Toasts, Popups, and more!
Easy-to-use Toasts, Popups, and more common utilities for my projects
Install to your project with:
npm i @svonk/util@latest
In your main javascript file, import with:
import {
parts} from "@svonk/util"
see below for more info on how to use these parts!
new Toast("message", "type", #duration#, "iconPath", "action")
- the toast message text to be displayed
- a string, either:
- "boxed"
- "default"
- "transparent"
- indicates which style to use (see
for more info)
- a number, in ms, of how long to display the toast for
- path to the icon to be shown on the toast (should be square, about 40x40)
- path to redirect to (set with
) after the duration passes- if this is set, the page will also be dimmed slightly while the toast is showing to make it stand out more
Toast Variants
all variants have an optional last argument action (type string) that when specified will redirect to that url using window.location.href when the toast animates out
new ErrorToast("preface", "error", #duration#)
A normal toast, except with the icon set to
by default, and the option to reuse a preface for multiple errors
- A string, which will be concatonated with a colon and the message
- A string with the error message. I suggest using the
function to get a readable message from error codes
- see parent
new WarningToast("message", #duration#)
A normal toast, except with the icon set to
by default
- see parent
new SuccessToast("message", #duration#)
A normal toast, except with the icon set to
by default
- see parent
new placeholderToast()
takes no arguments, used to show that a feature is incomplete, or will be added in its place later, uses
new Popup("message", "type", #duration#, "iconPath", [action])
creates an Andriod 13-style popup with styled action buttons based on an imput array. Can be removed with
, or will automatically animate out after the set duration
- the popup message text to be displayed
- either
- an array ["title", "message"]
- a string "message"
- a string, currently unused, but you could define your own styles for this
- a number, in ms, of how long to display the popup for
- path to the icon to be shown on the popup
- an array of action buttons to be shown, each of which should have:
- an array within it of: ["onclick", "text", "class"]
- text, to be
ed when clicked"text"
- text to be shown on the button
- class added to the button, to allow it to be styled, or setup listeners for when it's clicked
, and.delete-color
are pre-defined
Popup Utilities
takes no arguments. Will remove any displaying popups, animating them out first.
Other Functions
takes in an error object (from firebase) and attempts to clean it up into something readable from error.code, if it's not able to, it returns "Error ${error.message}"
- a keyed object with error.message and error.code properties, both of which are strings
proxy import for jquery, since it's imported for use in