This package contains the data abstractions that are referenced throughout the Granada framework
Query Package
The goal of this package is to provide some of the basic building blocks of a structured query that doesn't worry about the underlying provider or functionality. It is loosly defined to work with a broad number of providers but is mainly to keep consistency at the lowest levels of the framework rather that providing anything terribly useful on it's own (though a bad foundation leads to things tilting in the future...)
To allow this to be flexible across a variety of different data providers, we want to represent everything as an abstract syntax tree (AST) that can be translated by individual providers into an appropriate query (or flagged as invalid or the language, syntax, etc.) The core objects and structure for an AST are defined here
I'm a fan of builder patterns and they tend to work exceptionally well for query composition, so we setup some of the building blocks to make creating a simple abstract query easier.
All query related errors should eventually tie back to one of these error objects for easy detection in the framework.