Reveal Content package
Reveal Content
The RevealContent class allows you to easily create scroll-triggered animations for HTML elements. It leverages GSAP and ScrollTrigger to provide smooth and customizable animations when elements enter the viewport.
npm install @teamthunderfoot/reveal-content
import RevealContent from "@teamthunderfoot/reveal-content";
class Index {
constructor() {
init() {
const content = new RevealContent({
element: document.querySelector(".js--rc"),
type: "from",
animationOptions: {
ease: 'power2.inOut',
opacity: 0
intitialTrigger: "top 80%",
# pinnedContainer: null,
# markers: false,
export default Index;
• element
(required): represents the element that will be animated. It's the only required option.
• animationOptions
: (Object or Array): Animation options. If the type is 'fromTo', this should be an array of two objects defining the initial and final states. Otherwise, it's a single object defining the animation properties. Default: { autoAlpha: 0, y: 30, duration: 0.75, ease: "power2.out" }.
• intitialTrigger
(String): The trigger point for the animation to start when the element enters the viewport. Default: "top 80%".
• markers (optional)
(Boolean): Whether to display markers for ScrollTrigger. Default: false.
• pinnedContainer (optional)
(Element / String): It is used when having pinned elements inside another pinned element. It is not necessary to set it if it is not the mentioned use case. It is necessary for example, when we use horizontal scroll in the same page.
• type
(String): Animation type. Can be 'from', 'to', or 'fromTo'. Default: "from".
Usefull Events
. destroy() : Kills the ScrollTrigger instance, immediately unpinning and restoring any pin-related changes made to the DOM by ScrollTrigger and removing all scroll-related listeners.
. refresh() : Recalculates the positioning of all of the ScrollTriggers on the page; this typically happens automatically when the window/scroller resizes