A utility library for cryptographic functions
Subspace Crypto Module
A utility library for cryptographic functions
Usage as a module
Install this module as a dependency into another project
$ yarn add 'github:subspace/profile'
Require this module inside a script
import * as crypto from '@subspace/crypto'
let hash: string = crypto.getHash('abc')
// or
import { getHash } from '@subspace/crypto'
let hash: string = getHash('abc')
crypto.getHash(value: string) : hash: string
Computes the sha256 hash of a string value.
- any string value, typically stringified JSON
Returns hash, a 32 byte hash as a hex encoded string.
crypto.isValidHash(hash: string, value: string) : valid: boolean
Validates a given hash matches a string value.
- any string value, typically stringified JSONhash
- 32 byte hash as a hex encoded string
Returns a boolean.
crypto.getRandom() : random: string
Generates a random 32 byte symmetric encryption key.
Returns random, a 32 byte hex encoded string.
crypto.read(buffer: Buffer) : readeableString: string
Encodes a buffer object (node_id) as a condensed human readable string.
- any hex encoded buffer object
Returns readableString, the first 8 characters of the hex encoded string.
crypto.stringify(value: object | any[]) : value: string
Converts a json object or array into a string.
- any JSON object or array
Returns returnValue, a string encoded value.
crypto.isDateWithinRange(date: number, range: number) : boolean
Validates a given date is within (+/-) a specified range.
- a unix timestamp in millisecondsrange
- a range in milliseconds, typically 10 minutes
Returns a boolean.
async crypto.generateKeys(options: object) : keys: object
Generates and returns a new OpenPGP ED25519 key pair.
- any string value, typically stringified JSONuserIds
- an array of user objects{ name: string, email: string }
- ECC curve name, defaults to ed25519passphrase
- an optional passhprahse to protect the private key, defaults to passphrase
Returns a keys object
- the key objectprivateKeyArmored
- armored private key as a stringpublicKeyArmored
- armored public key as a string
async crypto.getPrivateKeyObject(privateKey: string) : privateKeyObject: object
Extracts the private key object from the armored private keys, for encryption and decryption.
- armored private key
Returns a privateKeyObject.
async crypto.sign(value: string | object | array, privateKeyObject: object) : signature: string
Generates a detached signature of a value given a private key object.
- a string, object, or array (converts to string)privateKeyObject
- openpgp private key object
Returns a signature.
async crypto.isValidSignature(value: string | object | array, signature: string, publicKey: string) : valid: boolean
Validates a signature matches a given input value for a public key.
- a string, object, or array (converts to string)signature
- openpgp detached signaturepublicKey
- openpgp armored public key
Returns a boolean.
async crypto.createJoineProof(profile: object) : joinProof: any[]
Creates a self-signed join proof for gossip to the host network on network.join().
- a subspace profile instance
Returns a join proof array.
- sha256 hash of public keypublicKey
- openpgp armored public keydate
- unix timestampsignature
- openpgp detatched signature of above
async crypto.isValidJoinProof(proof: any[]) : valid: boolean
Validates a join proof has accurate id, signature, and timestamp (10 min range).
- a join proof array
Returns a boolean
async crypto.createLeaveProof(profile: object) : leaveProof: any[]
Creates a self-signed leave proof for gossip to the host network on network.leave().
- a subspace profile instance
Returns a leave proof array.
- sha256 hash of public keydate
- unix timestampsignature
- openpgp detatched signature of above
async crypto.isValidLeaveProof(proof: any[], publicKey: string) : valid: boolean
Validates a leave proof has accurate signature and timestamp (10 min range).
- a leave proof arraypublicKey
- openpgp armored public key (from tracker)
Returns a boolean
async crypto.createFailureProof(nodeId: string, profile: object) : failureProof: any[]
Creates a self-signed failure proof for broadcast to failed host neighbors on neighbor.failure event.
- the id for the failed neighborprofile
- a subspace profile instance
Returns a failure proof array.
- sha256 hash of public key for failed nodeinitiatorId
- sha256 hash of public key for this nodepublicKey
- openpgp armored public key for this nodedate
- unix timestamp when failure detectedsignature
- openpgp detatched signature of above
async crypto.isValidFailureProof(proof: any[], publicKey: string) : valid: boolean
Validates a failure proof has accurate signature and timestamp (10 min range).
- a leave proof arraypublicKey
- openpgp armored public key (from tracker)
Returns a boolean
async crypto.encryptAssymetric(value: string, privateKeyObject: object) : encryptedValue: string
Assymetricaly encrypts a string value given a private key object. Used for encryption of symmetric keys.
- any string valueprivateKeyObject
- openpgp private key object
Returns an encrypted string value.
async crypto.decryptSymmetric(encryptedValue: string, privateKeyObject: object) : decryptedValue: string
Assymetricaly decryptes a string value given a private key object. Used for decryption of symmetric keys.
- any string valueprivateKeyObject
- openpgp private key object
Returns an decrypted string value.
async crypto.encryptSymmetric(value: string, symkey: string) : encryptedValue: string
Symmetrically encrypts a string value given a symmetric key using AES-256 cipher.
- any string valuesymkey
- 32 bytes string key
Returns an encrypted string value.
async crypto.decryptSymmetric(encryptedValue: string, symkey: string) : decryptedValue: string
Symmetrically decrypts a string value given a symmetric key using AES-256 cipher.
- any string valuesymkey
- 32 bytes string key
Returns an decrypted string value.
async crypto.getXorDistance(a: [number], b: [number]) : result: Buffer
Measures the XOR distance between two numbers
- any numberb
- any number of the same length
Returns a result as a Buffer.
crypto.jumpConsistentHash(key: Uint8Array, numBuckets: number): number
Takes a key and number of buckets and returns bucket from range [0, numBuckets)
- 8 bytes keynumBuckets
- number of buckets to which keys should be distributed
import {randomBytes} from 'crypto';
import {jumpConsistentHash} from '@subspace/crypto';
const bucket = jumpConsistentHash(randomBytes(8), 10);
crypto.rendezvousHashPickDestinations(keyHash: Uint8Array, destinations: Destination[], k: number = 1): Uint8Array[]
Takes a key and an array of potential destinations and returns k
closest destinations to that key.
- 8 bytes hash of the keydestinations
- an array of destination objects that are potential candidatesk
- how many closest destinations for specified key to return
Returns an array of IDs of keys (first argument to Destination
object below).
crypto.buildMerkleTree(items: Uint8Array[]): MerkleTree
Creates Merkle Tree object, that can be used to get root or generate proof.
crypto.validateMerklePath(root: Uint8Array, item: Uint8Array, proof: Uint8Array): boolean
Checks whether proof for specific root and item was generated correctly.
import {randomBytes} from 'crypto';
import {rendezvousHashDestination as Destination, rendezvousHashPickDestinations as pickDestinations} from '@subspace/crypto';
const destinations: Destination[] = [
new Destination(randomBytes(8)),
new Destination(randomBytes(8)),
const keys: Uint8Array[] = [
for (const key of keys) {
const destination = pickDestinations(key, destinations)[0];
crypto.rendezvousHashDestination(readonly id: Uint8Array, readonly weight: number = 1)
Class that encapsulates information about particular destination.
and weight
are pubic readonly properties of resulting object
Development usage
Clone and install the repo locally
$ git clone https://www.github.com/subspace/crypto.git
$ cd crypto
$ yarn
Edit code in src/main.ts
Build manually:
$ npm run build
Watch for file changes:
$ npm run watch
Instructions to automate with visual studio code.
Run tests with
$ npx jest