parses SVG/XML format and converts to react-native-svg elements
An SVG/XML parser that converts to react-native-svg format. This project was created in order to make it easy to use existing SVG files with the react-native-svg project, which only supports a subset of SVG and does not provide a method for directly rendering SVG from an SVG/XML format file.
npm i @target-corp/react-native-svg-parser
import ReactNativeSvgParser from 'react-native-svg-parser'
const svgNode = ReactNativeSvgParser(`YOUR SVG XML STRING`, `YOUR CSS STYLESHEET STRING`)
render() {
return <View>
{ svgNode }
The parser takes a third parameter, and object with config options. You can specify the following values:
| Prop name | Type | Description |
|-----------|--------| ------------|
| width | number | overrides the width provided by viewbox, becomes "width" prop on Svg
element |
| height | number | overrides the height provided by viewbox, becomes "height" prop on Svg
element |
| viewBox | string | overrides the viewbox element on the SVG and is added as a prop on Svg
element |
| DOMParser | object | this is passed directly to xmldom.DOMParser, see xmldom docs for options available |
| omitById | array | an optional array of ids to omit from the SVG output object |
Example usage:
import ReactNativeSvgParser from 'react-native-svg-parser'
const svgString = `<svg height="100" width="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" class="red-circle" />
const cssString = `
.red-circle {
fill: red;
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 3;
const svgNode = ReactNativeSvgParser(svgString, cssString, {width: 111, height: 222})
.... // (will render a red circle with a black stroke)
render() {
return <View>
{ svgNode }
Developing: Lint test and build
In order to test and develop locally you will need to install the peer dependencies (React and React Native). However, we have you covered. Just run this command:
npm run install-peers
Then you can run test lint and build using this command:
npm run ci
Console warning, on transform prop
On v5.5.1 react-native-svg enforced prop type of "object" on transform attribute. However, as of v6.0.0 this is changed to:
transform: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string])
Therefore, the minimum version compatibility for this libaray with react-native-svg
is version 6.0.0.
Fixed text node rendering.