Military symbols based on milsymbol.
Ideas for possible improvements for milsymbol
- favor maintainability over time/performance over space/memory
- reduce overall complexity (1,827 branches, 28,534 statements)
- consistently apply ES6 style throughout the code
- replace deprecated String.substr()
- replace == and != with === and !==
- use immutable objects whenever appropriate (incl. Symbol)
- never modify actual parameters
- remove/replace all var declarations
- favor map/reduce over loops
- reduce (global) symbol state as far as possible
- drop Canvas2D support (for now)
- define icon parts statically, preferably in JSON definition files
- defer styling as long as possible
- add named styles to icon parts depending on symbol options
- use SVG compliant attributes throughout the code
- hoist default style attributes to SVG namespace
- define icons (composition of icon parts) declaratively (NICE TO HAVE)
- introduce SVG group to scale/transform icon parts
- improve separation of symbol style options and effective style
- remove icon cache
- move SIDC-dependent metadata to JSON configuration (NICE TO HAVE)
- abstract styling over letter and number SIDC (alpha/numeric)
- IMPRACTICAL - use XML library to generate SVG from JavaScript object
- OVER-ENGINEERED - use simple layout framework for placement/alignment
- IMPRACTICAL - use expression framework for dynamic texts