Control your sonos players from the console, for the console addicts like me. You can control basic stuff, and you can execute every command from the used sonos library at https://svrooij.github.io/node-sonos-ts/sonos-device. If you like this app be sur
Control your sonos players right from the console. This cli is started as an experiment, so it may contain bugs. If you found some bugs, please report.
Install npm i -g @svrooij/sonos-cli
and start using, see below.
This sonos cli, is just a cli wrapper around the sonos-ts library. I could use some support in both :wink:. If you like this library please tell me on twitter, or start sponsoring me.
$ npm install -g @svrooij/sonos-cli
$ sonos COMMAND
running command...
$ sonos (-v|--version|version)
@svrooij/sonos-cli/0.2.2 linux-x64 node-v12.22.7
$ sonos --help [COMMAND]
$ sonos COMMAND
sonos alarm:delete ID
sonos alarm:list
sonos alarm:update ID
sonos control DEVICE COMMAND
sonos execute DEVICE COMMAND [INPUT]
sonos help [COMMAND]
sonos info DEVICE KIND
sonos music:browse
sonos music:login
sonos music:services
sonos play DEVICE URL
sonos queue DEVICE COMMAND
sonos zones [FILE]
sonos alarm:delete ID
Delete an alarm by ID
$ sonos alarm:delete ID
ID The ID of the alarm you want to delete
-h, --help Show CLI help.
See code: src/commands/alarm/delete.ts
sonos alarm:list
List your alarms
$ sonos alarm:list
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
See code: src/commands/alarm/list.ts
sonos alarm:update ID
Update a single alarm by ID
$ sonos alarm:update ID
ID Alarm ID you want to update
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--disable Disable the alarm?
--duration=duration Duration as hh:mm:ss
--enable Enable the alarm?
--recurrence=DAILY|WEEKDAYS|ONCE What is the recurrence of this alarm
--start=start Starttime as hh:mm:ss
--volume=volume New Volume
See code: src/commands/alarm/update.ts
sonos control DEVICE COMMAND
Send a simple command to your speaker
$ sonos control DEVICE COMMAND
DEVICE Name or uuid of player
COMMAND (play|pause|next|previous|toggle|stop|volumeup|volumedown|mute|unmute|togglemute|repeatall|repeatone|repeatof
f|togglerepeat|shuffleon|shuffleoff|toggleshuffle) What command do you want to send
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--ip=ip Load devices from IP instead of Service Discovery
--refresh-zones Refresh the discovered zones
--save-zones Save the discovered zones
See code: src/commands/control.ts
sonos execute DEVICE COMMAND [INPUT]
Execute all available commands on the sonos library. See https://svrooij.github.io/node-sonos-ts/sonos-device for available commands
$ sonos execute DEVICE COMMAND [INPUT]
DEVICE Name or uuid of player
COMMAND command to call, eg. AVTransportService.Next
INPUT Optional input for command
-h, --help Show CLI help.
sonos execute {device} AVTransportService.Next
sonos execute {device} SwitchToLineIn
sonos execute {device} SwitchToQueue
sonos execute {device} SwitchToTV
sonos execute Bedroom AVTransportService.ConfigureSleepTimer '{"InstanceID": 0, "NewSleepTimerDuration": "00:04:00"}'
See code: src/commands/execute.ts
sonos help [COMMAND]
display help for sonos
$ sonos help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
sonos info DEVICE KIND
Show device info
$ sonos info DEVICE KIND
DEVICE Name or uuid of player
KIND (attributes|media|settings|position|transport|queue|volume|repeat|shuffle) What do you want to load
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--ip=ip Load devices from IP instead of Service Discovery
--refresh-zones Refresh the discovered zones
--save-zones Save the discovered zones
See code: src/commands/info.ts
sonos music:browse
Browse music in an external music service
$ sonos music:browse
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--count=count [default: 10]
--root=root [default: root] Start browsing at this tag.
--service=service Music Service ID
See code: src/commands/music/browse.ts
sonos music:login
Login to your favorite music service
$ sonos music:login
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--service=service Music Service ID
See code: src/commands/music/login.ts
sonos music:services
Show all music services!
$ sonos music:services
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--subscribed Only show services where you logged-in to
See code: src/commands/music/services.ts
sonos play DEVICE URL
Add the supplied url to the queue
$ sonos play DEVICE URL
DEVICE Name or uuid of player
URL The url to play
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--ip=ip Load devices from IP instead of Service Discovery
--refresh-zones Refresh the discovered zones
--save-zones Save the discovered zones
See code: src/commands/play.ts
sonos queue DEVICE COMMAND
Manipulates the queue on your speaker
$ sonos queue DEVICE COMMAND
DEVICE Name or uuid of player
COMMAND (clear|next|previous) What command do you want to send
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--ip=ip Load devices from IP instead of Service Discovery
--refresh-zones Refresh the discovered zones
--save-zones Save the discovered zones
See code: src/commands/queue.ts
sonos zones [FILE]
Do device discovery
$ sonos zones [FILE]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=columns only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--filter=filter filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--ip=ip Use IP instead of discovery
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=csv|json|yaml output in a more machine friendly format
--sort=sort property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
See code: src/commands/zones.ts
This library is written in TypeScript, that means you'll need to compile it before using. This is done automatically when packaging, but you can also run npm run prepack
. Starting this library from the repository is done by ./bin/run [command] ...
Tests aren't implemented everywhere, if you feel like it send me a pull request.
Oclif is a cli framework created by the guys (and girls) from heroku. When starting this library it was the want that seems to have the most featured I wanted for a cli framework. This wasn't a thourogh research, I just picked the one I liked.
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Commit style
This repository will automatically create a new release if your commit message follow the conventional commits specification.
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
Bugfix sample: fix: Play command did not work
Feature sample: feat: Added command x and y
This repository will auto release a new version if commits starting with either fix:
or feat:
are detected. Make sure this is in your commit to provide a fast release of your fix.
PR branch
Always create your pull request against the beta
branch. I will release this branch to the main branch at a regular interval or when we build some awesome new feature.