A component library for Algolia
Algolia components library for Angular
Library of components for Algolia on angular.
So :
- Components may change, appear from nowhere or disapear in a black hole (it happens)
- Documentation may not be accurate and no up to date
npm install -save @tagazok/algolia-angular-components
Import the AlgoliaModule and the AlgoliaService in your app
import { AlgoliaModule, AlgoliaService } from '@tagazok/algolia-angular-components'
Load the module into your app passing
imports: [
AlgoliaModule.forRoot({appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID', apiKey: 'YOUR_APP_KEY'}),
export class AppModule { }
You are now ready to use the components in your app \o/
List of components
Displays a search bar that triggers a live search
<app-algolia-search [index]="'ikea'" [hitsPerPage]="16" [placeHolder]="Enter text..."></app-algolia-search>
Parameters :
- index : The algolia index
- hitsPerPage : The maximum number of results you want the research to return (default is 12)
- placeHolder : The placeholder of the input (default is "Search")
Displays the results of your research in a custom template
<template let-item="item">
<!-- The html template of a single result item -->
Displays facet and manage filters on click.
<app-algolia-facets [attribute]="'materials'"[label]="'Material'" [limit]="'10'" [selectedcssclass]="'selected-filter'">
<template let-item="item">
<!-- The html of a single result item -->
<!-- ex : {{item.key}} <span class="facet-val">({{item.val}})</span> -->
<!-- ex : <div class="facet-color" [attr.data-facet-value]="item.key"> </div> -->
Parameters :
- attribute : The attribute of which you want the facet
- label : The label of the List (may be removed in future release... not sure yet)
- limit : The maximum number of results per facets
- selectedcssclass : The class to apply when a facet value is selected for filtering the query
Simply displays the stats of the result of the research
Sort (early WIP)
Allows you to specify how you want your result to be sorted.
<app-algolia-sort [indices]="sortIndices" [label]="'Sort by'"></app-algolia-sort>
Parameters :
- label : The placeholder/title of the search field (will be removed in future release as md- has been removed)
- indices : List of items to sort with. Exemple :
const sortIndices = [
{value: 'ikea', label: 'Featured'},
{value: 'ikea_price_asc', label: 'Price asc.'},
{value: 'ikea_price_desc', label: 'Price desc.'}
Add pagination to navigate in your results
<app-algolia-pagination [padding]="2"></app-algolia-pagination>
Parameters :
- padding : See +/- n page numbers (default is 3 if not specified)
Display Stars, usefull for ratings
<app-algolia-stars [value]="3" [min]="1" [max]="5"></app-algolia-stars>
Parameters : min: The minimum value (default is 0); max: The maximum value to display empty stars value : The number of plain stars
- See what we can do with css customisation
- [DONE] Better algolia-result customisation (row / card / column views)
- manage OR request for filters.
- In algolia-stats. Add attribute to choose which stat to display (# and time)
- Add prev / new arrow on pagination
- "Filter" by component
- Automatic routes change when whanging page or filter, etc
This app has been built with the components of this library with the idea of Algolia e-commerce demo app
To be published very soon on github :)
Created using https://github.com/manekinekko/angular-library-starter