Common utility box for a better development experience.
Utilties box designed to simplify common development tasks. Though part of the Syncify project, this package can also function independently. Provides a collection of helper functions to enhance your development workflow and alleviate extranous code operations.
pnpm add @syncify/utils
Functions within this package are organized by their operational focus, aiding in various data manipulations, string operations, array handling, and asynchronous tasks.
String Manipulation
import * as u from '@syncify/utils'
// Join a string together with no space
u.glue('foo', 'bar') => 'foobar'
// Join a string together with a single space character
u.glueString('foo', 'bar') => 'foo bar'
// Join string array or spread strings with newline characters
u.glueLines('foo', 'bar') => 'foo\nbar\n'
// Generate a random string UUID
u.uuid() => 'a1b2c3'
// Converts string input to a handle by replacing non-alphanumeric characters with hyphens
u.handleize('hello world') => 'hello-world'
// Adds an 's' to the end of a word if size is not 1
u.plural('example', 1) => 'examples'
// Capitalize the first letter of a string
u.toUpcase('example') => 'Example'
// Append an `st`, `nd`, `rd` or `th` to the end of a number
u.addSuffix(10) => '10th'
Type Checks
import * as u from '@syncify/utils'
// Check whether value is `undefined` or `null`
u.isNil(null) => true
// Check whether value is an even number
u.isEven(1) => false
// Check whether a Buffer or String is empty after trimming
u.isEmptyString('') => true
// Check whether an object or array is empty
u.isEmpty('') => true
// Check if param is an array type
u.isArray([]) => true
// Check if param is an object type
u.isObject({}) => true
// Check if param is a non-empty string type
u.isStringStrict('x') => true
// Check if param is a string type
u.isString('') => true
// Check if param is a date type
u.isDate(Date) => true
// Check if param is a regular expression type
u.isRegex(/[a-z]/) => true
// Check if param is a function type
u.isFunction(() => {}) => true
// Check if param is a boolean type
u.isBoolean('true') => false
// Check if param is a constructor or function prototype
u.isConstructor(class X {}) => true
// Check if param is a number type, hexadecimal, or math-like string
u.isNumberStrict(0x) => true
// Check if param is a number type
u.isNumber(1) => true
// Check if param is `NaN`
u.isNaN(NaN) => true
// Check if param is null type
u.isNull(null) => true
// Check if param is undefined type
u.isUndefined(undefined) => true
// Check if param is an Asynchronous function
u.isAsync(async () => {}) => true
// Check if param is a Buffer type
u.isBuffer(Buffer) => true
Object Structures
import * as u from '@syncify/utils'
// Check if a deeply nested path exists in an object
u.hasPath("a.b", { a: { b: 'value' } }) => true
// Check if a property exists directly in an object
u.has('name', { name: 'John', age: 30 }) => true
// Return a function to check if a property exists in an object for currying
u.hasProp({ name: 'John', age: 30 })('name') => true
Promise / Event Loop
import * as u from '@syncify/utils'
// Returns a promise that resolves in the next event loop
u.pNext() => Promise
// Runs provided tasks in series, handling both async and sync tasks
u.pSerial([ async () => {} ]) => Promise
// Creates a debounced function for promise-returned functions with error handling
u.debouncePromise(() => Promise, 1, onError: (e) => {}) => (v) => void
import * as u from '@syncify/utils'
// Creates an object with null prototype, optionally accepts object param
u.object() => {}
// An immutable merge utility for objects with deep support
u.merge({ a: 'x' }, { b: 1 }) => { a: 'x', b: 1 }
// Returns an MD5 hash from string or buffer
u.checksum('foo') => 'a1b2c3d4e6f8g9a1b2c3d4e6f8g9'
This package is designed for usage within Syncify. Contributions are not accepted unless they pertain to the core Syncify module. If contributions fall into that category, fork the Syncify project.