Parser/evaluator for JSON files and embedded regions present within Shopify themes.
Parser for JSON files and embedded regions present within Shopify themes. This package will mimic JSON5 behavior and leverages comment-json for preservation occurences of both block or line comments. Throws informative errors on parse failures, supports deep-sorting, equality and formatting capabilities.
$ pnpm add @syncify/json -D
There are several named exports available, each are designed for usage within Syncify, but the module itself can be used in isolation in any node.js project. The following methods are provided:
import * as json from '@syncify/json'
json.parse(string, { /* options */})
json.stringify({} | [], { /* options */ })
json.evaluate(string, { /* options */ })
json.strip(string, { /* options */ })
json.format(string, { /* options */ })
json.sort({} | [], { /* options */ })
json.equality(actual, expected, { /* options */ })
Evaluate parses the value and returns an object of getters that hold reference to the source JSON in different structures and formats. This is used to perform diffing and elementary level formatting operations. The checksum
value will hold an MD5 string value that applies based level sorting according to the hashSort
options, this ensures diffing can be accurate.
import { evaluate } from '@syncify/json'
const {
string, // (getter) Writeable string with comments
parsed, // (getter) The parsed JSON object
source, // (getter) The original source value
hashed // (getter) Checksum MD5 hash
} = evaluate(string, {
crlf: false, // Use CRLF line endings (optional)
useTab: false, // Use Tab spacing (optional)
indentSize: 2, // The indentation size (optional)
sorting: false, // Applies sorting to the generated string, accepts object (optional)
hashSort: {
objects: true, // Sorts objects in hash checksum structure (optional)
arrays: false, // Sort Arrays in hash checksum structure (optional)
exclude: [] // Property names to excude in a hash checksum sorting (optional)
Formats a JSON structure. This will also parse the provided structure and throw if any parse errors are detected. Similar to the stringify()
method, with the exception that you have control over comments within the JSON string you provide using the removeComments
Sorting is disabled on the this method and the
option expects anobject
type, it does accept bothboolean
types be provided.
import { format } from '@syncify/json'
const result = format(string, {
crlf: false, // Use CRLF line endings (optional)
useTab: false, // Use Tab spacing (optional)
indentSize: 2, // The indentation size (optional)
removeComments: false, // Whether or no comments should be removed (optional)
sorting: {
objects: false, // Sorts objects in the structure (optional)
arrays: false, // Sort Arrays in the structure (optional)
exclude: [] // Property names to exclude in a the sorting (optional)
Parses the provided string input parameter, strips any comments and returns a workable structure. Accepts a revise
parameter argument which is a function that can be used to augment the input during parse operations.
import { parse } from '@syncify/json'
const json = parse(string, {
revise: () => {} | null // optional, defaults to null
Takes an object or array and stringifies the value. Processes and applies any formatting rules provided, returns a string which adhere to the options. Use the replace
option to mimic JSON.stringify
import { stringify } from '@syncify/json'
const string = stringify(json, {
crlf: false, // Use CRLF line endings (optional)
useTab: false, // Use Tab spacing (optional)
indentSize: 2, // The indentation size (optional)
replace: () => {} | null, // optional, defaults to null
sorting: {
objects: false, // Sorts objects in hash checksum structure (optional)
arrays: false, // Sort Arrays in hash checksum structure (optional)
exclude: [] // Property names to excude in a hash checksum sorting (optional)
A helper utility which will provide deep sorting capabilities. This is used by the evaluate()
and stringify()
methods. You can control the sort behaviour and optionally skip sorting on objects, arrays or cherry-pick propery values to exclude from sorting. Sorting is done in alpha-numeric order and by default will only apply to properties within objects.
import { stringify } from '@syncify/json'
const sorted = sort(json, {
objects: true, // Sorts objects in the structure (optional)
arrays: false, // Sort Arrays in the structure (optional)
exclude: [] // Property names to exclude in a the sorting (optional)
Performs a deep equality comparison check against 2 structures. Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not strucures match. Accepts either a JSON string, object or array type along with sorting control options to align the structures. Both the actual
and expected
values will parsed, aligned and hashed before equality comparison is performed.
import { equality } from '@syncify/json'
const isEqual = equality(actual, expected, {
objects: false, // Sorts objects in hash checksum structure (optional)
arrays: false, // Sort Arrays in hash checksum structure (optional)
exclude: [] // Property names to excude in a hash checksum sorting (optional)
Exposed re-export of strip-json-comments that can be used to remove comments and trailing commas from a JSON string structure.
methods do not use thestrip-json-comments
implementation, this is provided for the quick strips and isolated usage.
import { strip } from '@syncify/json'
const string = stringify(json, {
crlf: false, // Use CRLF line endings (optional)
useTab: false, // Use Tab spacing (optional)
indentSize: 2, // The indentation size (optional)
replace: () => {} | null, // optional, defaults to null
sorting: {
objects: false, // Sorts objects in the structure (optional)
arrays: false, // Sort Arrays in the structure (optional)
exclude: [] // Property names to exclude in a the sorting (optional)
JSON Errors
If JSON parsing failings then an error is thrown which will contain the codeframe, line number, column number and a message describing the error that has occurred. The codeframe applies syntax highlighting and a visual representation based on the error encountered.
import { JSONError } from '@syncify/json';
try {
const output = parse(value)
} catch(error) {
This package is designed for usage within Syncify. Contributions are not accepted unless they pertain to the core Syncify module. If contributions fall into that category, fork the Syncify project.