Driver for TappyUSB devices using the Tappy Classic communication protocol
Driver for working with a TapTrack TappyUSB device that uses the Tappy Classic USB communication protocol using chrome.serial
npm install @taptrack/tappy-classic
bower install tappy-classic
Detecting Tappies
If you wish, you can manually enter the path to the serial port, but in general, the Tappy autodetector is more convenient.
var autodetector = new TappyClassic.Autodetector();
autodetector.setCallback(function(device) {
// device is an object identical to what
// chrome.serial.getDevices() passes to its
// callback
autodetector.setStatusCallback(function(isScanning) {
if(isScanning) {
console.log("Scanning for Tappies");
else {
console.log("Not scanning");
Connecting to Tappies
Once you have determined the path to your Tappy's serial port via auto-detection or another means, you must connect to it.
var path = "/dev/ttyUSB1"; // windows COM ports also supported
// create Tappy object with verbose logging if you want detailed output
// of its operations, if no params are passed, defaults to false
var tappy = new TappyClassic(path,{verboseLogging:true});
tappy.connect(function() {
// disconnectAsap should be used instead of disconnect
// as disconnect will throw if the tappy is not connected
// and disconnectAsap handles the possibility of being called
// while the tappy is in the process of connecting
Sending Commands
While it's possible to send raw commands via safeSendCommand(), you should generally use the command-specific convenience functions which will handle composing the commands and parsing responses.
The convenience functions all have the same basic signature: first the parameters (if relevant), then three callbacks - a success callback, an error callback, and an ACK callback. The success callback is passed parameters that differ based on the exact command being executed. The error callback is passed two parameters: the first is which of the TappyClassic.ErrorTypes the callback corresponds to, while the second parameter contains further data about the error, which can vary depending on the error that occured. The third callback is called when the Tappy responds with an ACKnowledgement. Note that in some circumstances, the success callback is also called when an ACK is received, primarily for commands that do not return any data, such as storing information in a content slot.
// scan for a tag indefinitely
// with type-2 enumeration enabled
function(tagType,tagCode) {
console.log(tagCode); // Uint8Array
function(errorType,errorData) {
function() {
console.log("ACK received");