## 1. ⏳ Installation
Symbol-IT Vue Components Library
1. ⏳ Installation
npm i @symbol-it/symbolit-vue-components
After installation you have import the library' style symbolit-vue-components.css
For a Nuxt project, add this line in nuxt.config.js
css: [
{ src: '@symbol-it/symbolit-vue-components/dist/symbolit-vue-components.css', lang: 'css' },
2. 💡 Create a new component
1. Create your component X.vue in /src/components/X
2. Create index.js
with exports of your component in /src/components/X
import SButton from './SButton'
export { SButton }
export default SButton
3. Add your component in the exports components list in /src/components/index.js
export * from './SButton'
4. Create a storybook story X.stories.js
for your component in /src/components/X
import SButton from './SButton.vue';
export default {
title: 'Components/SButton',
component: SButton
const Template = (args, { argTypes }) => ({
props: Object.keys(argTypes),
components: { SButton },
template: '<s-button @onClick="onClick" v-bind="$props" >Submit</s-button>',
export const Primary = Template.bind({});
Primary.args = {
primary: true,
export const Outlined = Template.bind({});
Outlined.args = {
outline: true
5. Test your component from storybook:
npm run storybook
You will have access to your component from http://localhost:6006/
3. 🗞 Publish your component to NPM
To publish your component, you need :
- Change the package.json version
- Once your code merged in the main branch, create a new release from github repository https://github.com/Symbol-it/symbolit-vue-components/releases
The GitHub Actions will publish it automatically after creating a new release.