SUPERKODERS commitlint configuration
Our custom commitlint rules.
1. Install the package
npm i -D @superkoders/commitlint-config
2. Add commitlint.config.js
This tells commitlint when to locate our rules. You can also override the rules here, if you have some exception on a given project.
module.exports = {
extends: ["@superkoders/commitlint-config"],
3. Install husky - git hooks utility
npm i -D husky
4. Set up husky hook
Add to the package.json
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"
Commit Keywords
When commiting, we stick with conventional config settings. Permitted keywords are those:
feat: add or extend backwards compatible functionality. It bumps version by minor and reset patch number to 0.
fix: bugfixes, it bumps version by patch.
refactor: code changes, which don't fix anything nor adds new functionality
perf: performance related changes
tpl: update templates
revert: for reverting commits
ui: UI adjustments
style: code changes, which don't alter its function (eg. formatting)
content: Images, text edits and alike
docs: only documentation changes
test: add or edit tests
build: changes related to project build (eg. webpack)
ci: changes related to project integration (eg. CI)
config: Config and rules changes
chore: other changes, which don't alter source or test code (eg. release new version)
when introducing backwards incompatible API changes (which bumps version by MAJOR), indicate it with keyword
written at the very beginning of commit body, ideally with additional information. Commit subject should be as usual - ketyword and explanation. Eg.
refactor: unify componentA and componentB, change input data
BREAKING CHANGE here can be another explanation and reasoning
Commit formatting rules
- subject always starts with small letter
- empty line between subject and body is mandatory
For more on commitlint visit official documentation.