google maps helper
Map Class
The Map class is a JavaScript utility class for creating interactive Google Maps with markers and custom info windows. It provides a simple way to initialize a Google Map, add markers with custom properties, and customize the map's appearance.
npm install @teamthunderfoot/google-map
Importing the Module
Note that this is an async await operation
import {Map} from '@teamthunderfoot/google-map';
const map = new Map({
mapOptions: {
center: {
lat: 0,
lng: 0
zoom: 4
markers: [
lat: 43.2620238,
lng: -2.9261762,
title: 'Marker 1',
infoWindowContent: '<p>This is Marker 1</p>'
lat: 42.2620238,
lng: -2.9261762,
title: 'Marker 2',
infoWindowContent: '<p>This is Marker 2</p>'
onComplete: () => {
console.log('Map is ready');
Constructor Options :
- apiKey (string, required): Your Google Maps API key.
- mapOptions (object, required): Map configuration options, including center and zoom.
- markers (array, required): An array of marker objects with properties like lat, lng, title, infoWindowContent, and more.
- genericIcon (string, optional): A URL for the generic marker icon (default: Google Maps generic marker).
- onComplete (function, optional): A callback function to be called when the map is ready.
Marker Object Properties :
- lat (number, required): Latitude coordinate of the marker.
- lng (number, required): Longitude coordinate of the marker.
- title (string, optional): Title of the marker.
- infoWindowContent (string, optional): HTML content for the marker's info window.
- icon (string, optional): URL for a custom marker icon.
- animation (string, optional): Animation type for the marker, BOUNCE, DROP or null
Public Methods
Removes event listeners and destroys the map instance
Get Geolocation
There is also a helper function to get current location from the user.
import Map,{getCurrentLocation} from "@teamthunderfoot/google-map ";
await getCurrentLocation();