A brainfuck interpreter written in JS. Ironic, really.
A brainfuck interpreter written in JS. Ironic, really. At least it doesn't depend on anything.
Following the inofficial Portable Brainfuck implementation standard as written by Brian Reiter.
Implementation-defined details:
- All cells hold 64 bit floating point integers (largest: 2^53 - 1) which may be negative.
- Characters are represented by their UTF16 code.
- The pointer may not be smaller than zero.
- If input is expected but stdin empty, the program will block and wait for input.
const { bf } = require('@sturmwalzer/brainfuck');
// Move value of cell zero (which is read from stdin) to the next cell.
bf(', [ -> +< ] .');
Optionally a function can be passed as the second argument to act as a callback, which will receive the following object as its only argument:
index: number,
cells: number[],
pointer: number,
bf(', [ -> +< ] .', (meta) => {
console.log('completed brainfuck execution', meta.cells);