This is a lightweight logger for Node.JS. It can output logs in different levels, and you can customize the scope, id, and timezone.
A Sumor Cloud Tool.
More Documentation
This is a lightweight logger for Node.JS. It can output logs in different levels, and you can customize the scope, id, and timezone.
npm i @sumor/logger --save
Node.JS version
Require Node.JS version 18.x or above
require Node.JS ES module
As this package is written in ES module,
please change the following code in your package.json
"type": "module"
General Usage
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const logger = new Logger()
logger.trace('Hello World!')
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 TRACE MAIN - Hello World!
Change Scope
For some case, we need categorize logs. scope
is used for this purpose.
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const logger = new Logger({
scope: 'DEMO'
logger.trace('Hello World!')
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 TRACE DEMO - Hello World!
Identifier User
For some case, we need identifier user. id
is used for this purpose.
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const logger = new Logger({
id: 'USER001'
logger.trace('Hello World!')
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 TRACE MAIN USER001 - Hello World!
Change Level
Most of the time, we only need to output logs of a certain level. Then we can decide if store and display it or not.
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const logger = new Logger()
logger.trace('Hello World!') // trace is the lowest level, all logs will be output
logger.debug('Hello World!')
logger.info('Hello World!')
logger.warn('Hello World!')
logger.error('Hello World!')
logger.fatal('Hello World!') // fatal is the highest level, only critical error will be output
Change Timezone
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const logger1 = new Logger({
offset: 2 * 60 // UTC+2 offset is 2 hours
logger1.info('Hello World!')
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 02:00:00.000 INFO MAIN - Hello World!
const logger2 = new Logger({
offset: 8 * 60 // UTC+8 offset is 8 hours
logger2.info('Hello World!')
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 08:00:00.000 INFO MAIN - Hello World!
Predefined Code
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const code = {
trace: {
HTTP_ACCESS: 'The user accesses via HTTP and the IP address is {ip}'
debug: {
USER_TOKEN_LOADED: 'The user login information is read and the user ID is {id}'
info: {
USER_LOGIN: 'The user logs in and the user ID is {id}'
warn: {
USER_LOGOUT: 'The user logs out and the user ID is {id}'
error: {
USER_LOGIN_FAILED: 'The user login failed and the user ID is {id}'
fatal: {
USER_LOGIN_BLOCKED: 'The user login is blocked and the user ID is {id}'
const i18n = {
zh: {
USER_LOGIN: '用户登录,用户ID为{id}'
const logger1 = new Logger({
logger1.code('USER_LOGIN', { id: 'USER001' })
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 INFO MAIN - The user logs in and the user ID is USER001
const logger2 = new Logger({
language: 'zh-US'
logger2.code('USER_LOGIN', { id: 'USER001' })
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 INFO MAIN - The user logs in and the user ID is USER001
const logger3 = new Logger({
language: 'zh-CN'
logger3.code('USER_LOGIN', { id: 'USER001' })
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 INFO MAIN - 用户登录,用户ID为USER001
Global Language Setting
process.env.LANGUAGE = 'zh-CN'
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const code = {
info: {
USER_LOGIN: 'The user logs in and the user ID is {id}'
const i18n = {
zh: {
USER_LOGIN: '用户登录,用户ID为{id}'
const logger = new Logger({
logger.code('USER_LOGIN', { id: 'USER001' })
// You will see the following output:
// 2020-01-01 00:00:00.000 INFO MAIN - 用户登录,用户ID为USER001
Filter Level
When you want to filter logs by level, you can use the following code:
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const logger = new Logger({
level: 'info'
logger.trace('Hello World!') // trace is the lowest level, will not be output
logger.debug('Hello World!') // debug is lower than info, will not be output
logger.info('Hello World!') // info is the same as info, will be output
logger.warn('Hello World!') // warn is higher than info, will be output
logger.error('Hello World!') // error is higher than info, will be output
logger.fatal('Hello World!') // fatal is the highest level, will be output
When you use this library cross multiple libraries, you can use the following code:
import Logger from '@sumor/logger'
const logger = new Logger()
process.env.LOG_LEVEL = 'info'
logger.trace('Hello World!') // trace is the lowest level, will not be output
logger.debug('Hello World!') // debug is lower than info, will not be output
logger.info('Hello World!') // info is the same as info, will be output
logger.warn('Hello World!') // warn is higher than info, will be output
logger.error('Hello World!') // error is higher than info, will be output
process.env.LOG_LEVEL = 'warn' // real-time change log level
logger.info('Hello World!') // info is lower than warn, will not be output