Simple data-editor with Svelte, material UI and custom components
A thingy, that may help you deal with random data. Has some in-bread editor-components, but you can create any svelte-component to edit values.
- Import Sveditor
- Make a model
- Get data
- Use Sveditor with given data & model
- ...
But how?
Easiest way is to clone this repo and start playing with example data:
git clone https://github.com/Syyskimo/sveditor.git
# navigate to folder you just cloned
cd sveditor
# install node modules
npm install
# start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
Then check the basic entry-point: src/routes/index.svelte
And try playing with it.
It might be a good idea (though, not mandatory) to use typescript. If you're using such
trying checking lib/src/model/types | Model
Model has:
- a name (not used at the moment, but humor me)
- validate -function (optional) that can be used to validate whole object
- properties : an array of actual properties:
Properties (PropertyModel):
- key: actual key (property name) of the value.
- title: what the component might call this key
- component (optional): name of component if wanted to use provided svelte material ui -components, see
lib/src/model/types | Component
- svelteComponent (optional): if you want to create any own component, pass here a svelte-component
- definitions (optional): Non-typed -data for the component. So it's just anything the component might want
- validate (optional): validation function of this property
Data is just basic object. Might have anything.
For example:
<script lang="ts">
import {Sveditor} from "sveditor";
import {Model, Component} from "./types";
let data = {
id: 1,
name: 'John',
age: 25
// and a model for that might be:
const model: Model = {
name: 'person',
properties: [
key: 'name',
title: 'Name',
component: Component.TextInput,
validate: (value => {
return (value.length > 1 ? {validated: true} : {validated: false, message: 'too short'})
key: 'age',
title: 'Give your age',
component: Component.Slider,
definitions: {
min: 18,
max: 99
<Sveditor data="{data}" model="{model}" on:save={(x) => {console.log(x)}}/>