Pre-built Express server that allows you to get up and running quickly.
HulkSmash! Express Server
Pre-built Express server that allows you to get up and running quickly.
Under the hood this utilizes Express and Mongo to get you up and running quickly with very little setup. Additionally I am fond of Papertrail so I use that for logging.
Environment Variables
The config is currently pre-setup for you so all you need to do is provide the correct environment variables.
Installation and Usage
Install by enter one of the commands below.
npm install @sublet/hulk-express-server
yarn add @sublet/hulk-express-server
Once installed, create an app.js
file at the root level
const path = require('path')
const config = {
port: process.env.EXPRESS_PORT || '3000',
bind: '',
appFolder: path.join(__dirname, 'app'),
wrapAsync: (fn, validate = false) => {
return function(req, res, next) {
if (validate) fn(req, res, next).catch(next)
// Make sure to `.catch()` any errors and pass them along to the `next()`
// middleware in the chain, in this case the error handler.
if (!validate) fn(req, res, next).catch(next)
const server = require('@sublet/hulk-express-server')(config)
module.exports = server
This can then be pulled into your app and the subfunctions can be accessed.
Example of starting the server.
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Environment variable validation
const server = require('../app');
App Folder
I tend to keep all of my application logic in a folder called app
. This contains all of the Routes, Controllers, and services you need to make your app work.
... More to follow.
Quick Project Setup: CLI
Install the library globaly so you can access the CLI.
npm i -g @sublet/hulk-express-server
hulk init
Create an API
hulk template:api --title users
Create a Service
hulk template:service --title users
Copy Default Environment Variables
cp sample.env .env
Scripts section to make Makefile commands work
"scripts": {
"start": "sls offline start --skipCacheInvalidation --dontPrintOutput --noPrependStageInUrl --lambdaPort 3005 --httpPort 3040",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text make test-all",
"lint": "eslint ./"
"engines": {
"node": ">=14.15.1"
Install Dependencies
npm i @sublet/hulk-express-server @sublet/hulk-dl-mongo app-module-path aws-config aws-sdk axios bluebird boom ejs md5 moment numeral request serverless-http uuidv4
Install Dev Dependencies
npm i chai chai-http eslint mocha nyc pre-commit require-directory serverless serverless-offline should supertest --save-dev