React wrappers for the Synergy Design System
This package provides React.js wrappers for Synergy Web Components.
This package aims for an improved UX when used in React applications:
- Auto-completion
- Event handling
Note that with react@19 and above, react has full support for web-components. For those react versions, this package can be used by loading custom types, you do not need to use the exported components anymore.
Known issues and limitations
Got any problems using our React wrappers? Currently there are no known issues relating to them. But please take a look at our list of known issues and limitations of the web components before creating a ticket, maybe you can find your problem there.
Getting started
1. Usage example
If you want to see a usage example, please check out our test React repository.
2. Package installation
Run the following steps to install the required packages.
# Install the base library and required css files
npm install --save @synergy-design-system/react @synergy-design-system/tokens
# Optional: Install the styles utility package
npm install --save @synergy-design-system/styles
# Only if not already installed
npm install --save react react-dom
# Optional: if icons shall be used, install the assets package
npm install --save @synergy-design-system/assets
⚠️ Note we do not ship React in this package. You will have to install React by yourself first!
3. Load the desired theme (required) and utility classes (recommended)
The components will not display correctly without the needed theme and utility classes. Please include either light or dark theme in your application, for example in a newly installed React application:
// main.tsx
import { StrictMode } from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { App } from "./App";
// Add this line to enable the light theme for your application
import "@synergy-design-system/tokens/themes/light.css";
import "@synergy-design-system/components/index.css";
// Optional: Import the styles package
import "@synergy-design-system/styles/index.css";
<App />
4. Using native Synergy components in react (only for react >= 19.0.0) in Typescript projects
React@19 finally shipped with official support for web components. With this version of react, you are free to use our native web components directly in your application.
However, you will likely receive errors because our elements are not known to React as available (in react speech intrinsic
) elements. This will also occur when using typescript. For this reason, we provide type only wrappers for all versions of react from version 19.0.0 onward.
Using synergy in a typescript project with React@19 can be easily achieved via one line of code. There is no need to import @synergy-design-system/react
in your code directly anymore!
Just add the following definition to your projects typescript configuration file (e.g. tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["@synergy-design-system/react/types/latest"]
This makes sure your project knows about our list of intrinsic elements. This will also enable automatic type checks and auto completion for properties for all synergy elements.
You may now use the components by importing them from the @synergy-design-system/component
package and rendering them in a React component.
// You may also load the complete bundle somewhere in your application,
// but directly including only needed components leads to smaller bundles.
import "@synergy-design-system/components/components/button/button.js";
import "@synergy-design-system/components/components/input/input.js";
export const MyButton = () => <syn-button type="submit">Submit me</syn-button>;
export const MyInput = () => (
<syn-input name="my-input" onsyn-change={e => console.log(e)} required />
4.1. Migrating from synergies react wrappers to native components
- First make sure you have react@19 or higher installed in your project.
- Upgrade
to the latest version. - Add the required types to your typescript configuration (
). - Run typescript to verify everything is still fine.
- Replace occurrences of the old synergy components with their native counterpart (e.g.
should be exchanged for<syn-button>
). When using native synergy components, make sure to double check on event names (e.g.<SynInput onSynInput={e => null} />
will become<syn-input onsyn-input={e => null} />
). - When you are done, remove all occurrences of
from your code.
5. Using the lit wrappers (required for react < 19.0.0, optional for react >= 19.0.0)
You may now use the components by importing them from the @synergy-design-system/react
package and rendering them in a React component.
import { SynButton, SynInput } from "@synergy-design-system/react";
export const MyButton = () => <SynButton type="submit">Submit me</SynButton>;
export const MyInput = () => (
<SynInput name="my-input" onSynChange={e => console.log(e)} required />
6. Usage of the components
All information about which components exist as well as the available properties, events and usage of a component, can be found at components
in our documentation.
The documentation is written for no specific web framework but only vanilla html and javascript.
An example demo repository with the usage of the React wrapper components can be found here.
The naming of the components for React changes from kebab-case to PascalCase.
becomes SynButton
<!-- Webcomponents example -->
<syn-button> My Button </syn-button>
// React wrapper example
<SynButton> My Button </SynButton>
7. Usage of attributes
The attribute namings of the components are the same as in the documentation.
<!-- Webcomponents example -->
help-text="What would you like people to call you?"
// React wrapper example
help-text="What would you like people to call you?"
8. Usage of events
Custom events are named in the documentation as following: syn-change
, syn-clear
, ...
This library makes use of @lit/react to wrap the existing Synergy Web Components.
All events will be automatically set up to work without the need to attach event listeners manually.
Just use them with the default React onEVENT
prefix, where EVENT
is the camelCased name of the event:
-> onSynChange
, syn-clear
-> onSynClear
, ...
import { SynButton } from "@synergy-design-system/react";
export const MyButton = () => (
onSynBlur={e => console.log("button blur event", e)}
onSynFocus={e => console.log("button focus event", e)}
onSynInvalid={e => console.log("button flagged as invalid", e)}
SynButton Example
If typescript is used, you can get the correct types for components and events from the @synergy-design-system/components
The components from the React wrapper and the types of the components package are called the same. Therefore there must be a renaming of e.g. the types.
An example for how these types can be used in case of event, is shown below:
import { SynInput } from "@synergy-design-system/react";
import type {
SynInput as SynInputType,
} from "@synergy-design-system/components";
export const MyComponent = () => (
onSynChange={(e: SynChangeEvent) => {
const input = e.target as SynInputType;
// Now we get access to all properties, methods etc. of the syn-input
const surname = input.value;
9. Usage of methods
Components can have methods (like focus
, click
, stepUp
, etc. ), which can trigger an action, if they are called.
An example for calling such a method in a React component is shown here:
import { SynButton, SynInput } from "@synergy-design-system/react";
import type { SynInput as SynInputType } from "@synergy-design-system/components";
import { type FC, useRef } from "react";
export const Home: FC = () => {
const count = useRef<SynInputType>(null);
return (
<SynInput ref={count} label="My count" type="number" value="5" />
onClick={() => {
// Increment the count via calling the method
To create a new version of this package, proceed in the following way:
- Check out the Synergy Design System Repository.
- Run
pnpm i -r
to install all dependencies. - Build the
package (or runpnpm build
in the project root to build everything). - Move to to
and usepnpm start
to spin up a local vite project using react and typescript to validate the build.
⚠️ The build process will always try to sync this packages
field with the latest version from@synergy-design-system/components
! Therefore, it is best to not alter the version string