Synanetics custom MoleculerJS logger for GCP environments
Logging setup for Google Cloud Logging - Provides a Moleculer JS logging class SynLogger
and a utility function writeLogEntry
for use outside of Moleculer JS applications.
Moleculer JS Usage
const { SessionContextStorageMiddlewareSchema, SynLogger } = require('@synanetics/logging');
// or
import { SessionContextStorageMiddlewareSchema, SynLogger } from '@synanetics/logging';
Context Middleware
For SynLogger to populate session tracing we need to follow the request context. To do this we provide the SessionContextStorageMiddlewareSchema
Middleware. You can follow the guideance provided below or check the documentation (be sure to use the documentation for you current version of MoleculerJS).
Register the middleware inside moleculer.config.js
const { Middlewares } = require('moleculer');
Middlewares[SessionContextStorageMiddlewareSchema.name] = SessionContextStorageMiddlewareSchema;
then in the same file ensure the exported object property middlewares
has the corresponding name registered.
middlewares: [..., SessionContextStorageMiddlewareSchema.name],
Be aware that SynLogger
will still function without this middleware but it will be unable annotate the tracing data to log entries for context requests.
Our custom logger has less overhead from a configuration point of view, simply create a new instance of the logger and assign it to the logger
property. It accepts any opts that are applicable to the MoleculerJS BaseLogger.
You can optionally force it's output for a given environment as either docker
or gcp
. That would be an inspected output vs structured json respectively.
As per the documentation the config logLevel
property only applies built-in MoleculerJS loggers. To set the level in the logger the level
property needs to be provided in the options. level
can either be a string e.g. { level: 'debug' }
or it can be a structured object with targeted log levels per service e.g. { level: { 'SERVICE_ABC': 'debug', 'SERVICE_XYZ': 'info', '**': 'warn' } }
. It follows the pattern documented for builtin loggers.
const logger = new SynLogger({
level: 'fatal' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'trace',
await logger.setOutput({
environment: 'docker' | 'gcp', // will attempt environment detection if not present but fallback to 'docker'
depth: number; // default 5 applies only to 'docker' environment
For convenience a static initialiser has been provided:
const logger = await SynLogger.init({
level: 'fatal' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'debug' | 'trace',
output: {
environment: 'docker' | 'gcp', // will attempt environment detection if not present but fallback to 'docker'
depth: number; // default 5 applies only to 'docker' environment
The intended use for the logger is that argument one will be a message string. Argument two as an optional context object:
this.logger.info('my message', {
extra: 'data',
for: {
the: ['logEntry', 'to', 'contain'],
consideration has been where the message is omitted, the below would log with a message of "message omitted":
const err = new Error('example');
extra: 'data',
for: {
the: ['logEntry', 'to', 'contain'],
To align SynLogger
to match MoleculerJS built-in implementation that logger will collect any additional supplied arguments and output all captured arguments as a values
this.logger.info('message', { example: 'data' }, ['logEntry'], 'some string');
// will output a context object like:
{ message: 'message', jsonPayload: { values: [{ example: 'data' }, ['logEntry'], 'some string'] } }
Function Usage
const { writeLogEntry } = require('@synanetics/logging');
// or
import { writeLogEntry } from '@synanetics/logging';
The function will just print to stdout using the structured logging format desired by GCP. Arguments:
- type - expects string being one of fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace - unknown values will fallback to structured severity level of 'DEFAULT' but a value MUST be supplied
- message - expects a string message to represent your log entry - if omitted a message of "message omitted" is used
- context - expects an object of any shape
writeLogEntry(type: string, context: object);
writeLogEntry(type: string, message: string, context: object);
writeLogEntry(type: string, message: string, context: object, mode: 'human' | 'json');
writeLogEntry('info', 'my message', {
extra: 'data',
for: {
the: ['logEntry', 'to', 'contain'],
writeLogEntry('debug', {
extra: 'data',
for: {
the: ['logEntry', 'to', 'contain'],
const err = new Error('example');
writeLogEntry('error', err);
writeLogEntry('fatal', 'critical error trying to do something important', err);
// would ouput:
// {YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm} [SEVERITY] message
// indented pretty printed data..
writeLogEntry('fatal', 'critical error trying to do something important', { something: 'here' }, 'human');