Static file serving handler
Handler for serving static files. Router agnostic. Recommended use with @sugo/router
Returns a middleware that reads and sends files.
- @param {\string} dir: The directory in which the files are stored.
- @param {\string} baseUrl: The base url on the request to indicate that a static file is requested. If baseUrl is /base and the request url is /base/bar/foo.txt, then the file to be search will correspond to the path /bar/foo.txt.
- @param {\string} notFoundRedirectPath: The filepath to be served if the requested file was not found. Can be used to render a 404 page. If not set, then it will throw an error when the file is not found. It this path is not found, it will also throw an error.
node version >= 8.12.0
How to install
npm install --save @sugo/serve-static
Requesting a directory
If the user request a directory instead of a file, the middleware will search for a index.html in that directory.
Example - Server
import { createServer } from '@sugo/server';
import Router from '@sugo/router';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import serveStatic from '@sugo/serve-static';
const server = createServer((req: SuGoRequest, res: SuGoResponse) => router.handle(req, res)).useMiddleware(
dir: resolve(__dirname, './public'),
Example - With routes
import { createServer } from '@sugo/server';
import Router from '@sugo/router';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import serveStatic from '@sugo/serve-static';
const router = new Router();
baseUrl: '/public',
dir: resolve(__dirname, './public'),
notFoundRedirectPath: '404.html',
const server = createServer((req: SuGoRequest, res: SuGoResponse) => router.handle(req, res));
Example - NodeHttp
import * as http from 'http';
import serveStatic from '@sugo/serve-static';
const middleware = serveStatic({
dir: resolve(__dirname, './public'),
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => middleware(req, res));
**Example - Hosting a Single Page Application (ReactJS, Angular, VueJS) **
import { createServer } from '@sugo/server';
import Router from '@sugo/router';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import serveStatic from '@sugo/serve-static';
const router = new Router();
baseUrl: '/webapp',
dir: resolve(__dirname, './webapp'),
notFoundRedirectPath: 'index.html',
const server = createServer((req: SuGoRequest, res: SuGoResponse) => router.handle(req, res));