:
https://github.com/Telemok/bitdataview https://npmjs.com/@telemok/bitdataview
- Create your NodeJs, Browser or Webview app.
- Run: npm import @telemok/bitdataview
- Code: import { BitDataView } from '@telemok/bitdataview';
- Code: var bitDataView = new BitDataView();
Main functions:
/* setAt - set value in address at begin of bitDataView (dont't change size) */
setAt_Bit(bitIndexAt, value)
setAt_Byte(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*0-8*/, value)
setAt_Uint(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*0-53*/, value)//use endianness
setAt_Int(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*1-53*/, value)//use endianness
setAt_BigUint(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*0-64*/, value)//use endianness
setAt_BigInt(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*1-64*/, value)//use endianness
setAt_Float32(bitIndexAt, value)//use endianness
setAt_Float64(bitIndexAt, value)//use endianness
/* setUntil - set value in address until end of bitDataView (dont't change size) */
setUntil_Bit(bitIndexUntil, value)
//setUntil_Byte(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*0-8*/, value)
//setUntil_Uint(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*0-53*/, value)//use endianness
//setUntil_Int(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*1-53*/, value)//use endianness
//setUntil_BigUint(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*0-64*/, value)//use endianness
//setUntil_BigInt(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*1-64*/, value)//use endianness
setUntil_Float32(bitIndexUntil, value)//use endianness
setUntil_Float64(bitIndexUntil, value)//use endianness
/* getAt - get value in address at begin of bitDataView (dont't change size) */
getAt_Byte(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*0-8*/)
getAt_Uint(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*0-53*/)//use endianness
getAt_Int(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*1-53*/)//use endianness
getAt_BigUint(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*0-64*/)//use endianness
getAt_BigInt(bitIndexAt, countBitsToSet/*1-64*/)//use endianness
getAt_Float32(bitIndexAt)//use endianness
getAt_Float64(bitIndexAt)//use endianness
/* getUntil - get value in address until end of bitDataView (dont't change size) */
//getUntil_Byte(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*0-8*/)
//getUntil_Uint(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*0-53*/)//use endianness
//getUntil_Int(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*1-53*/)//use endianness
//getUntil_BigUint(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*0-64*/)//use endianness
//getUntil_BigInt(bitIndexUntil, countBitsToSet/*1-64*/)//use endianness
//getUntil_Float32(bitIndexUntil)//use endianness
//getUntil_Float64(bitIndexUntil)//use endianness
/* push - add value before end of bitDataView (increase size) */
push_Bits(value, count = 1)
push_Byte(countBitsToSet/*0-8*/, value)
push_Uint(countBitsToSet/*0-53*/, value)//use endianness
push_Int(countBitsToSet/*1-53*/, value)//use endianness
push_BigUint(countBitsToSet/*0-64*/, value)//use endianness
//push_BigInt(countBitsToSet/*1-64*/, value)//use endianness
push_Float32(value)//use endianness
push_Float64(value)//use endianness
//push_Float(sign = true, exponent = 11, mantissa = 52, value)//use little endian
push_Uint8Array(uint8Array, littleEndian = false)
push_DataView(dataView, littleEndian = false)
push_Hex(hexString, littleEndian = false)
/* unshift - add value before begin of bitDataView (increase size) */
unshift_Bits(value, count = 1)
unshift_Byte(countBitsToSet/*0-8*/, value)
unshift_Uint(countBitsToSet/*0-53*/, value)//use endianness
unshift_Int(countBitsToSet/*1-53*/, value)//use endianness
unshift_BigUint(countBitsToSet/*0-64*/, value)//use endianness
//unshift_BigInt(countBitsToSet/*1-64*/, value)//use endianness
unshift_Float32(value)//use endianness
unshift_Float64(value)//use endianness
//unshift_Float(sign = true, exponent = 11, mantissa = 52, value)//use little endian
unshift_Uint8Array(uint8Array, littleEndian = false)
unshift_DataView(dataView, littleEndian = false)
unshift_Hex(hexString, littleEndian = false)
/* pop - take value from end of bitDataView (reduce size) */
pop_Bit(count = 1)
pop_Uint(countBitsToSet/*0-53*/)//use endianness
pop_Int(countBitsToSet/*1-53*/)//use endianness
//pop_BigUint(countBitsToSet/*0-64*/)//use endianness
//pop_BigInt(countBitsToSet/*1-64*/)//use endianness
pop_Float32()//use endianness
pop_Float64()//use endianness
//pop_Float(sign = true, exponent = 11, mantissa = 52)//use little endian
pop_Uint8Array(countBytes = this.getStoredBits() , littleEndian = false)
pop_DataView(countBytes = undefined , littleEndian = false)
pop_Hex(countBytes = undefined , littleEndian = false)
/* shift - take value from begin of bitDataView (reduce size) */
shift_Bit(count = 1)
shift_Uint(countBitsToSet/*0-53*/)//use endianness
shift_Int(countBitsToSet/*1-53*/)//use endianness
//shift_BigUint(countBitsToSet/*0-64*/)//use endianness
//shift_BigInt(countBitsToSet/*1-64*/)//use endianness
shift_Float32()//use endianness
shift_Float64()//use endianness
//shift_Float(sign = true, exponent = 11, mantissa = 52)//use little endian
shift_Uint8Array(countBytes = this.getStoredBits() , littleEndian = false)
shift_DataView(countBytes = undefined , littleEndian = false)
shift_Hex(countBytes = undefined , littleEndian = false)
exportUnit8Array(littleEndian = false)
exportHex(/*includeLastBits = true*/)
Advanced functions:
clear(fullClear = false, sizeBits = 256 * 8)
clone(copyStrictPrivateStructure = false)
significantBit_set(significantBitType)//"LSB" or "MSB"
significantBit_get()//"LSB" or "MSB"
endianness_set(endianness)//"LITTLE_ENDIAN" or "BIG_ENDIAN"
endianness_get()//"LITTLE_ENDIAN" or "BIG_ENDIAN"
expandRight(expandBits = 256 * 8)
expandLeft(expandBits = 256 * 8)
expandRightIfNeed(checkPushBits, bitCountIfExpandRequired = 256 * 8)
expandLeftIfNeed(checkUnshiftBits, bitCountIfExpandRequired = 256 * 8)
Test1. Compare with DataView component (70 msec)
Only LSB.
Little endian and big endian.
1000 random offsets and values
dataView.getUint32() vs .setAt_Uint(32) and .getAt_Uint(32)
dataView.getInt32() vs .setAt_Int(32) and .getAt_Int(32)
dataView.getUint16() vs .setAt_Uint(16) and .getAt_Uint(16)
dataView.getUint8() vs .setAt_Uint(8) and .getAt_Uint(8)
dataView.getUint8() vs .setAt_Byte(8) and .getAt_Byte(8)
dataView.getBigUint64() vs .setAt_BigUint(64) and .getAt_BigUint(64)
dataView.getFloat64() vs .setAt_Float64() and .getAt_Float64()
dataView.getFloat32() vs .setAt_Float32() and .getAt_Float32()
Another libs another authors:
Warning, table has many mistakes!
Url | Lng | Addrbits | Varbits | LEBE | MSBLSB| types | BufferStackQueueSchema | Comment
--- | --- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ------- | ------- | -------| -------
https://www.npmjs.com/package/@telemok/bitdataview https://github.com/Telemok/bitdataview | JS | x1 | x1 | LEBE | MSBLSB| Bool(u)intfloatbig(U)Int | BufferStackQueue | This library
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DataView | JS | x8 | x8 | LEBE | | (u)intfloatbig(U)Int | Buffer | Internal
https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html | JS | x8 | x8 | | | | Buffer | Internal
https://github.com/feross/buffer | JS | x8 | x8 | | | | Buffer |
https://github.com/JoshGlazebrook/smart-buffer | JS | x8 | x8 | | | | Buffer |
https://github.com/FlorianWendelborn/bitwise | JS | x1 | | | | Bool | Array | ?Many memory
https://github.com/inolen/bit-buffer | JS | x8 | x8 | | | | Buffer |
https://github.com/rochars/byte-data | JS | x8 | x8 | | | | Buffer |
https://github.com/uupaa/Bit.js/ | JS | x1 | x1 | | | BoolUint | Buffer |
https://github.com/fredricrylander/bits | JS | x1 | x1 | | | BoolUint | Buffer |
https://github.com/steinwurf/bitter | C++ | x1 | x1 | LE | MSBLSB | BoolUint | Buffer |
https://github.com/conekt/bitsandbytes | JS | x8 | x8 | LEBE | | | Queue? |
https://github.com/thi-ng/umbrella/tree/develop/packages/bitstream | JS | x1 | x1 | BE | LSB | BoolUint | Queue |
https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-bit-stream | JS | x8 | x8 | | | | |
https://www.npmjs.com/package/bits-bytes | JS | x1 | x1 | | | BoolUint | ??? |
https://www.npmjs.com/package/@binary-format/binary-format | TS | x8 | x8 | | |Uint | Queue |
https://www.npmjs.com/package/hipparchos | JS | x1 | x8 | | |Uint | Buffer |
https://www.npmjs.com/package/@thi.ng/rle-pack | TS | x1 | x1 | | |Uint | | no direct access
https://www.npmjs.com/package/binopsy | JS | | | | | | |
https://www.npmjs.com/package/uint-buffer | JS | x8 | x8 | LEBE | | Uint | Buffer | like DataView
https://github.com/keichi/binary-parser | JS | x8 | x8 | LEBE | | | |
https://github.com/anfema/bin-grammar | JS | x8 | x8 | LEBE | | Uint | Schema |
https://www.npmjs.com/package/@astronautlabs/bitstream | ES6 | -- | x1 | BE | MSBLSB | Uint | Queue | Many interesting code.
https://github.com/RobertBorg/node-BinaryFormat | JS | x8 | x8 | ??? | ??? |??? | Schema | C/compatible