Input-Number UI Component for the Synerise Design System
id: input-number title: Input-Number
Input-Number UI Component
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- |
| autoFocus | Get focus when component mounted | boolean | false
| decimalSeparator | Decimal separator | string | - |
| defaultValue | Initial value | number |
| description | Input description | string | - |
| disabled | Disable the input | boolean | false
| errorText | Error message, if provided input will be set in error state | string | - |
| formatter | Specifies the format of the value presented | (value: number / string) => string | - |
| label | Input label | string | - |
| max | Max value | number | Infinity |
| min | Min value | number | -Infinity |
| onChange | The callback triggered when the value is changed. The return value is either a number or empty string '' if NaN | (value: number / string) => void |
| onPressEnter | The callback function that is triggered when Enter key is pressed. | (e:Event) => void |
| parser | Specifies the value extracted from formatter | (val: number / string) => string | - |
| precision | Precision of input value | number | - |
| size | Height of input box | string | - |
| step | The number to which the current value is increased or decreased. It can be an integer or decimal. | number / string | 1 |
| value | Current value | number | - |
| prefixel | String or ReactNode to set prefix | string / ReactNode | - |
| suffixel | String or ReactNode to set suffix | string / ReactNode | - |
| tooltip | Tooltip content | ReactNode | - |
| tooltipConfig | Config of tooltip | TooltipProps | - |
| Name | Description | | ------- | ------------ | | blur() | remove focus | | focus() | get focus |