A network graph builder using the powerful D3.js library, applying the GCWeb theme.
@Symaiotics D3 Graph Creator
This library brings together a featured interface for creating and editing network graph diagrams using the powerful D3.js library.
Getting Started
Install this into your Vue 3 project.
npm i @symaiotics/d3-graph-creator-gcweb
And then register the component within your page or component in Vue. It is important to bring in the style.css for this component as well.
<script setup>
//Import the d3 library and pass it in as a prop
import * as d3 from 'd3';
//Import the component and the style sheet used by that component to get its custom styling
import D3GC from '@symaiotics/d3-graph-creator-gcweb'
import '@symaiotics/d3-graph-creator-gcweb/dist/style.css';
<D3GC :d3 = "d3" title="Main Title" description="Description" />
Node and Link Models
These objects are being expanded as the library advances.
Node object
"id": "jean-michel",
"name": { "en": "Jean-Michel", "fr": "" },
"group": 1,
"radius": 30
To be added: type, border, shape...
Link object
"source": "jean-michel",
"target": "alexandra",
"value": 1,
"type": { "en": "Brother of", "fr": "Frère de"
To be added: width, colour, style...
## D3.js
This library uses the latest version of D3 and implements a variety of add, delete, link, pin and export tools to make graph creation fast and easy.
## Styling
This library uses the Canada.ca GCWeb Theme (a customized instance of Bootstrap 3)