Client Side Excel Export using JavaScript
Client Side Excel Export using JavaScript
Various server-side binaries and support libraries are present to help us export grids / tables / data to excel sheets, but the same export handling at client side is a tough nut to crack. This plugin helps you achieve that, thereby providing advance features as well.
- npm i @tarunbatta/excelexportjs
Setup Dev Instance
- npm install -g grunt-cli
Run on Dev Instance
- change module from "commonjs" to "es2015" in tsconfig.json
- live-server
Build Dist
- grunt
Create Git Tag
- git tag
- git tag -a 4.0.x -m "version 4.0.x"
- git push origin 4.0.x
Publish Library
- npm publish
Sample Usage
Import the library as follows,
var excelExportJs = require("./excelExportJs");
import { excelExportJs } from './excelExportJs';
The following is an example implementation where two tables are exported to an excel sheet,
var cols = new Array<excelExportJs.eeColumn>();
cols.push(new excelExportJs.eeColumn('sNo', 'S.No.', new excelExportJs.eeColumnType(excelExportJs.eeCellTypes.Number), 25));
cols.push(new excelExportJs.eeColumn('name', 'Name', new excelExportJs.eeColumnType(excelExportJs.eeCellTypes.Html), 100));
cols.push(new excelExportJs.eeColumn('age', 'Age', new excelExportJs.eeColumnType(excelExportJs.eeCellTypes.Number), 25));
cols.push(new excelExportJs.eeColumn('dob', 'Date Of Birth', new excelExportJs.eeColumnType(excelExportJs.eeCellTypes.DateTime), 75));
cols.push(new excelExportJs.eeColumn('salary', 'Salary $', new excelExportJs.eeColumnType(excelExportJs.eeCellTypes.Float)));
cols.push(new excelExportJs.eeColumn('isActive', 'Is Active', new excelExportJs.eeColumnType(excelExportJs.eeCellTypes.Boolean)));
cols.push(new excelExportJs.eeColumn('marks', 'Marks %', new excelExportJs.eeColumnType(excelExportJs.eeCellTypes.Percent)));
var rows = new Array<excelExportJs.eeRow>();
var row = new excelExportJs.eeRow([
{ sNo: 1, name: '<a>Tarun</a>', age: 34, dob: '1-Nov-1983', salary: 1.11, isActive: true, marks: 0.1211 },
{ sNo: 2, name: 'Jax', age: 32, dob: { data: '5-Jan-1985', style: new excelExportJs.eeCellStyle(new excelExportJs.eeBackground('#34FFFF')) }, salary: 2.33, isActive: false, marks: 0.5422 },
{ sNo: 3, name: 'Max', age: 1, dob: { data: '15-Jun-2017', style: new excelExportJs.eeCellStyle(new excelExportJs.eeBackground('#FF0000')) }, salary: 3.44, isActive: true, marks: 0.8133 }
var table = new excelExportJs.eeTable('Table 1', cols, rows);
var table2 = new excelExportJs.eeTable('Table 2', cols, rows);
var dataSet = new Array<excelExportJs.eeTable>();
var obj = new excelExportJs.excelExport(dataSet);
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.innerText = 'Click Me';
a.href = obj.CreateExcel(true, true);
a.download = 'download.xml';
Supported Browsers
- Chrome, supported in all versions
- Firefox, supported in all versions
- Microsoft Edge, supported in all versions
- Safari, supported in all versions
- Opera, supported since 7.2
- Internet Explorer, not compatible.