A simple, fast and opinionated form library for React & React Native focusing on UX.
A simple, fast, and opinionated form library for React & React Native focusing on UX. 👉 Take a look at the demo website.
$ npm install --save @swan-io/use-form
# --- or ---
$ yarn add @swan-io/use-form
- Subscription-based field updates (avoid re-render the whole form on each keystroke 🔥)
- Validation strategies ✨
- Field sanitization
- Mounted-only fields validation
- Advanced focus handling
- Best-in-class TypeScript support
- Sync and async form submission
Why another React form library 🤔? Because, as silly as it seems, we couldn't find any existing library which fits our existing needs:
- We want validation strategies per field because we fell in love with them when we read the re-formality documentation (which is unfortunately only available for ReScript).
- It should be able to handle huge forms without a single performance hiccup.
- Validation should be simple, reusable, and testable (aka just functions).
- It shouldn't even try to validate unmounted fields.
- It should have built-in focus management (to improve the keyboard flow of our React Native forms).
Validation strategies ✨
The key of good UX is simple: validation should be executed in continue, feedback should be provided when it makes sense.
Quick example: A credit card field 💳
Let's say we want to display a valid state icon (✔) when the input value is a valid credit card number but don't want to display an error until the user blurs the field (and lets the value in an invalid state).
Something like this:
How do we easily achieve such magic? With the onSuccessOrBlur
strategy 🧙♂️
const {} = useForm({
cardNumber: { initialValue: "", strategy: "onSuccessOrBlur" },
Of course, onSuccessOrBlur
will not fit perfectly every use-case!
That's precisely why every field config could declare its own strategy
| Strategy | When feedback will be available? |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| onChange
| On first change (as the user types or update the value) |
| onSuccess
| On first validation success |
| onBlur
| On first field blur |
| onSuccessOrBlur
| On first validation success or first field blur (default) |
| onSubmit
| On form submit |
Note that:
- The strategies will only be activated after the field value update / the form submission.
- Once the first feedback is given (the field is
or should display anerror
message), the field switches to what we call "talkative" state. After that, feedback will be updated on each value change until this field or the form is reset.
⚠️ The API is described using TypeScript pseudocode.These types are not exported by the library / are not even always valid.
takes one argument (a map of your fields configs) and returns a set of helpers (functions, components, and values) to manage your form state.
import { useForm } from "@swan-io/use-form";
const {
} = useForm({
// Keys are used as fields names
fieldName: {
initialValue: "",
// Properties below are optional (those are the default values)
strategy: "onSuccessOrBlur",
isEqual: (value1, value2) => Object.is(value1, value2),
sanitize: (value) => value,
validate: (value, { focusField, getFieldValue }) => {},
Field config
type fieldConfig = {
// The initial field value. It could be anything (string, number, boolean…)
initialValue: Value;
// The chosen strategy. See "validation strategies" paragraph
strategy: Strategy;
// Used to perform initial and current value comparaison
isEqual: (value1: Value, value2: Value) => boolean;
// Will be run on value before validation and submission. Useful from trimming whitespaces
sanitize: (value: Value) => Value;
// Used to perform field validation. It could return an error message (or nothing)
validate: (value: Value) => ErrorMessage | void;
type formStatus =
| "untouched" // no field has been updated
| "editing"
| "submitting"
| "submitted";
<Field />
A component that exposes everything you need locally as a children
render prop.
<Field name="fieldName">
(props: {
// A ref to pass to your element (only required for focus handling)
ref: MutableRefObject;
// The field value
value: Value;
// Is the field valid?
valid: boolean;
// The field is invalid: here its error message.
error?: ErrorMessage;
// The onBlur handler (required for onBlur and onSuccessOrBlur strategies)
onBlur: () => void;
// The onChange handler (required)
onChange: (value: Value) => void;
}) => /* … */
<FieldsListener />
A component that listens for fields states changes. It's useful when a part of your component needs to react to fields updates without triggering a full re-render.
<FieldsListener names={["firstName", "lastName"]}>
(states: Record<"firstName" | "lastName", {
// The field value
value: Value;
// Is the field valid?
valid: boolean;
// The field is invalid: here its error message.
error?: ErrorMessage;
}>) => /* … */
By setting sanitize: true
, you will enforce sanitization.
type getFieldValue = (
name: FieldName,
options?: {
sanitize?: boolean;
) => Value;
Return the field stable ref
type getFieldRef = <T>(name: FieldName) => MutableRefObject<T>;
By setting validate: true
, you will enforce validation. It has no effect if the field is already talkative.
type setFieldValue = (
name: FieldName,
value: Value,
options?: {
validate?: boolean;
) => void;
Will make the field talkative.
type setFieldError = (name: FieldName, error?: ErrorMessage) => void;
Will only work if you forward the Field
provided ref
to your input.
type focusField = (name: FieldName) => void;
Hide user feedback (the field is not talkative anymore) and set value to initialValue
type resetField = (name: FieldName) => void;
Sanitize the field value.
type sanitizeField = (name: FieldName) => void;
Once you manually call validation, the field automatically switches to talkative state.
type validateField = (name: FieldName) => ErrorMessage | void;
A function that listen for fields states changes. Useful when you want to apply side effects on values change.
React.useEffect(() => {
const removeListener = listenFields(
["firstName", "lastName"],
(states: Record<"firstName" | "lastName", {
// The field value
value: Value;
// Is the field valid?
valid: boolean;
// The field is invalid: here its error message.
error?: ErrorMessage;
}>) => /* … */
return () => {
}, []);
Hide user feedback for all fields (they are not talkative anymore). Reset values to their corresponding initialValue
and formStatus
to untouched
type resetForm = () => void;
Submit your form. Each callback could return a Promise
to keep formStatus
in submitting
type submitForm = (options?: {
onSuccess?: (values: OptionRecord<Values>) => Future<unknown> | Promise<unknown> | void;
onFailure?: (errors: Partial<Record<keyof Values, ErrorMessage>>) => void;
// by default, it will try to focus the first errored field (which is a good practice)
focusOnFirstError?: boolean;
}) => void;
As it's a very common case to use several validation functions per field, we export a combineValidators
helper function that allows you to chain sync validation functions: it will run them sequentially until an error is returned.
import { combineValidators, useForm } from "@swan-io/use-form";
const validateRequired = (value: string) => {
if (!value) {
return "required";
const validateEmail = (email: string) => {
if (!/.+@.+\..{2,}/.test(email)) {
return "invalid email";
const MyAwesomeForm = () => {
const { Field, submitForm } = useForm({
emailAddress: {
initialValue: "",
// will run each validation function until an error is returned
validate: combineValidators(
isEmailRequired && validateRequired, // validation checks could be applied conditionally
// …
Very often, we want to execute validation only if a value is not empty. By wrapping any validator (or combined validators) with toOptionalValidator
, you can bypass the validation in such cases.
import { toOptionalValidator, Validator } from "@swan-io/use-form";
// This validator will error if the string length is < 3 (even if it's an empty string)
const validator: Validator<string> = (value) => {
if (value.length < 3) {
return "Must be at least 3 characters";
// This validator will error if value is not empty string and if the string length is < 3
const optionalValidator = toOptionalValidator(validator);
This function also accept a second param (required for non-string validators) to specify what is an empty value.
import { toOptionalValidator, Validator } from "@swan-io/use-form";
const validator: Validator<number> = (value) => {
if (value < 10) {
return "Must pick at least 10 items";
// This validator will also accept a value of 0, as we consider it "empty"
const optionalValidator = toOptionalValidator(validator, (value) => value === 0);
import { useForm } from "@swan-io/use-form";
const MyAwesomeForm = () => {
const { Field, submitForm } = useForm({
firstName: {
initialValue: "",
strategy: "onSuccessOrBlur",
sanitize: (value) => value.trim(), // we trim value before validation and submission
validate: (value) => {
if (value === "") {
return "First name is required";
return (
onSubmit={(event: React.FormEvent) => {
onSuccess: (values) => console.log("values", values), // all fields are valid
onFailure: (errors) => console.log("errors", errors), // at least one field is invalid
<Field name="firstName">
{({ error, onBlur, onChange, valid, value }) => (
<label htmlFor="firstName">First name</label>
onChange={({ target }) => {
{valid && <span>Valid</span>}
{error && <span>Invalid</span>}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
More examples
A full set of examples is available on the demo website or in the /website
directory project. Just clone the repository, install its dependencies and start it!
- re-formality for the validation strategies idea.
- react-hook-form and react-final-form for their subscription pattern implementations.