## Project setup ``` yarn install ```
Project setup
yarn install
Storybook for development
yarn storybook:serve
How to commit on this project (Important)
Your commit messages are very important here and are used to release a minor or a major version automatically. You need to follow the conventions below:
fix: for a bug fix
chore: for simple things
feat: for a new feature
The commit message are also published on our Changelog, so please avoid fix: lint fix
messages. :)
Run locally on Webapp project
First, build the sv-components
yarn build
And then go to nuxt.config.js
on WebApp project and comment this line: '@nuxtjs/eslint-module',
Next, go to SvComponents.js
on WebApp project and change the svComponents import to:
import SvComponents from '../../sv-components/dist/sv-components.common.js'
import '../../sv-components/dist/sv-components.css'
Note that the import are poiting to the locally sv-components dist
folder. Make sure to set it to your local dist
folder by tweaking the ../../
from the beginning.
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn build
Run your unit tests
yarn test:unit
watch test
yarn test:unit --watch
MacOS: Make sure to have watchman installed:
brew update
brew install watchman
Lints and fixes files
yarn lint
Before release a new version, create and set your GITHUB_TOKEN in your .env
file with (important) package
You'll need to login in SuperViz GitHub registry using the command bellow. Use your token as your password when it is requested.
npm login -registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com -scope=SuperViz
Checkout the master branch and run the command below to check if it is all OK with your release:
yarn release:preview
It's all good? Go ahead and open your PR. A new version will be automatically released when you got approval to merge the PR on master.
Note: You can learn more about release-it