Type declarations for Tableau Extensions API
How to use the Tableau Extensions API type definitions
The Tableau Extensions API type definitions enable you to write your extension source code in TypeScript. You can use the TypeScript compiler (tsc) to transpile the TypeScript source code to JavaScript for use with your extension.
- Install the Extensions API type definitions. The following command installs the Extensions API
type definitions (
) in thenode_modules
folder of the current directory.
npm install @tableau/extensions-api-types
- Import the type definitions into your TypeScript source files. You can import modules or type
definitions. For example, to import the module,
, you would use the following:
import { Parameter } from '@tableau/extensions-api-types';
If you want to use Tableau enumerations as parameters to functions, or as a member variables inside
class definitions, you need to import the type definitions from @tableau/extensions-api-types
. You
can then declare parameters or variables of that type. For example, to be able to use the DataType
enum as a parameter to a function, you need to use the following import statement:
import { DataType } from '@tableau/extensions-api-types';
You can then use DataType
as a type for a parameter in a class method. You can't use the fully
qualified name as a parameter type (tableau.DataType
), even though you can use the fully qualified
name within a method.
private foo(value: DataType) {
switch (value) {
case tableau.DataType.String:
// ... do other things
Please note that @tableau/extension-api-types
submodules are subject to change. Import only from
- Configure the TypeScript compiler options for your project. Set the
option to the location where you have installed the Extensions API type definitions. For example, the Samples-TypeScript extensions on GitHub use webpack and Node.js to build the samples.
"compilerOptions": {
/* Basic Options */
"target": "esnext",
"module": "commonjs",
"sourceMap": true,
"alwaysStrict": true,
"baseUrl": "./Samples-Typescript",
"typeRoots": ["./node_modules/@tableau", "./node_modules/@types"]
- Write your extension and compile your code with the TypeScript compiler. If you need to install
the compiler, see
TypeScript in Visual Studio Code.
Visual Studio Code supports TypeScript, but does not automatically include the TypeScript
compiler (
- Link to the compiled JavaScript output in your extension. The TypeScript compiler transpiles the TypeScript source code to JavaScript. In your extension HTML code, link to the JavaScript file, and not your TypeScript source file.
<!-- Extensions Library -->
<script src="../../lib/tableau.extensions.1.latest.js"></script>
<!-- The extension code -->
<script src="./datasources.js"></script>