Package for making drop downs on websites.
Package for making drop downs on websites.
How It Works
There are 2 modes for a drop-down button, namely:
- Click
- Hover
There are only 2 functions you can use in this package:
loadAllDropDowns(buttonQuery, click | hover)
, this function adds an event listener to every dropdown based on buttonQuery given. buttonQuery must be a css selector and in a string like ".my-selector#blah-blah-blah"
loadDropDown(buttonQuery, click | hover)
, this functions the same as "loadAllDropDowns", but instead it only applies to one element based on buttonQuery given.
If you want to make drop-down button, make a container for it, like a div:
<!-- Example -->
then add your drop-down button:
<button class="drop-down">≡</button>
...followed by a <nav>
<button class="drop-down">≡</button>
And to actually load it, you need to go to your website's script and either use "loadAllDropDowns" or "loadDropDown". Example:
// To load all dropdowns, this automatically searches for all elements with a class "drop-down" inside it
loadAllDropDowns(".drop-down", click); // Click means the elements will only show when the button is clicked
loadAllDropDowns(".drop-down", hover); // Hover means the nav will only show when the button is hovered, and whilst the parent container still has the mouse cursor inside it.
// alternatively, this one will only apply to one drop-down button, but you can specify what element and what css selector it is
loadDropDown(".drop-down", click); // Click means the elements will only show when the button is clicked
loadDropDown(".drop-down", hover); // Hover means the nav will only show when the button is hovered, and whilst the parent container still has the mouse cursor inside it.
Example page
Please go here for better visual explanation.