A multi-dimensional charting library built to work natively with crossfilter and rendered using d3.js
A note before continuing
This is fork of the dc.js plugin adapted to add multiple Y Axis support PLEASE NOTE: this update solves an issue primarily for Suade Labs and is subject to change.
Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered using d3.js.
In dc.js, each chart displays an aggregation of some attributes through the position, size, and color of its elements, and also presents a dimension which can be filtered. When the filter or brush changes, all other charts are updated dynamically, using animated transitions.
Check out the example page and its annotated source for a quick five minute how-to guide. The detailed API reference is here (markdown version). For more examples and hints please visit the Wiki.
Install with npm
npm install @suadelabs/dc
Install without npm
How to build dc.js locally
Prerequisite modules
Make sure the following packages are installed on your machine
- node.js
- npm
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Build and Test
$ grunt test
Developing dc.js
Start the development server
$ grunt server
- Jasmine specs are hosted at http://localhost:8888/spec
- The stock example is at http://localhost:8888/web
- More examples are at http://localhost:8888/web/examples
dc.js is an open source javascript library and licensed under Apache License v2.