Node Module for using AngularJS with GLPI API REST
Bower component for using AngularJS with GLPi API REST
bower install angular-glpi
.- Include the
script, and this script's dependencies are included in your app. - Add
as a module dependency to your app.
List of functions
- GLPi.initsession()
- GLPi.killsession()
- GLPi.getMyProfiles()
- GLPi.getActiveProfile()
- GLPi.changeActiveProfile()
- GLPi.getMyEntities()
- GLPi.getActiveEntities()
- GLPi.changeActiveEntities()
- GLPi.getFullSession()
- GLPi.getAnTtem()
- GLPi.getAllUtems()
- GLPi.getSubItems()
- GLPi.getMultipleItems()
- GLPi.listSearchOptions()
- GLPi.searchItems()
- GLPi.addItems()
- GLPi.updateItems()
- GLPi.deleteItems()
List itemtypes
- Alert
- AuthLDAP
- Computer
- Config
- ConsumableItem
- Contact
- Contract
- CronTask
- CronTaskLog
- DBConnection
- DisplayPreference
- Document
- AuthLdapReplicate
- Event
- KnowbaseItem
- Link
- Log
- MailCollector
- Monitor
- NetworkEquipment
- Notification
- NotificationEvent
- NotificationMailSetting
- AuthMail
- NotificationTemplate
- NotImportedEmail
- Peripheral
- Phone
- Plugin
- Printer
- Profile
- Project
- QueuedMail
- Reminder
- Bookmark
- RSSFeed
- Rule
- RuleCollection
- SlaLevel_Ticket
- Software
- SoftwareLicense
- Supplier
- TicketFollowup
- TicketSatisfaction
- CartridgeItem
- Transfer
- User
- CommonDBConnexity
- CommonDropdown
- CommonITILObject
- CommonITILTask
- AutoUpdateSystem
- Blacklist
- CartridgeItemType
- Item_DeviceSoundCard
- Item_Problem
- Item_Project
- Item_Ticket
- ITILCategory
- KnowbaseItem_Profile
- KnowbaseItem_User
- KnowbaseItemCategory
- KnowbaseItemTranslation
- Link_Itemtype
- Change
- Location
- Manufacturer
- MonitorModel
- MonitorType
- Netpoint
- Network
- NetworkAlias
- NetworkEquipmentFirmware
- NetworkEquipmentModel
- NetworkEquipmentType
- Change_Group
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkName
- NetworkPort
- NetworkPort_NetworkPort
- NetworkPort_Vlan
- NetworkPortAggregate
- NetworkPortAlias
- NetworkPortDialup
- NetworkPortEthernet
- NetworkPortInstantiation
- Change_Item
- NetworkPortLocal
- NetworkPortMigration
- NetworkPortWifi
- Notepad
- NotificationTarget
- NotificationTargetCartridgeItem
- NotificationTargetChange
- NotificationTargetCommonITILObject
- NotificationTargetConsumableItem
- NotificationTargetContract
- Change_Problem
- NotificationTargetCrontask
- NotificationTargetDBConnection
- NotificationTargetFieldUnicity
- NotificationTargetInfocom
- NotificationTargetMailCollector
- NotificationTargetPlanningRecall
- NotificationTargetProblem
- NotificationTargetProject
- NotificationTargetProjectTask
- NotificationTargetReservation
- Change_Project
- NotificationTargetSoftwareLicense
- NotificationTargetTicket
- NotificationTargetUser
- NotificationTemplateTranslation
- OperatingSystem
- OperatingSystemServicePack
- OperatingSystemVersion
- PeripheralModel
- PeripheralType
- PhoneModel
- Change_Supplier
- PhonePowerSupply
- PhoneType
- PlanningRecall
- PrinterModel
- PrinterType
- Problem
- Problem_Supplier
- Problem_Ticket
- Problem_User
- ProblemCost
- Change_Ticket
- ProblemTask
- Profile_Reminder
- Profile_RSSFeed
- Profile_User
- ProfileRight
- ProjectCost
- ProjectState
- ProjectTask
- ProjectTask_Ticket
- ProjectTaskTeam
- Change_User
- ProjectTaskType
- ProjectTeam
- ProjectType
- RegisteredID
- Reminder_User
- RequestType
- Reservation
- ReservationItem
- RSSFeed_User
- RuleAction
- ChangeCost
- RuleCriteria
- RuleDictionnaryComputerModel
- RuleDictionnaryComputerModelCollection
- RuleDictionnaryComputerType
- RuleDictionnaryComputerTypeCollection
- RuleDictionnaryDropdown
- RuleDictionnaryDropdownCollection
- RuleDictionnaryManufacturer
- RuleDictionnaryManufacturerCollection
- RuleDictionnaryMonitorModel
- BlacklistedMailContent
- ChangeTask
- RuleDictionnaryMonitorModelCollection
- RuleDictionnaryMonitorType
- RuleDictionnaryMonitorTypeCollection
- RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentModel
- RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentModelCollection
- RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentType
- RuleDictionnaryNetworkEquipmentTypeCollection
- RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystem
- RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemCollection
- RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemServicePack
- ChangeValidation
- RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemServicePackCollection
- RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemVersion
- RuleDictionnaryOperatingSystemVersionCollection
- RuleDictionnaryPeripheralModel
- RuleDictionnaryPeripheralModelCollection
- RuleDictionnaryPeripheralType
- RuleDictionnaryPeripheralTypeCollection
- RuleDictionnaryPhoneModel
- RuleDictionnaryPhoneModelCollection
- RuleDictionnaryPhoneType
- CommonDBChild
- RuleDictionnaryPhoneTypeCollection
- RuleDictionnaryPrinter
- RuleDictionnaryPrinterCollection
- RuleDictionnaryPrinterModel
- RuleDictionnaryPrinterModelCollection
- RuleDictionnaryPrinterType
- RuleDictionnaryPrinterTypeCollection
- RuleDictionnarySoftware
- RuleDictionnarySoftwareCollection
- RuleImportComputer
- CommonDBRelation
- RuleImportComputerCollection
- RuleImportEntity
- RuleImportEntityCollection
- RuleMailCollector
- RuleMailCollectorCollection
- RuleRight
- RuleRightCollection
- RuleRightParameter
- RuleSoftwareCategory
- RuleSoftwareCategoryCollection
- CommonDevice
- RuleTicket
- RuleTicketCollection
- SlaLevel
- SlaLevelAction
- SlaLevelCriteria
- SoftwareCategory
- SoftwareLicenseType
- SoftwareVersion
- SolutionTemplate
- SolutionType
- CommonImplicitTreeDropdown
- SsoVariable
- State
- Supplier_Ticket
- SupplierType
- TaskCategory
- Ticket
- Ticket_Ticket
- Ticket_User
- TicketCost
- TicketRecurrent
- CommonITILActor
- TicketTask
- TicketTemplate
- TicketTemplateHiddenField
- TicketTemplateMandatoryField
- TicketTemplatePredefinedField
- TicketValidation
- UserCategory
- UserEmail
- UserTitle
- VirtualMachineState
- CommonITILCost
- VirtualMachineSystem
- VirtualMachineType
- Vlan
- WifiNetwork
- CommonITILValidation
- CommonTreeDropdown
- Bookmark_User
- Computer_Item
- Computer_SoftwareLicense
- Computer_SoftwareVersion
- ComputerDisk
- ComputerModel
- ComputerType
- ComputerVirtualMachine
- Consumable
- ConsumableItemType
- Contact_Supplier
- Budget
- ContactType
- Contract_Item
- Contract_Supplier
- ContractCost
- ContractType
- DeviceCase
- DeviceCaseType
- DeviceControl
- DeviceDrive
- DeviceGraphicCard
- Calendar
- DeviceHardDrive
- DeviceMemory
- DeviceMemoryType
- DeviceMotherboard
- DeviceNetworkCard
- DevicePci
- DevicePowerSupply
- DeviceProcessor
- DeviceSoundCard
- Document_Item
- Calendar_Holiday
- DocumentCategory
- DocumentType
- Domain
- DropdownTranslation
- Entity
- Entity_KnowbaseItem
- Entity_Reminder
- Entity_RSSFeed
- Fieldblacklist
- FieldUnicity
- CalendarSegment
- Filesystem
- FQDNLabel
- Group
- Group_KnowbaseItem
- Group_Problem
- Group_Reminder
- Group_RSSFeed
- Group_Ticket
- Group_User
- Cartridge
- Holiday
- Infocom
- InterfaceType
- IPAddress
- IPAddress_IPNetwork
- IPNetmask
- IPNetwork
- IPNetwork_Vlan
- Item_DeviceCase
- Item_DeviceControl
- CartridgeItem_PrinterModel
- Item_DeviceDrive
- Item_DeviceGraphicCard
- Item_DeviceHardDrive
- Item_DeviceMemory
- Item_DeviceMotherboard
- Item_DeviceNetworkCard
- Item_DevicePci
- Item_DevicePowerSupply
- Item_DeviceProcessor
- Item_Devices
GPL v3.0