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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

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This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




React component to create interactive D3 tree hierarchies




React D3 Tree

Greenkeeper badge Build Status Coverage Status Codacy Badge npm version npm

React D3 Tree is a React component that lets you represent hierarchical data (e.g. ancestor trees, organisational structure, package dependencies) as an animated & interactive tree graph by leveraging D3's tree layout.



  • Current release:


yarn add react-d3-tree
# or
npm i --save react-d3-tree


import React from 'react';
import Tree from 'react-d3-tree';

const myTreeData = [
    name: 'Top Level',
    attributes: {
      keyA: 'val A',
      keyB: 'val B',
      keyC: 'val C',
    children: [
        name: 'Level 2: A',
        attributes: {
          keyA: 'val A',
          keyB: 'val B',
          keyC: 'val C',
        name: 'Level 2: B',

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      {/* <Tree /> will fill width/height of its container; in this case `#treeWrapper` */}
      <div id="treeWrapper" style={{width: '50em', height: '20em'}}>

        <Tree data={myTreeData} />



| Property | Type | Options | Required? | Default | Description | |:------------------------|:-----------------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:----------|:--------------------------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | data | array | | required | undefined | Single-element array containing hierarchical object (see myTreeData above). Contains (at least) name and parent keys. | | nodeSvgShape | object | see Node shapes | | {shape: 'circle', shapeProps: r: 10} | Sets a specific SVG shape element + shapeProps to be used for each node. | | nodeLabelComponent | object | see Using foreignObjects | | null | Allows using a React component as a node label; requires allowForeignObjects to be set. | | onClick | func | | | undefined | Callback function to be called when a node is clicked. The clicked node's data object is passed to the callback function. | | onMouseOver | func | | | undefined | Callback function to be called when mouse enters the space belonging to a node. The node's data object is passed to the callback. | | onMouseOut | func | | | undefined | Callback function to be called when mouse leaves the space belonging to a node. The node's data object is passed to the callback. | | onUpdate | func | | | undefined | Callback function to be called when the inner D3 component updates. That is - on every zoom or translate event, or when tree branches are toggled. The node's data object, as well as zoom level and coordinates are passed to the callback. | | orientation | string (enum) | horizontal vertical | | horizontal | horizontal - Tree expands left-to-right. vertical - Tree expands top-to-bottom. | | translate | object | | | {x: 0, y: 0} | Translates the graph along the x/y axis by the specified amount of pixels (avoids the graph being stuck in the top left canvas corner). | | pathFunc | string (enum)/func | diagonalelbowstraightcustomFunc(linkData, orientation) | | diagonal | diagonal - Smooth, curved edges between parent-child nodes. elbow - Sharp edges at right angles between parent-child nodes. straight - Straight lines between parent-child nodes. customFunc - Custom draw function that accepts linkData as its first param and orientation as its second. | | collapsible | bool | | | true | Toggles ability to collapse/expand the tree's nodes by clicking them. | | initialDepth | number | 0..n | | undefined | Sets the maximum node depth to which the tree is expanded on its initial render. Tree renders to full depth if prop is omitted. | | depthFactor | number | -n..0..n | | undefined | Ensures the tree takes up a fixed amount of space (node.y = node.depth * depthFactor), regardless of tree depth. TIP: Negative values invert the tree's direction. | | zoomable | bool | | | true | Toggles ability to zoom in/out on the Tree by scaling it according to props.scaleExtent. | | zoom | number | 0..n | | 1 | A floating point number to set the initial zoom level. It is constrained by props.scaleExtent. 1 is the default "non-zoomed" level. | | scaleExtent | object | {min: 0..n, max: 0..n} | | {min: 0.1, max: 1} | Sets the minimum/maximum extent to which the tree can be scaled if props.zoomable is true. | | nodeSize | object | {x: 0..n, y: 0..n} | | {x: 140, y: 140} | Sets a fixed size for each node. This does not affect node circle sizes, circle sizes are handled by the circleRadius prop. | | separation | object | {siblings: 0..n, nonSiblings: 0..n} | | {siblings: 1, nonSiblings: 2} | Sets separation between neighbouring nodes, differentiating between siblings (same parent) and non-siblings. | | transitionDuration | number | 0..n | | 500 | Sets the animation duration (in ms) of each expansion/collapse of a tree node. Set this to 0 to deactivate animations completely. | | textLayout | object | {textAnchor: enum, x: -n..0..n, y: -n..0..n, transform: string} | | {textAnchor: "start", x: 10, y: -10, transform: undefined } | Configures the positioning of each node's text (name & attributes) relative to the node itself.textAnchor enums mirror the text-anchor spec.x & y accept integers denoting px values. transform mirrors the svg transform spec. | | styles | object | see Styling | | Node/Link CSS files | Overrides and/or enhances the tree's default styling. | | allowForeignObjects | bool | see Using foreignObjects | | false | Allows use of partially supported <foreignObject /> elements. | | circleRadius (legacy) | number | 0..n | | undefined | Sets the radius of each node's <circle> element. Will be deprecated in v2, please use nodeSvgShape instead. |

Node shapes

The nodeSvgShape prop allows specifying any SVG shape primitive to describe how the tree's nodes should be shaped.

Note: nodeSvgShape and circleRadius are mutually exclusive props. nodeSvgShape will be used unless the legacy circleRadius is specified.

For example, assuming we want to use squares instead of the default circles, we can do:

const svgSquare = {
  shape: 'rect',
  shapeProps: {
    width: 20,
    height: 20,
    x: -10,
    y: -10,

// ...

<Tree data={myTreeData} nodeSvgShape={svgSquare}>

To avoid rendering any node element, simply set nodeSvgShape to { shape: 'none' }.

Overridable shapeProps

shapeProps is currently merged with (see Styling).

This means any properties passed in shapeProps will be overridden by properties with the same key in the style props.
This is to prevent breaking the legacy usage of circleRadius + styling via node/leafNode properties until it is deprecated fully in v2.

From v1.5.x onwards, it is therefore recommended to pass all node styling properties through shapeProps.


The tree's styles prop may be used to override any of the tree's default styling. The following object shape is expected by styles:

  links: <svgStyleObject>,
  nodes: {
    node: {
      circle: <svgStyleObject>,
      name: <svgStyleObject>,
      attributes: <svgStyleObject>,
    leafNode: {
      circle: <svgStyleObject>,
      name: <svgStyleObject>,
      attributes: <svgStyleObject>,

where <svgStyleObject> is any object containing CSS-like properties that are compatible with an <svg> element's style attribute, for example:

  stroke: 'blue',
  strokeWidth: 3,

For more information on the SVG style attribute, check this out.

External data sources

Statically hosted JSON or CSV files can be used as data sources via the additional treeUtil module.


import React from 'react';
import { Tree, treeUtil } from 'react-d3-tree';

const csvSource = '';

constructor() {

  this.state = {
    data: undefined,

componentWillMount() {
  .then((data) => {
    this.setState({ data })
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      {/* <Tree /> will fill width/height of its container; in this case `#treeWrapper` */}
      <div id="treeWrapper" style={{width: '50em', height: '20em'}}>

        <Tree data={} />


For details regarding the treeUtil module, please check the module's API docs.
For examples of each data type that can be parsed with treeUtil, please check the data source examples.

Using foreignObjects

⚠️ Requires allowForeignObjects prop to be set due to limited browser support: IE does not currently support foreignObject elements.

The SVG spec's foreignObject element allows foreign XML content to be rendered into the SVG namespace, unlocking the ability to use regular React components for elements of the tree graph.


The nodeLabelComponent prop provides a way to use a React component for each node's label. It accepts an object with the following signature:

  render: ReactElement,
  foreignObjectWrapper?: object
  • render is the XML React-D3-Tree will use to render each node's label.
  • foreignObjectWrapper contains a set of attributes that should be passed to the <foreignObject /> that wraps nodeLabelComponent. For possible attributes please check the spec.

Note: foreignObjectWrapper will set its width and height attributes to whatever values nodeSize.x and nodeSize.y return by default. To override this behaviour for each attribute, specify width and/or height properties for your foreignObjectWrapper.

Note: The ReactElement passed to render is cloned with its existing props and receives an additional nodeData object prop, containing information about the current node.


Assuming we have a React component NodeLabel and we want to avoid node's label overlapping with the node itself by moving its position along the Y-axis, we could implement nodeLabelComponent like so:

class NodeLabel extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
    const {className, nodeData} = this.props
    return (
      <div className={className}>
        {nodeData._children && 
          <button>{nodeData._collapsed ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse'}</button>

/* ... */

render() {
  return (
        render: <NodeLabel className='myLabelComponentInSvg' />,
        foreignObjectWrapper: {
          y: 24
