**Built on top of [Tippy.js](https://atomiks.github.io/tippyjs/)**
Built on top of Tippy.js
npm i @teamhive/ngx-tooltip
Getting Started
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { TooltipModule, TooltipOptions } from '@teamhive/ngx-tooltip';
imports: [
// custom defaults go here e.g.
placement: 'top',
arrow: 'true',
arrowType: 'sharp',
allowHTML: true,
maxWidth: 200
} as TooltipOptions)
export class ExampleModule { }
<div ngxTooltip tooltipContent="Lorem ipsum dolor…"> … </div>
HTML Content
⚠️ you should almost certainly santitize any html you didn't make yourself!
import { TooltipContent } from '@teamhive/ngx-tooltip';
tooltipElement: TooltipContent;
ngOnInit() {
this.tooltipElement = document.getElementById('tooltip-template');
<div ngxTooltip [tooltipAllowHtml]="true" tooltipContent="<span> … </span>"> … </div>
<!-- or -->
<span id="tooltip-template"> … </span>
<div ngxTooltip [tooltipAllowHtml]="true" [tooltipContent]="templateElement"> … </div>
<!-- or, best yet (Yay for template reference variables!!!!) -->
<span #tooltipTemplate> … </span>
<div ngxTooltip [tooltipAllowHtml]="true" [tooltipContent]="tooltipTemplate"> … </div>
Specify Options
import { TooltipOptions } from '@teamhive/ngx-tooltip';
tooltipOptions: TooltipOptions = {
placement: 'top',
arrow: 'true',
arrowType: 'sharp',
allowHTML: true,
content: '<span …> … </span>'
<div [ngxTooltip]="{content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor…', maxWidth: 200 …}"> … </div>
<!-- or -->
<div [ngxTooltip]="tooltipOptions"> … </div>
import { TooltipService } from '@teamhive/ngx-tooltip';
constructor(tooltipService: TooltipService) {}
forceCloseAll() {
| method | description | return type |
| hideAll()
| Hides each TooltipInstance
| void |
| showAll()
| Shows each TooltipInstance
| void |
| enableAll()
| Enables each TooltipInstance
except those without content to prevent empty tooltips from being displayed. | void |
| disableAll()
| Disables each TooltipInstance
| void |
| destroyAll()
| Destroys each TooltipInstance
| void |
| getGroup()
| Returns group TooltipInstance
collection | Map<string | number, TooltipInstance> |
Some commonly used options are made available through element properties. see full list of options.
| property | description | type |
| all options can be passed via the directive itself | TooltipOptions |
| specifies a group collection the tooltip should belong to. Actions can be applied to an entire group via the TooltipService. This property is custom to NgxTooltip and does not have a tippy.js equivalent. | string | number |
| The content of the tooltip. Along with a string or element, you can use a function that takes the reference element as an argument and returns content. | TooltipContent string | Element | ((ref: Element) => Element | string) |
| Positions the tippy relative to its reference element. Use the suffix '-start' or '-end' to shift the tippy to the start or end of the reference element, instead of centering it. For example, top-start or left-end. | TooltipPlacement 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-start' | 'top-end' | 'bottom-start' | 'bottom-end' | 'left-start' | 'left-end' | 'right-start' | 'right-end' |
| The type of transition animation. | TooltipAnimation'shift-away' | 'shift-toward' | 'fade' | 'scale' | 'perspective' |
| The events (each separated by a space) which cause a tippy to show. Possible values: "mouseenter", "focus", "click", "manual". Use "manual" to only trigger the tippy programmatically. | string |
| tooltipTouch
| Determines if tooltip works on touch devices | boolean |
| tooltipTouchHold
| Determines trigger behavior on touch devices. Instead of a tap on the reference to show and a tap elsewhere to hide the tippy, the reference must be pressed and held for the tippy to show. Letting go from the screen will hide it. | boolean |
| Determines the arrow type. Using this property automatically enables the arrow option | TooltipArrowType'sharp' | 'round' |
| Determines the maximum width of the tippy - use a number for pixels, or a string to add units such as rem. In CSS, it's defined as 350px by default. This option applies the width to the style attribute of the tippy element. | number | string
| Themes added as classes (each separated by a space) to the ngx-tooltip element's. | string
| Determines if the tooltip can have HTML content rendered inside of it. | boolean |
Additional properties
cannot be set via Element properties
| property | description | type |
| id
| tooltip instance unique numeric id. | number |
| state
| object defining the sate of tooltip instance | TooltipState |
| group
| optional tooltip instance group id | string | number |
Some commonly used options are made available through element properties.
| method | description | return type |
| hide()
| Force hides tooltip. | void |
| show()
| Force shows tooltip even if disabled. | void |
| enable()
| Force enables tooltip, unless it is without content, to prevent empty tooltips from being displayed. | void |
| disable()
| Force disables tooltip. | void |
| destroy()
| Force destroys tooltip. | void |
@teamhive/ngx-tooltip makes use of css variables for theming.
When you pass a theme name via TooltipModule.forRoot{}
, ngxTooltip
, or tooltipTheme
- a css class is attached to the tooltip elements so they can be targeted for styling.
CSS Variables
| Variable | Description |
| --tooltip-color
| Full CSS color
property. |
| --tooltip-arrow-color
| Color of arrow. Used for various properties necessary to properly & uniformly color arrow. It is highly recommended to keep same as background color. |
| --tooltip-background-color
| Full CSS background-color
property. |
| --tooltip-font-size
| Full CSS font-size
property. |
| --tooltip-font-weight
| Full CSS font-weight
property. |
| --tooltip-font-style
| Fulll CSS font-style
property. |
| --tooltip-font-family
| Full CSS font-famliy
property. |
| --tooltip-box-shadow
| Full CSS box-shadow
property. |
| --tooltip-border-radius
| Full CSS border-radius
property. |
| --tooltip-text-align
| Full CSS text-align
property. |
| --tooltip-padding
| Full CSS padding
property. |
// the package styles.css file must be imported to use css variables
@import "@teamhive/ngx-tooltip/assets/styles/styles.css";
// custom styling should be placed in class selector of `${customThemeName}-theme`
.currant-theme {
--tooltip-color: #9df2a4; // seafoam
--tooltip-arrow-color: #463E53; // blackcurrant
--tooltip-background-color: #463E53; // blackcurrant
--tooltip-font-size: 16px;
--tooltip-font-weight: 500;
--tooltip-font-style: normal;
--tooltip-font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
--tooltip-box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px grey;
--tooltip-border-radius: 5px;
--tooltip-text-align: center;
--tooltip-padding: 5px;
<div ngxTooltip tooltipTheme="currant" tooltipContent="blackcurrant & seafoam"…>
custom theme
for advanced theming, see the Tippy.js theming docs.
All Options
options taken from tippy.js docs
| :---: |Michael Riess|