kickass mqtt client
mqtt-client is a kickass library which provide client and service to manage mqtt topics.
- node >= 6.0.0
npm install @telecomsante/mqtt-client
A client can subscribe and publish to many topics.
- Create, subscribe and listen to messages:
const MQTTClient = require('@telecomsante/mqtt-client').client;
const options = {
url: 'mqtt://mosquitto',
username: 'admin',
password: 'admin'
const client = new MQTTClient(options);
client.on('message', (topic, value) => console.log('message', topic, value));
client.on('error', error => console.log('error', error));
client.subscribe(['terminal/vlc/#', 'terminal/sound/volume']);
- Send a value
client.setValue('terminal/test', 4);
- Close the client
client.close().then(() => console.log('close successfully'));
new MQTTClient(options)
Create a MQTTClient and connect to the mqtt server. For the options, take a look at https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js#client
Default options:
const defaultOpts = {
url: 'mqtt://localhost:1883',
keepalive: 10000,
clean: true
Event 'connect' -> function()
Emit when the client is connected to the mqtt server.
Event 'error' -> function(error)
Emit when a mqtt error appears.
Event 'close' -> function()
Emit after a mqtt disconnection
Event 'message' -> function(topic, value)
Emit when a value in the subscribed topics is changed.
client.subscribe([topics]) -> Promise
The client subscribes to the given topics.
MQTT topic wildcard characters are supported (+ - for single level and # - for multi level).
client.unsubscribe([topics]) -> Promise
The client unsubscribes to the given topics
client.setValue(topic, value) -> Promise
The client publishes the value to the request topic.
client.setValue('terminal/sound/volume', 50);
Will set the value in the req/terminal/sound/volume
client.close(force) -> Promise
Close the current client connection
A service manages two mqtt topics:
- A read only topic(
) for the clients. - A request topic(
) for the clients.
The service subscribes to the change in the request topic and updates the read only topic at his convenience.
- Create and listen to messages:
const MQTTService = require('@telecomsante/mqtt-client').service;
const options = {
url: 'mqtt://mosquitto',
username: 'admin',
password: 'admin'
const jsonschema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"volume": {
"type": "integer"
"additionalProperties": false
const service = new MQTTService(options, 'terminal/sound/#', jsonschema);
service.on('message', (key, value) => console.log('message', key, value));
service.on('error', error => console.log('error', error));
- Send a value
service.setValue('volume', 4);
By default, when a service send a value, this value is retained by the MQTT server. It may happen that we don't want the value to be retained, so in this case :
service.setValue('volume', 4, false);
- Close the service
service.close().then(() => console.log('close successfully'));
new MQTTService(options, topic, jsonSchema)
Create a MQTTService and connect to the mqtt server. For the options, take a look at https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js#client
Default options:
const defaultOpts = {
url: 'mqtt://localhost:1883',
keepalive: 10000,
clean: true
The service manages the topic with the terminal or companion prefixes.
The json schema represents the structure of the tree managed by the service
Event 'connect' -> function()
Emit when the service is connected to the mqtt server.
Event 'error' -> function(error)
Emit when a mqtt error appears.
Event 'close' -> function()
Emit after a mqtt disconnection
Event 'message' -> function(key, value)
Emit when a value in the request topic is changed.
If the req/terminal/sound/volume
value is changed and the managed topic is req/terminal/sound/#
key = 'sound'
value = the new value
service.setValue(key, value) -> Promise
The service publishes the value to the managed topic.
If the managed topic is req/terminal/sound/#
service.setValue('volume', 50);
Will set the value in the /terminal/sound/volume
service.close(force) -> Promise
Close the current service connection
Before commit, run the tests and the linter:
- Tests
npm run test
- linter
npm run lint