Synchroni sdk for react native
Synchroni sdk for react native
Synchroni SDK is the software development kit for developers to access Synchroni products.
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
Made with create-react-native-library
yarn add @synchroni/synchroni_sdk_react_native
1. Permission
Application will obtain bluetooth permission by itself. There are builtin code in SensorController for Android.
2. Import SDK
import {
type BLEDevice,
type SensorData,
} from '@synchroni/synchroni_sdk_react_native';
SensorController methods:
1. Initalize
const SensorControllerInstance = SensorController.Instance;
//register scan listener
if (!SensorControllerInstance.hasDeviceCallback){
SensorControllerInstance.onDeviceCallback = (devices: BLEDevice[]) =>{
//return all devices doesn't connected
2. Start scan
Use public async startScan(periodInMs: number): Promise<boolean>
to start scan
const success = await SensorControllerInstance.startScan(6000)
returns true if start scan success, periodInMS means onDeviceCallback will be called every periodInMS, minium is 3000ms for iOS, 6000ms for Android
3. Stop scan
Use public async stopScan(): Promise<void>
to stop scan
await SensorControllerInstance.stopScan();
4. Check scaning
Use public get isScaning(): boolean
to check scaning status
const isScaning = SensorControllerInstance.isScaning;
5. Check if bluetooth is enabled
Use public get isEnable(): boolean
to check if bluetooth is enabled
const isEnable = SensorControllerInstance.isEnable;
6. Create SensorProfile
Use public requireSensor(device: BLEDevice): SensorProfile | undefined
to create sensorProfile
If bleDevice is invalid, result is undefined
const sensorProfile = SensorControllerInstance.requireSensor(bleDevice);
7. Get SensorProfile
Use public getSensor(device: BLEDevice): SensorProfile | undefined
to get sensorProfile
If SensorProfile didn't created, result is undefined
const sensorProfile = SensorControllerInstance.getSensor(bleDevice);
8. Get Connected SensorProfiles
Use public getConnectedSensors(): SensorProfile[]
to get connected SensorProfiles
const sensorProfiles = SensorControllerInstance.getConnectedSensors();
9. Get Connected BLE Devices
Use public getConnectedDevices(): SensorProfile[]
to get connected BLE Devices
const bleDevices = SensorControllerInstance.getConnectedDevices();
SensorProfile methods:
1. Initalize
Please register callbacks for SensorProfile
let sensorProfile = SensorControllerInstance.requireSensor(bledevice);
//register callbacks
sensorProfile.onStateChanged = (sensor: SensorProfile, newstate: DeviceStateEx) => {
//please do logic when device disconnected unexpected
sensorProfile.onErrorCallback = (sensor: SensorProfile, reason: string) => {
//called when error occurs
sensorProfile.onPowerChanged = (sensor: SensorProfile, power: number) => {
//callback for get batter level of device, power from 0 - 100, -1 is invalid
sensorProfile.onDataCallback = (sensor: SensorProfile, data: SensorData) => {
//called after start data transfer
2. Connect device
Use public async connect(): Promise<boolean>
to connect
const success = await sensorProfile.connect();
3. Disconnect
Use public async disconnect(): Promise<boolean>
to disconnect
const success = await sensorProfile.disconnect();
4. Get device status
Use public get connectionState(): DeviceStateEx
to get device status
Please send command in 'Ready' state, should be after connect() return true
const deviceStateEx = sensorProfile.connectionState;
# deviceStateEx has define:
export enum DeviceStateEx {
5. Get BLE device of SensorProfile
Use public get BLEDevice(): BLEDevice
to BLE device of SensorProfile
const bleDevice = sensorProfile.BLEDevice;
6. Get device info of SensorProfile
Use public async deviceInfo(): Promise<DeviceInfo | undefined>
to get device info of SensorProfile.
Please call after device in 'Ready' state, return undefined if it's not connected
const deviceInfo = await sensorProfile.deviceInfo();
# deviceInfo has defines:
export type DeviceInfo = {
DeviceName: string;
ModelName: string;
HardwareVersion: string;
FirmwareVersion: string;
EmgChannelCount: number;
EegChannelCount: number;
EcgChannelCount: number;
AccChannelCount: number;
GyroChannelCount: number;
BrthChannelCount: number;
MTUSize: number;
7. Init data transfer
Use public async init(packageSampleCount: number, powerRefreshInterval: number): Promise<boolean>
Please call after device in 'Ready' state, return true if init succeed
const success = await sensorProfile.init(5, 60*1000);
packageSampleCount: set sample counts of SensorData.channelSamples in onDataCallback() powerRefreshInterval: callback period for onPowerChanged()
8. Check if init data transfer succeed
Use public get hasInited(): boolean
to check if init data transfer succeed
const hasInited = sensorProfile.hasInited;
9. DataNotify
Use public async startDataNotification(): Promise<boolean>
to start data notification.
Please call if hasInited() return true
9.1 Start data transfer
const success = await sensorProfile.startDataNotification();
Data type list:
export enum DataType {
NTF_ACC = 0x1, //unit is g
NTF_GYRO = 0x2, //unit is degree/s
NTF_EEG = 0x10, //unit is uV
NTF_ECG = 0x11, //unit is uV
NTF_BRTH = 0x15, //unit is uV
Process data in onDataCallback.
sensorProfile.onDataCallback = (sensor: SensorProfile, data: SensorData) => {
if (data.dataType === DataType.NTF_EEG) {
} else if (data.dataType === DataType.NTF_ECG) {
//process data as you wish
data.channelSamples.forEach((oneChannelSamples) => {
oneChannelSamples.forEach((sample) => {
if (sample.isLost) {
//do some logic
} else {
//draw with sample.data & sample.channelIndex
// console.log(sample.channelIndex + ' | ' + sample.sampleIndex + ' | ' + sample.data + ' | ' + sample.impedance);
9.2 Stop data transfer
Use public async stopDataNotification(): Promise<boolean>
to stop data transfer
const success = await sensorProfile.stopDataNotification();
9.3 Check if it's data transfering
Use public get isDataTransfering(): boolean
to check if it's data transfering
const isDataTransfering = sensorProfile.isDataTransfering;
10. Get battery level
Use public async batteryPower(): Promise<number>
to get battery level. Please call after device in 'Ready' state
const batteryPower = await sensorProfile.batteryPower();
# batteryPower is battery level returned, value ranges from 0 to 100, 0 means out of battery, while 100 means full.
Please check SimpleTest function in App