Manager for a single or multiple configuration files
A configuration manager for Node.js applications, designed to handle dynamic loading, seamless deep assignment of new properties, and to freez the configurations once considered finalized. The module supports configuration files written both using JavaScript and JSON, and supports branch-specific configurations.
- Dynamic Configuration Loading: Load configurations from JSON and JavaScript files.
- Deep Assignment and Cloning: Ensure data integrity with deep cloning and assignment when extending the configurations.
- Immutable Configurations: Freeze configurations to prevent unintended modifications.
- Flexible Path Resolution: Resolve paths dynamically with branch-specific support.
- Traverse using Slash Notation: Retrieve nested configuration values using query notations.
Install the module using npm:
npm install @superhero/config
import Config from '@superhero/config';
const config = new Config();
Or resolve using the service locator.
import locator from '@superhero/locator';
const config = await locator.lazyload('@superhero/config');
Load Configuration
Add Configuration File
await config.add('./config/directory');
Add Branch-Specific Configuration
// Resolves config-dev.json or config-dev.js (.mjs/.cjs)
await config.add('./config/directory', 'dev');
Retrieve Configuration
Use slash notation to access nested values:
const port = config.find('server/port'); // Traverse using slash notation
Retrieve Non Existing Key
Silently fails by returning with an undefined value if the config path is not defined/configured.
const port = config.find('wrong/path/to/server/port');
console.log(port); // undefiend
Updating Configuration
Assign New Configuration
config.assign({ app: { version: '1.0.0' } });
Overwrite Existing Values
config.assign({ app: { name: 'UpdatedApp' } });
Freezing Configuration
Prevent further modifications by freezing the configuration:
// Attempting to assign or add will throw an error
config.assign({ app: { name: 'AnotherApp' } }); // Throws E_CONFIG_FROZEN
Error Handling
The module provides descriptive error codes to simplify debugging:
- E_CONFIG_FROZEN: Thrown when attempting to modify a frozen configuration.
- E_CONFIG_ADD: Thrown when adding a configuration file fails.
try {
await config.add('./nonexistent/config.json');
} catch (error) {
console.error(error.code, error.message);
API Reference
add(configpath: string, branch?: string): Promise<void>
Loads configuration from the specified file or directory.
: Path to the configuration file or directory.branch
: (Optional) Branch-specific configuration suffix.
- E_CONFIG_FROZEN: If the configuration is frozen.
- E_CONFIG_ADD: If the configuration cannot be resolved.
find(configPath: string, fallback?: any): any
Retrieves a nested configuration value using a slash notation.
: Path to the configuration value.fallback
: Optional fallback value if path is undefined.
- The value at the specified path or
if not found.
assign(config: object): void
Deep assigns a new configuration into the existing configuration.
- E_CONFIG_FROZEN: If the configuration is frozen.
freeze(): void
Freezes the configuration, preventing further modifications.
isFrozen: boolean
Indicates if the configuration is in a frozen state.
import locator from '@superhero/locator';
// Locate the config instance
const config = await locator.lazyload('@superhero/config');
// Load configurations
await config.add('./config/directory');
await config.add('./config/directory', 'dev');
// Access configuration
const port = config.find('server/port');
console.log(`Server running on port ${port}`);
// Access undefined configuration
console.log(config.find('foo/bar')); // ⇠ undefined
// Return fallback if path is undefined
console.log(config.find('foo/bar', 'baz')); // ⇠ baz
// Assign new configuration
config.assign({ foo: { bar: 'baz' } });
// Returns configured value
console.log(config.find('foo/bar')); // ⇠ baz
// Returns configured value with complemented fallback values
console.log(config.find('app', { bar: false, baz: 'qux' })); // ⇠ { bar: 'baz', baz: 'qux' }
// Freeze configurations
// Assign new configurations throws
config.assign({ app: { name: 'Noop' } }); // ⇠ throws E_CONFIG_FROZEN
Running Tests
Run the test suite using:
node test
Test Coverage
▶ @superhero/config
▶ Add configurations by file
✔ Add a JS config file (6.650687ms)
✔ Add a JSON config file (4.996483ms)
✔ Add a branch-specific config file (2.732737ms)
✔ Throw an error when config file is not found (2.686661ms)
✔ Add configurations by file (19.461934ms)
▶ Assign configurations
✔ Assign new configuration into existing config (0.735019ms)
✔ Overwrite existing keys during assign (1.107044ms)
✔ Assign configurations (2.161771ms)
▶ Make configuration immutable
✔ Freeze the configuration (0.858002ms)
✔ Throw an error when trying to add after freezing (0.651389ms)
✔ Make configuration immutable (1.806803ms)
▶ Find configurations
✔ Find a value in the configuration using slash notation (12.074335ms)
✔ Find absolute directory path by config key-value pair (2.93703ms)
✔ Find a value in the configuration using an escaped slash notation (0.710018ms)
✔ Return undefined for nonexistent keys (2.707318ms)
✔ Return fallback value for nonexistent keys (2.531019ms)
✔ Do not use the fallback value if key exists in the config (4.277948ms)
✔ Use fallback value to complement configured data structure (3.00954ms)
✔ Find configurations (29.650847ms)
✔ @superhero/config (72.570047ms)
tests 15
suites 5
pass 15
file | line % | branch % | funcs % | uncovered lines
index.js | 94.74 | 91.18 | 100.00 | 115-120 167-169
index.test.js | 100.00 | 100.00 | 100.00 |
all files | 97.29 | 94.83 | 100.00 |
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests for improvements or additional features.